Rational System Architect V11.3

Improvements and Fixes Provided with V11.3

© Copyright IBM Corporation 1986, 2009



Rational System Architect® V11.3 features the following improvements:


·         Workspaces – enabling support for as-is, and multiple to-be architectures

·         Mirrored Properties

·         Rational System Architect Usability Improvements

I.         Views Explorer Improved; Is New Default Browser

    1. More Easily Accessible Referenced By
    2. Streamlined Point-Click-Explore Interaction
    3. Explorer Properties window allows editing of text properties
    4. Property History dialog extended to include all properties
    5. Better SA Diagramming Aesthetics – Modernized look and feel of drawing cursors, symbol handlebars, toolbar icons
    6. Case Insensitive Reporting and Search (Ignorecase command added to reporting system)
    7. SVG Export to JPG, PNG, and PDF
    8. Auto-Arrange BPMN Diagrams

·         Search Engine

·         Metamodel Graphical Editor

·         Heatmaps Manager for Improved Analysis

·         Support for MODAF 1.2 and NAF 3

·         SA/XT Usability Improvements

·         Rational System Architect/ Rational Focal Point Integration

·         SA/Process Integrator Usability Improvements






This version of Rational System Architect introduces a new concept called workspaces. A workspace is an isolated area within an encyclopedia, within which users may create versions of their architecture, such as as-is (baseline) and multiple to-be (target) architectures. A workspace is essentially a layer within an encyclopedia. Workspaces are managed within the Rational System Architect Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM). Users may choose the workspace that they are working in, and work away as they normally would within Rational System Architect. They may modify, add, and delete artifacts without affecting other workspaces. Multiple child workspaces can be created from the same parent baseline. Users may easily switch between workspaces, and compare workspaces, and merge and extract information between workspaces. You are not required to use workspaces – you may use Rational System Architect as you have in the past, and not turn workspaces on. There is only one root workspace; all other workspaces inherit from the parent baseline.



Workspaces addresses the need to manage versions of enterprise architectures, enabling you to build as-is (baseline) and multiple to-be (target) architectures. Workspaces offer detailed traceability, differencing – comparing the original architecture with the evolved architecture, and merging of information between workspaces.


How to Review:

View the on-line help for more details on how to create and manage workspaces.



Mirrored Properties



Relationships between definition types in Rational System Architect can be navigated in both directions by the reporting system; however, a set of properties holding values of the relationship has only been able to be editable on one side of the relationship – in one of the definitions; to have the property set viewable in both definitions of the relationship, users needed to make both properties readonly and input values via an owning matrix. For example if an Application definition has a list of Servers, and a Server definition has a list of Applications, then you needed to make both lists readonly and enter values via an owning Application-to-Server matrix; or you could put the list of Servers property in an Application, but not show a list of Applications in the Server definition, and so forth.


Users frequently wanted to be able to add information into this type of relationship in either definition. To force them to enter values in a matrix made them feel that they were ‘going around the world’ to enter information into the tool. Mirrored properties (aka, symmetric properties) solve this usability issue. A new keyword “Mirrors” has been added to the SAPROPS/USRPROPS language. Mirrored properties are enforced consistently through all the user interface facilities – you may add information to either definition, or to the matrix, and all other places where the information is represented are automatically updated.



Ease of use on inputting information into the tool.


How to Review:

The Mirrors command has been added to many definition relationships in the tool. For example, open up a Business Goal definition, and note that it has a list of Strategies that it is related to. Note that you can add a Strategy to a Business Goal, and a Business Goal to a Strategy definition, and either side is updated when you do. Select View, Matrix Browser, and open a Strategy to Business Goal matrix. Note that the matrix is updated based on information you have put into either definition type.


To use the Mirrors command in your usrprops customization consult the help topic Mirrors within the help book: Rational System Architect – General, Customizing Rational System Architect, Extending the Metamodel with USRPROPS, Keywords, Mirrors.  


