Version Differences for AnthillPro Hardware Requirements

(Who misspelled Application? Epic fail.)
(Apparently I am an epic fail of a retard for misspelling the misspeled APplication. And yes, comment epic fail as well.)
Line 7:
  We have had issues with OpenVMS as the OS for both the AnthillPro server and agents before. We recommend using a different operating system if at all possible.    We have had issues with OpenVMS as the OS for both the AnthillPro server and agents before. We recommend using a different operating system if at all possible. 
- = Aplication Servers =   + = Application Servers =  
  We recommend 2 application servers – One active, one hot standby. For each, we recommend the following:    We recommend 2 application servers – One active, one hot standby. For each, we recommend the following: