
Urbancode's licensing model has a concept of users/committers (those who commit to an code base), and agents (machines that perform the work done to code). It is common to mistakenly interchange the two. The section listed below attempts to help negate that confusion.

Licensing Model

There are no per-server fees, per-project fees, and per-agent fees. Pricing for AnthillPro is based on the number of developers working on projects managed by AnthillPro. So how do we determine who is a developer? Simply, if a user is committing code to a project, that user is considered a developer. If a developer is committing code to multiple projects our license system will notice that and count the developer only once.

What if a developer is committing code to two projects, will that developer be counted twice? No. Each developer is counted only once.

Important Concepts About Licensing Model

There are a few key concepts to remember about the licensing model, which include (but are not limited to):

  • 90-day rollover period or "User stale days" (this is the default value but may have been negotiated to 60 or 30 days during the sale)
    • Committers are tracked for 90 days. What this means is that if a user committed code 89 days ago, that user is still counted against your license total.

Upgrades From AnthillPro 2.x

Teams current on their maintenance for AnthillPro 2.x are generally eligible for an upgrade to a single agent, unlimited user license for AnthillPro BMS 3.x. Upgrades to multi-server BMS installations or AnthillPro ALA generally require a migration to the new licensing model.


Wayback Machine - AnthillPro Licensing Page, Feb. 2010