Views Explorer Improved; Is New Default Browser (Usability Improvement)



The Views Explorer was introduced to Rational System Architect in V11.0. It features the ability to categorize information into Views which are either built by the user by dragging and dropping artifacts into the View (Static View) or by the end user creating a View that is updated based on the running of one or more reports (Dynamic View). The new Views Explorer also provided other new features, such as the ability to sort items in the tree by case sensitive/insensitive and ascending/descending order. However, many of the features of the existing, ‘classic’ Explorer were not yet incorporated into the Views Explorer and the performance of the Views Explorer wasn’t as good as the ‘classic’ Explorer. For this release, all functionality of the ‘classic’ Explorer has been put into the Views Explorer, and the Views Explorer has been made the default explorer. Note: users may still use the ‘classic’ Explorer (by selecting View, Classic Explorer) and change it back to being the default by an ini setting (select Tools, Session Options, and set the EnableClassicExplorer option).



Users gain all the benefits of both Explorers, and will be less confused by the appearance of two explorers to choose from. 


How to Review:

The Views Explorer is the new default explorer. It is simply referred to as the Explorer from now on. If it is not open, you may open it by selecting View, Explorer. 


Refresh of Views Explorer Adjustable by End Users (Usability Improvement)



Previously, the Explorer (Classic) had three refresh modes (on, off, or refresh only items in view) that were set in the .ini file. By default, auto-refresh was set to off to maximize multi-user performance on the network. Many users did not know there was an option to select the refresh preferences of the Explorer, leading new users to wonder why their changes weren’t seen in the Explorer. Now, new users can make a conscious decision on the auto-refresh selection, as a dialog box appears upon the first operation that asks them what mode they’d like to work in. Afterwards, they may change the setting as they have in the past, via the ini file settings (select Tools, Session Options, and in the System Architect Session Options Editor, make selections to the choices BrowserAutoRefresh and BrowserFullRefresh. These choices now apply to the Views Explorer (now the default) as well as the Classic Explorer. Note: to set the Views Explorer to autorefresh only items in view, turn BrowserAutoRefresh "on" and BrowserFullRefresh "off".



Refresh of the Explorer is an important aspect of working in a repository, and the user should be aware of their options and be able to easily change those options at any time. For example, the Views Explorer can contain report-based Dynamic views. The end user should have full knowledge and capability to decide whether the reports that refresh those views are run every time someone on the network makes a change. 


How to Review:

You should be presented with a dialog asking you what refresh mode you’d like to work in when you use Rational System Architect the first time after installation. Afterwards, you may select Tools, Session Options and change the settings for the Views Explorer.



More Easily Accessible Referenced By (Usability Improvement)



The Reference By facility has been made easier to access and use. The Reference By facility can be an important and often-used feature when trying to understand how pieces of an enterprise architecture fit together. Previously, users could access the Reference By facility by right-mouse clicking on an artifact in the Explorer (Browser) or clicking a References button in the top right of any definition. Now the References window has been made dock-able and resizable. Users may open it (through the previous methods or also by selecting View, References), and then utilize that open References window to quickly look up the references to any artifact anywhere – clicking on any symbol on any diagram, for example, will refresh the Reference By window with the references to the symbol and its definition. 



Users may now leave the References window open and utilize it within the workflow of their modeling, quickly getting references to any artifact by simply clicking on the artifact in the Explorer (Browser) or on an open diagram. 


How to Review:

Right-mouse click on an artifact in the Explorer (Browser), or click the References button in the top right of any definition, or select View, References to open the References window. Dock it. Then select any artifact in the browser or open a diagram and select any symbol on it.


Streamlined Point-Click-Explore Interaction (Usability Improvement)



Rational System Architect’s user interface has been streamlined for point-click-explore interaction. Selecting an item in the Explorer (Browser), Diagram workspace, Matrix Editor, or Search Results window refreshes information in the Properties window, Diagram Preview window, and References window. Previously, only a few of these combinations were supported – for example, clicking on an artifact in the Explorer (Browser) updated the Properties window and Diagram Preview window, but not the References window, and clicking on a Symbol on a diagram or in a Matrix did not update any of these windows. The Search Results window is new. Also, previously users could view the Diagram Preview window or the Properties window, but not at the same time – it was one or the other as the information was put into the same window; these windows have now been split up and made dockable so you can view both at the same time (important when you want to see a diagram’s pictorial preview and its properties).



Seamless interaction and display of information in front of you as you model. 


How to Review:

Open the References window (select View, References, for example) and dock it, open the Search Results window (search on an text string in the Search utility in the toolbar) and dock it, open the Properties window (select View, Properties), and open the Diagram Preview window (select View, Diagram Preview). With the windows all open, click on artifacts in the Explorer (Browser) or open a diagram and click on symbols within it and notice how the information in the open windows changes to reflect the artifact you’ve selected. Open a matrix from the Matrix Browser (View, Matrix Browser), and click on artifacts within its rows or columns, and notice that the information in the open windows is also updated as you click and select.


