Version Differences for Remoting Specific Scripts

Line 557:
  //Close unit of work    //Close unit of work 
  uow.close(); </pre>    uow.close(); </pre> 
    + = Create a New Originating Workflow For Mass Branching or Projects (CVS) =  
    + This script will go through all of the Projects and search for Projects Using an existing Branch and Create a new Originating Workflow which points to the new Branch. This script takes a listing of Projects and as well as a Branch Name and optionally a Workflow Name if you are not naming yours based on the BranchNameBuild convention.  
    + ==== AHPSCRIPTS-75 ====  
    + <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.main.client.AnthillClient;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.profile.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.source.cvs.CvsSourceConfig;  
    + import com.urbancode.codestation2.domain.project.*;  
    + import java.util.*;  
    + List getProjectsForNameList(String projectListStr) {  
    + List result = new ArrayList();  
    + String[] projectNames = projectListStr.split(",");  
    + for (int i = 0; i < projectNames.length; i++) {  
    + Project project = ProjectFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(projectNames[i].trim());  
    + //Verify that the project exists  
    + if (project == null) {  
    + throw new IllegalStateException("No Project Found with name " + projectNames[i]);  
    + }  
    + //Verify project contains a proper workflow to copy  
    + if (project.getWorkflow(workflowName) == null) {  
    + throw new IllegalStateException("Project " + projectNames[i] + " had no workflow named " + workflowName);  
    + }  
    + //Verify the workflow is originating  
    + if (!project.getWorkflow(workflowName).isOriginating()) {  
    + throw new IllegalStateException("Project " + projectNames[i] + " workflow named " + workflowName + " is not originating");  
    + }  
    + result.add(project);  
    + }  
    + return result;  
    + }  
    + void modifyBranchOnSourceConfig(Workflow workflow) {  
    + if (!(workflow.getBuildProfile().getSourceConfig() instanceof CvsSourceConfig)) {  
    + throw new IllegalStateException("Workflow " + workflow.getName() + " for Project " + workflow.getProject().getName() + " does not contain a CvsSourceConfig");  
    + }  
    + CvsSourceConfig sourceConfig = workflow.getBuildProfile().getSourceConfig();  
    + for (int i =0; i < sourceConfig.getModuleArray().length; i++) {  
    + sourceConfig.getModuleArray()[i].setBranch(branchName);  
    + }  
    + }  
    + Workflow getOrCreateBranchWorkflow(Project project, Workflow workflow) {  
    + Workflow result = null;  
    + String branchWorkflowName = strategicProjectName + "Build";  
    + if (project.getWorkflow(branchWorkflowName) == null) {  
    + print("Creating Branch Workflow for Project " + project.getName());  
    + result = workflow.duplicate();  
    + result.setName(branchWorkflowName);  
    + if (result.getBuildProfile() == null) {  
    + throw new IllegalStateException("Workflow " + result.getName() + " for Project " + workflow.getProject().getName() + " has no Build Profile");  
    + }  
    + result.getBuildProfile().setName(branchWorkflowName);  
    + modifyBranchOnSourceConfig(result);  
    + }  
    + else {  
    + print("Retrieving Existing Branch Workflow for Project " + project.getName());  
    + result = project.getWorkflow(branchWorkflowName);  
    + }  
    + return result;  
    + }  
    + void migrateDependenciesToBranchedProfiles(BuildProfile buildProfile, Map tacticalProfileToBranchProfile) {  
    + for (int i =0; i < buildProfile.getDependencyArray().length; i++) {  
    + Dependency dep = buildProfile.getDependencyArray()[i];  
    + if (dep.getDependency() instanceof AnthillProject) {  
    + AnthillProject anthillProject = (AnthillProject) dep.getDependency();  
    + if (tacticalProfileToBranchProfile.containsKey(anthillProject.getBuildProfile())) {  
    + BuildProfile branchProfile = (BuildProfile) tacticalProfileToBranchProfile.get(anthillProject.getBuildProfile());  
    + AnthillProject newDependency = new AnthillProject(branchProfile);  
    + print("Changing Project " + buildProfile.getProject().getName() + " to depend on " + newDependency.getName());  
    + dep.setDependency(newDependency);  
    + }  
    + }  
    + }  
    + }  
    + String serverHost = "localhost";  
    + int serverPort = 4567;  
    + String userName = "admin";  
    + String password = "admin";  
    + String strategicProjectName = null;  
    + String projectListStr = null;  
    + String branchName = null;  
    + String workflowName = "TacticalBuild";  
    + Map tacticalProfileToBranchProfile = new HashMap();  
    + List branchProfiles = new ArrayList();  
    + if (bsh.args.length <= 6) {  
    + throw new IllegalStateException("createBranchwWorkflows.bsh <server> <port> <username> <password> <strat-proj-name> <proj-list> <branch-name> ?<workflow-name> ");  
    + }  
    + serverHost = bsh.args[0];  
    + serverPort = Integer.parseInt(bsh.args[1]);  
    + userName = bsh.args[2];  
    + password = bsh.args[3];  
    + strategicProjectName = bsh.args[4];  
    + projectListStr = bsh.args[5];  
    + branchName = bsh.args[6];  
    + if (bsh.args.length == 8) {  
    + workflowName = bsh.args[7];  
    + }  
    + // obtain connection to the Anthill server  
    + AnthillClient anthill = AnthillClient.connect(serverHost, serverPort,  
    + userName, password);  
    + // create a Unit of Work  
    + UnitOfWork uow = anthill.createUnitOfWork();  
    + // Query up all the projects  
    + List projects = getProjectsForNameList(projectListStr);  
    + print("Found " + projects.size() + " projects to modify");  
    + // Run through all of the projects creating any branch workflows that dont already exist  
    + // This also builds up a list of the old workflows to the new workflows so we can change any dependencies  
    + for (int i = 0; i < projects.size(); i++) {  
    + Project project = (Project) projects.get(i);  
    + Workflow workflow = project.getWorkflow(workflowName);  
    + Workflow branchWorkflow = getOrCreateBranchWorkflow(project, workflow);  
    + tacticalProfileToBranchProfile.put(workflow.getBuildProfile(), branchWorkflow.getBuildProfile());  
    + branchProfiles.add(branchWorkflow.getBuildProfile());  
    + }  
    + for (int i =0; i < branchProfiles.size(); i++) {  
    + BuildProfile buildProfile = (BuildProfile) branchProfiles.get(i);  
    + migrateDependenciesToBranchedProfiles(buildProfile, tacticalProfileToBranchProfile);  
    + }  
    + uow.commitAndClose();</pre>