Version Differences for Pre-Flight Tool

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  The preflight flags are not limited to any particular steps. This is useful, for example, for skipping packing steps not useful to a preflight user or publishing preflight artifacts to special artifact sets.    The preflight flags are not limited to any particular steps. This is useful, for example, for skipping packing steps not useful to a preflight user or publishing preflight artifacts to special artifact sets. 
    + = Simple Build =  
    + The preflight client controls what files are sent and what files are received  
    + with command line options. For sending source files, "-i" will add an include  
    + pattern and "-x" will add an exclude pattern. For receiving files, the options  
    + are similiar: "-I" will add an artifact include pattern and "-X" will add an  
    + exclude pattern (note the difference is case).  
    + Here's a simple example:  
    + <pre>C:\>preflight build -p petstore -w "build trunk" -i "src/**" -x "src/conf/**" -I "dist/*.war" -X "dist/util.war"</pre>  
    + This command will run the "build trunk" workflow of the "petstore" project. All  
    + source files will be included except those in src/conf. All WAR files in dist  
    + will be returned, except for util.war.