Explorer Properties Window Allows Editing of Text Properties (Usability Improvement)



The Explorer (Browser) Properties window previously was read-only. It enabled users to get a quick look at the property values of any artifact as they selected it in the Explorer (Browser). Now, the Properties window allows users to edit properties that are textual in nature, once they put it into Edit mode by clicking on the Edit button in the top of the window. It also enables easy access to the regular definition dialog via a button at the top of the Properties window named Advanced Edit.



Quick access and editing of information in the repository. The Properties window is beginning to serve as an alternative to the regular definition dialog (informally referred to as the ‘SAEdit’ dialog).  


How to Review:

Open the Properties window (select View, Properties for example, or click on the Show Properties Window button in the main toolbar). Click on any artifact in the Explorer (Browser). View its information in the Properties window. Notice there are groups in the Properties window that may be expanded by clickin on the ‘+’ mark to the left – these groups represent tabs in the normal ‘SAEdit’ definition dialog. Click on the Edit button in the top of the Properties window. Notice how you may place your cursor into textual properties for the artifact. Properties that are ListOf or OneOf other definitions are not yet supported. Next, click on the Advanced Edit button at the top of the Properties window – notice how it opens up the normal ‘SAEdit’ definition dialog.


Search Engine in Rational System Architect (Usability Improvement)



A Search engine has been added to Rational System Architect, enabling you to do quick searches on any text string, to find it within names of artifacts, or any property of an artifact.



Previously, finding elements in Rational System Architect was cumbersome – you had to go through a report writing step and had no way to navigate to the item from the output of the report. Now you may do a quick search to find any text string in the repository.  


How to Review:

The new Search facility is available within its own toolbar, found amidst the main toolbars above the diagram workspace. You may type text into the field which by default reads “Search Text”. Click on the globe icon to select whether to search on All Objects, Diagrams and Symbols, or Definitions Only. Search results will appear in their own window, which is dockable.


History Dialog Extended to Include All Properties (Usability Improvement)



Property History dialog has been extended to include all properties of a given definition.



This feature provides more robust analysis of the history of change to an object. 


How to Review:

Click on the History button at the top of any definition dialog (informally called SAEdit dialog) in Rational System Architect. Notice that the History dialog is much bigger than it had been previously – its second column, labeled Property, provides history of every property in the definition under investigation.


Better SA Diagramming Aesthetics (Usability Improvement)



To support a modernized look and feel, new drawing cursors, symbol handlebars, and toolbar icons have been added to Rational System Architect.



A modernized look and feel provides a feel good experience for the modeler. 


How to Review:

The new look and feel should be noticeable while drawing in diagrams and in overall use of menus within the tool.


Case Insensitive Reporting and Search (Usability Improvement)



Previously, reports run in Rational System Architect didn’t have an option of being case insensitive. If you ran a report and wanted to filter it on a text string, you could not specify that it should ignore the upper or lower case letters of the string. Also, the SA/XT tool provides a Search engine that uses the Rational System Architect reporting system – therefore its Search also was case sensitive. The result of this is that if you were searching or running a report and just looking for a term, not caring about the upper and lower case aspects of the term, you’d have to run multiple searches or reports. In this release, a new keyword has been added to the reporting language, called IGNORECASE.  



Reports in Rational System Architect and searches in SA/XT are now more powerful, in that they can be made to return results that are not sensitive to the upper or lower case of the text string you are filtering or searching on.  


How to Review:

When creating a report in the Reporting System (select Reports, Report Generator), create a report to filter on a property (in the Select Definition Where dialog). Once created, text edit the report and apply the IGNORECASE command to the Where line. Consult the help for more specific information and see examples below. In SA XT, click in the Search facility, click on the Advanced Search button and notice that the Advanced Search dialog provides you with the ability to turn on or off case-insensitive search.


