Version Differences for RSS 2.0 Feed Template

Line 1:
    + This template displays supplied data in RSS 2.0 format. All data passed to this template can be alphanumeric.  
    + ----  
    + ''Content Type:''  
    + <pre>application/xml</pre>  
    + ----  
    + ''Context Script:''  
    + <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.reporting.*;  
    + ReportOutput output = (ReportOutput) context.get("output");  
    + // validate that the report can be turned into a RSS feed  
    + if (!output.hasColumn("title") ||  
    + !output.hasColumn("date") ||  
    + !output.hasColumn("link") ||  
    + !output.hasColumn("guid") ||  
    + !output.hasColumn("description")) {  
    + throw new Exception("The report output does not support the RSS template");  
    + }  
    + context.put("pubDate", new Date());  
    + </pre  
    + ----  
    + ''Template Text:''  
    + <pre><?xml version="1.0"?>  
    + <rss version="2.0">  
    + <channel>  
    + <title>$report.Name</title>  
    + <link>$reportUrl.replaceAll("&","&amp;")</link>  
    + <description>$report.Description</description>  
    + <language>en-us</language>  
    + <pubDate>$pubDate</pubDate>  
    + <generator>Anthill3</generator>  
    + #foreach($row in $output.RowArray)  
    + <item>  
    + <title>$row.getColumnValue("title")</title>  
    + <link>$row.getColumnValue("link")</link>  
    + <description>$row.getColumnValue("description")</description>  
    + <pubDate>$row.getColumnValue("date")</pubDate>  
    + <guid>$row.getColumnValue("guid")</guid>  
    + </item>  
    + #end  
    + </channel>  
    + </rss>  
    + </pre>  
    + '''Related Content'''  
    + [[AnthillPro Template Reports]]<br/>  
    + [[Report Templates]]