Version Differences for Miscellaneous Scripts

Line 846:
  // continue processing the other dependencies .... </pre>    // continue processing the other dependencies .... </pre> 
    + = Parse SVN Revision Number from Checkout Output =  
    + ==== AHPSCRIPTS-66 ====  
    + <pre>// looking for "Checked out revision 19642."  
    + stepName = "Populate Workspace";  
    + revisionStart = "Checked out revision ";  
    + revisionEnd = ".";  
    + latestRevision = 0;  
    + jobTrace = JobTraceLookup.getCurrent();  
    + steps = jobTrace.getStepTraceArray();  
    + step = null;  
    + for (int s=0; s<steps.length; s++) {  
    + if (stepName.equals(steps[s].getName())) {  
    + step = steps[s];  
    + break;  
    + }  
    + }  
    + commands = step.getCommandTraceArray();  
    + for (int c=0; c<commands.length; c++) {  
    + if (commands[c].getName().startsWith("populate-workspace")) {  
    + log = LogHelper.getOutput(commands[c]);  
    + start = log.lastIndexOf(revisionStart);  
    + if (start < 0) {  
    + commandOutput.println("Revision not found in " + commands[c].getName());  
    + }  
    + else {  
    + start += revisionStart.length();  
    + log = log.substring(start);  
    + end = log.indexOf(revisionEnd);  
    + if (end < 0) {  
    + commandOutput.println("Revision not found in " + commands[c].getName());  
    + }  
    + else {  
    + rev = Long.parseLong(log.substring(0, end).trim());  
    + if (rev > latestRevision) {  
    + latestRevision = rev;  
    + }  
    + }  
    + }  
    + }  
    + }  
    + if (latestRevision > 0) {  
    + BuildRequestLookup.getCurrent().setProperty("svn.revision", String.valueOf(latestRevision));  
    + commandOutput.println("Found revision " + latestRevision);  
    + }  
    + else {  
    + commandOutput.println("Revision not found in " + jobTrace.getName());  
    + }  
    + </pre>