Examples for Reports:

REPORT "Example 1"

ID 41921


                SETTING { DECIMALSEPARATOR "." }

                SETTING { LISTSEPARATOR "," }


                SETTING { PAGESIZE -1", 0.00 }

                SETTING { REPORTFORMAT 0 }

                TABULAR 1


                                SELECT "Name" LEGEND "Looking for all Processes Named Reservation"

                                WHERE Class = Definition

                                WHERE "Type Number" = 603

                                WHERE "Name" = "reservation" IGNORECASE




REPORT "Example 2"

ID 41921


                SETTING { DECIMALSEPARATOR "." }

                SETTING { LISTSEPARATOR "," }


                SETTING { PAGESIZE -1", 0.00 }

                SETTING { REPORTFORMAT 0 }

                SETTING { IGNORECASE }

                TABULAR 1


                                SELECT "Name" LEGEND "Looking for all Processes Named Reservation"

                                WHERE Class = Definition

                                WHERE "Type Number" = 603

                                WHERE "Name" = "reservation"






SVG Export  to JPG, PNG, and PDF (Usability Improvement)



Currently, SVG is used to represent diagrams, charts, and visualizations produced by the HTML Generator, the SA/Compare tool, the SA/Publisher add-on, and the SA/XT tool. Users may now right-mouse click on any SVG item produced by these utilities and choose to save it to PNG, JPG, or PDF format.



Previously, SVG diagrams, charts, and visualizations could only be used in the output website environment generated by these Rational System Architect utilities or add-ons, and could not stand alone. With this new feature, users can more easily share this information via emails (as it no longer carries the payload of the Java applet that was necessary to display the SVG), or quickly embed it into MS Office documents.


How to Review:

Generate SVG using any of the above-listed tools, right-mouse click on the output SVG of a diagram or chart, and select Save As PNG, JPG, or PDF


Auto-Arrange BPMN Diagrams (Usability Improvement)



A new feature of BPMN diagrams is provided to enable users to auto-arrange a diagram from left to right.

This algorithm is in accordance with BPMN standards, where a given diagram starts with a left-most Start Event and ends with one or more Stop Events.



A user can draw a diagram in haste, and then invoke this command to make the diagram neater. Also, a diagram imported into Rational System Architect from a third-party tool may require rearranging, as there is no current standard for positioning information of symbols on BPMN diagrams.


How to Review:

With a BPMN diagram open and in focus, select Format, Auto Arrange Left to Right. A diagram with no Start Event will cause Auto-Arrange to display a warning message and then terminate.



Metamodel Graphical Editor



Rational System Architect has a very strong meta-model customization facility, but all customizations have had to be done using a scripting language, which is added to a usrprops.txt file and included in the Files table of each encyclopedia (adding to and overriding the default metamodel specified via the saprops.cfg file that is shipped with the product). In this version of the product, a new graphical approach to customizing the metamodel is provided. Users may now create new diagram types, definition types, and symbol types, and specify properties of those types and relationships to each other, within Rational System Architect’s own graphical user interface, and auto-generate a usrprops.txt file.


In addition, the existing functionality of automatically generating a read-only data model of metamodel items in the repository (diagrams, definitions, or symbols) has been extended so that items on the generated meta model diagram can be edited to create metamodel extensions.



Eliminates the need for learning System Architect’s metamodel scripting language in order to extend the repository’s metamodel. 


How to Review:

1.       Select Tools, Customize Method Support

2.       In the Rational System Architect Properties Configuration dialog, click on the Advanced button to open the advanced Configure Property Set window. In the Configure Property Set window, on the bottom right list of Available Property Sets, find, select, and add the Meta Model Objects choice to the list of Selected Property Sets on the right. Click OK to close the dialogs and reopen the encyclopedia for the changes to take effect.

3.       From the Explorer, right-mouse click on the Definitions group and select New Definition from the popup menu (or Select Dictionary, New Definition.

4.       Note that you have the following new definition types to choose from:


·         User Definition Chapter – subordinate to the User Definition Type; creates tabs.

·         User Definition Control – subordinate to User Definition type.

·         User Definition Property – subordinate to User Definition type.

·         User Definition Type – used to create new Definition types.

·         User Diagram Control – subordinate to User Diagram Type.

·         User Diagram Property – subordinate to User Diagram Type; use it to create Properties of Diagrams.

·         User Diagram Type – used to create new Diagram types.

·         User File Fragment – used to include references to other files within the usrprops.txt, using the #include command. Type the actual file fragment in the User File Fragment’s Description property and then add it in the proper place within the User Props File definition.

·         User List – used to create new Lists.

·         User List Item – used to create new values within Lists.

·         User Object Fragment – used to create command fragments such as #ifdef and #endif statements.

