Version Differences for Miscellaneous Scripts

Line 1475:
  output = output.substring(0, output.indexOf("command exit code:"));     output = output.substring(0, output.indexOf("command exit code:"));  
  PropertyLookup.set("output", output.trim());</pre>    PropertyLookup.set("output", output.trim());</pre> 
    + = Give Read, Write, and Security Permissions to Build Master and System Admin For Non-Ignored Agents =  
    + *This can be used to fix broken permissions on the agents  
    + ==== AHPSCRIPTS-96 ====  
    + <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.main.client.AnthillClient;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.agent.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.authentication.*;  
    + import*;  
    + import java.util.*;  
    + try {  
    + agentArray = AgentFactory.getInstance().restoreAllNotIgnored();  
    + Role bmRole = RoleFactory.getInstance().restoreForName("Build Master");  
    + Role saRole = RoleFactory.getInstance().restoreForName("System Admin");  
    + for (Agent agent: agentArray) {  
    + boolean bmHasWrite = false;  
    + boolean bmHasRead = false;  
    + boolean bmHasSec = false;  
    + boolean saHasWrite = false;  
    + boolean saHasRead = false;  
    + boolean saHasSec = false;  
    + resource = ResourceFactory.getInstance().restoreForPersistent(agent);  
    + // Determine roles don't have read access to an agent  
    + Permission[] permissions = PermissionFactory.getInstance().restoreAllForResource(resource);  
    + for (Permission permission : permissions) {  
    + Role role = permission.getRole();  
    + action = permission.getAction();  
    + if (role.equals(bmRole) && action.equals("read")) {  
    + bmHasRead = true;  
    + }  
    + else if (role.equals(bmRole) && action.equals("write")) {  
    + bmHasWrite = true;  
    + }  
    + else if (role.equals(bmRole) && action.equals("security")) {  
    + bmHasSec = true;  
    + }  
    + else if (role.equals(saRole) && action.equals("read")) {  
    + saHasRead = true;  
    + }  
    + else if (role.equals(saRole) && action.equals("write")) {  
    + saHasWrite = true;  
    + }  
    + else if (role.equals(saRole) && action.equals("security")) {  
    + saHasSec = true;  
    + }  
    + }  
    + // Give Build Master Write Permission  
    + if (!bmHasWrite) {  
    + p = new Permission(true, resource, "write", bmRole);  
    + }  
    + if (!bmHasRead) {  
    + p = new Permission(true, resource, "read", bmRole);  
    + }  
    + if (!bmHasSec) {  
    + p = new Permission(true, resource, "security", bmRole);  
    + }  
    + if (!saHasWrite) {  
    + p = new Permission(true, resource, "write", saRole);  
    + }  
    + if (!saHasRead) {  
    + p = new Permission(true, resource, "read", saRole);  
    + }  
    + if (!saHasSec) {  
    + p = new Permission(true, resource, "security", saRole);  
    + }  
    + }  
    + }  
    + catch (Exception e) {  
    + e.printStackTrace(commandOutput);  
    + }</pre>