·         User Props File – used to create new instances of Usrprops.txt files.

·         User Relation – used to create new relation types.

·         User Symbol Control – subordinate to User Symbol Type.

·         User Symbol Type – used to create new Symbol types.


Consult the help for specific details on how to use these definitions to create the desired usrprops metamodel.


5.       Once you have completed your metamodel customizations by creating the appropriate definitions above, add them into the User Properties File definition in appropriate order.

6.       In the Explorer, right-mouse click on the User Properties File definition instance that you would like to turn into a usprops.txt file, and select Generate User Prop.... Specify the directory and name of the file (normally usrprops.txt) that you wish to generate.

7.       Optionally have the tool load the usrprops.txt into the open encyclopedia’s Files table and reopen the encyclopedia by choosing “Yes” to the message “Do you want to load the currently generated UsrProps to the currently loaded Encyclopedia?”.

Once you have created new diagram, definition, or symbol types, you may create a Metamodel diagram for them.

8.       Create a new diagram of type Meta Model.

9.       In the new diagram, select Draw, Create Meta Model. Select one of the new definition or diagram types that you have created via the Meta Model graphical customization facility. Click OK to generate the diagram.

10.   Right-mouse click on any of the new symbols on the diagram and select Edit Related Definition Type from the popup menu. You will open the same metamodel customization dialog as listed above, appropriately.


Again, consult the on-line help for more specifics on this feature. Note: best practice is to maintain the usrprops customization definitions in a separate encyclopedia from your working architecture.



Heat Map (aka Diagram Visualization) Manager for Improved Analysis



Rational System Architect has an existing and powerful analytic capability which was not user friendly. Users could create definitions of type Analytic, and tie a VBA macro that they had created to run algorithms against repository information on a global or diagram basis. An analytic carried information about the VBA macro it represented, and values of parameters that may have been set in the underlying VBA macro. An analytic could be run by dragging it onto a diagram from the Explorer (Browser) or opening it and running it if it was running against the global repository. All of this functionality was powerful but not intuitive to users and also lacked some functionality (such as ability to remove the affects of an analytic that had been run or ability to store a grouping of coloring criteria for reuse, there was no easy way to create a legend on a diagram to explain the analytic(s) that had been run against it, etc).


New Heat Map, otherwise called Diagram Visualization, functionality is introduced into this version. A Heat Map is a term that informally means mapping analytic information against a diagram to show places of concern using color-coded or textured icons. In this way you can show ‘hot’ areas; traditionally, red areas of a diagram were considered ‘hot’; or areas of concern.


New functionality includes the following:

  • The analytic definition now has a tab to capture depiction information pertaining to the coloring of lines or use of icons to depict analytic information on symbols.
    • If a color is defined it is passed as parameter to the analytic, and used on a legend inside the diagram that the analytic is run against.
    • Icon files specified are passed as parameters to the analytic, and used on a legend inside the diagram.
    • If both color and icon files are specified, both are passed as parameters to the analytic but the icon file(s) is used in the legend and as an icon on relevant symbols
  • A new Analytic Collection definition is introduced within which users may do the following:
    • Specify a list of associated Analytic definitions.
    • Specify the diagram types it is applicable to.
  • A Heat Map Manager is introduced, which can be run by selecting View, Heat Map Manager with a particular diagram open, within which users may manage analytics run against a diagram, such as running particular analytic collections and clearing information on the diagram.



Analytics is an important means of understanding the information that the enterprise architecture holds. The Heat Map manager enables you more precise management of this information.


How to Review:

View the Analytic definition to view the new tab of properties for Analytic Depictions. Create a new Analytic Collection definition and view its properties. With a diagram open which has at least one Analytic Collection definition specified for it, select View, Heat Map Manager. View the help for more information.


Support for MODAF 1.2 and NAF 3



The Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF) 1.2 and the NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) 3 specifications significantly adjust the underlying metamodels of these two frameworks. Rational System Architect’s existing MODAF support has been adjusted to support the MODAF 1.2 specification. In addition, a NAF 3 feature now provides support for the NAF 3 metamodel and work product set.



Support for the underlying metamodel of MODAF 1.2 and NAF 3 clarifies the use of Resources, Services, and Capabilities. These new specifications are mandated for projects using MODAF and NAF.


How to Review:

The MODAF help has been significantly updated to describe use of the MODAF 1.2.You must have the MODAF add-on to review the MODAF 1.2 support or the NAF add-on to review the NAF 3.0 support. 


SA/XT Usability Improvements



The following new features have been added to the SA/XT product:

  • Users can now save SVG images as raster image (jpg or png) or vector image (PDF) to easily use SA/XT output in Microsoft Office products independent of website output.
  • New drawing toolbars for BPMN and Org Chart diagramming.
  • New Explorer browser enabling users to more easily view, edit, or delete any item (definition or diagram) from the tree.
  • Parent/Child Navigation – Attach, create, and detach child diagrams in SA/XT.
  • SA and SA/XT may now be installed on same machine.
  • Performance Improvements for Reader licenses -- For read-only mode, SA is no longer loaded for each SA/XT session; this reduces the memory footprint for each SA/XT reader session and improves scalability of the SA/XT server.



SA/XT is the Rational System Architect sister product that provides a web browser interface to the repository, enabling enterprise architecture tooling to be rolled out to a large audience. Improvements are being made to the tool to provide more and more of the features available in the client tool, Rational System Architect.  


How to Review:

You must own the SA/XT product to review these features.



Rational System Architect/ Rational Focal Point Integration



Focal Point can be utilized as a prioritization service within the enterprise architecture domain, focusing on Application Portfolio management, roadmapping, and prioritization. You may map any and all types of definitions to Focal Point – for example, high-level strategies, business objectives, and goals from the Enterprise Direction diagram (Business Motivation Model), business processes, services, and applications, Architecture Building Blocks (ABB’s), and so forth. You may use attributes of this information as “criteria” in Focal Point to aid decision making, trade off analysis, and prioritization. Focal Point can be used to create advanced visualizations and prioritizations of this data, including dashboards and roadmaps.


The integration is provided at no charge, but users must own a copy of Focal Point.



The Rational Focal Point integration gives Rational System Architect users a powerful vehicle for doing trade-off analysis and prioritization, including such endeavors as Application Portfolio management and roadmapping.


How to Review:

The SA/Focal Point integration is a no-cost integration; however, you must own the Focal Point product to review this integration.

  1. Make sure you have access to a Focal Point integration.
  2. In Rational System Architect, select Tools, Customize Method Support, Encyclopedia Configuration.
  3. In the Rational System Architect Property Configuration dialog, select the Advanced tab, and select Focal Point from the Available Property Sets; reopen the encyclopedia.
  4. Select Tools, Focal Point.
  5. In the Focal Point Log In dialog, select a Focal Point Server URL so that you may connect to Focal Point via a web service, and type in your Focal Point User ID and Password – credentials that should be predefined in the Focal Point server.
  6. In the Focal Point “What Would You Like to Do?” dialog, either create a new user-defined profile, edit a previously created profile stored in SA, or export data from a previously created profile stored in SA.
  7. Specify what Rational System Architect reports will be used to generate a Criteria View and a Data View that will be exported to Focal Point.
  8. Specify the mapping of the Properties in the Data View report from SA, to attributes in Focal Point.
  9. Click the Export button to generate the data to Focal Point and begin pair-wise comparisons.



SA/Process Integrator Usability Improvements



SA/Process Integrator was released with SA 11.0.37 SP1. It enables Visio process modelers to work in their preferred environment but use Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) templates from Rational System Architect which provide automatic modeling error checking central repository storage for model and artifact management and reuse. SA/Process Integrator offered an on-line mode for direct, live interface to the Rational System Architect repository. This live interface proved problematic and difficult to use. Improvements have been made to SA/Process Integrator for this release to reduce the complexity of on-line mode, and support a simplified, intuitive, file-based interaction between the tools.


This release features a new ability to transfer BPMN diagrams and definitions between Rational System Architect and SA/Process Integrator via SA XML. Once SA data is associated with SA/Process Integrator, a user can edit properties of a shape and click “Choices” to see/select from a list of imported definitions. Also, the SA XML generated by SA/Process Integrator can also be used to transfer a BPMN diagram from one SA/Process Integrator user to another.



The benefit is simplified, more intuitive interaction between Visio and SA in SA/Process Integrator -- a tool which in itself enables you to expand the scope of your enterprise architecture efforts to embrace Visio users.



Rational System Architect Available in French, German, Japanese, and Spanish



Rational System Architect is now available in French, German, Spanish, and Japanese. In addition to the tool being full ‘localized’ and translated to these languages, the following help files and manuals (in pdf format) have been translated to these languages:


Help Files:

SAhelp.chm – provides help on all basic functions in the tool

BPR.chm – providing help on Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Modeling
Tutorial.chm – provides a day-long tutorial on enterprise architecture using a TOGAF-based approach
Quickstart.chm – provides a tutorial that enables you to get up and running with the tool in 2 hours
SArpt.chm – provides help on the reporting system
SAhtml.chm – provides help on the HTML generator utility
SAword – provides help on the Word reporting facility
SAInfoWebPub.chm – provides help for the SA/Publisher add-on for publishing



SA and SA XT Installation Guide

SA User Guide

SA Extensibility Guide - VBA

SA Extensibility Guide - USRPROPS

SA/Process Integrator Installation Guide



Eases global utilization of Rational System Architect.  





Change Request

TS #




After opening a RPT file on a shared drive, SA would default to that location for the remainder of the session. Once SA was restarted, the Report path was reset to c:\Program Files\Telelogic\System Architect Suite\System Architect\Reports. With the improvement, users can now open a RPT file located on a shared drive (e.g. s:\Transfer\reports) and have SA use it on subsequent starts.



On an SV-4 diagram in DoDAF ABM, the System Function symbol name was placed over the Level Number (P1) and it slightly overlapped it. There is now sufficient space between the System Function symbol name and the level number on the symbol.



The mouse scroll wheel only scrolled diagrams in an up and down direction. Added functionality to scroll with the Shift+wheel-up scrolls left; Shift+wheel-down scrolls right; Control-wheel up zooms in; Control-wheel down zooms out.



In DoDAF ABM, user was only able to generate an SV6 SDX report when System Interfaces exist on the SV-1 diagram. Now users can generate an SV6 SDX report on an SV-1 diagram that only has System Node Interfaces, and no System Interfaces.



In versions of SA from 10.4 onward, System Function names were not centered (both horizontally and vertically) like they were in SA 10.1.11. This was true even if the alignment was set to center in Symbol Format, Text Position. Therefore the level number and the prefix caused the system function names to difficult to read. With the fix, System Function names are centered (both horizontally and vertically) and the level number and the prefix do not overlap with the system function name.

31598, 33247, 39794 , 33246

7016801, 7024386

Firefox 3.0 is now supported by SA/Publisher output and SA/XT.



When clicking on the Browse button while exporting\importing CSV file, users were getting an 11-15 second delay before they could choose/select the file. The fix makes the Browse dialog open immediately.



Previously the content in the System Architect manuals (in pdf format) were set to a security level that disallowed customers from copying the content. Specifically, the examples from the PDF documents Extensibility_usrprops.pdf and Extensibility_VBA.pdf disallowed content copy. Users may now do so.



The number of user-defined definitions was increased from 150 to 200.



In DoDAF ABM, the generation of IERs from leaf and parent level Activities was not generating Information Exchanges as valid during the first generation (both for leaf and for parent level activities), and was replacing the valid flag status of existing Information Exchanges. Now generation of IERs from leaf and parent level Activities generates Information Exchanges as valid during the first generation (both for leaf and for parent level activities), and does not replace the valid flag status of existing Information Exchanges.



In DoDAF ABM, the generation of SDX’s from leaf and parent level functions now generates System Data Exchanges as valid during the first generation for parent level functions (as it is done for leaf level functions), and does not replace the valid flag status of existing System Data Exchanges for parent level functions (as it is done for leaf level functions).



Previously you could not rename a UML 2 diagram in SA. That has now been enabled.



You may now drag and drop definitions from the Views Explorer onto a diagram.



When dragging a definition into a Static View in the Views Explorer, the definition did show any of its related definitions if you expanded it.



In DoDAF ABM, after specifying options for SV-06 Report generation, you could not save the selections. The next time you ran the report, you would need to re-specify all of the selections. This was a ‘time vampire’. Now you may save the selections you have made.



In SAEM, if you specified a default folder to import/export data to (via the Tools, Settings, Folders menu choice) the folder was not adhered to when you used SAEM’s File Manager (Tools, File Manager).



SAXT did not display any warning/pop up message when the user clicked on the X in the upper right hand corner and also, closing Home page did not close all the screens that might have been opened by SAXT.



Reference Documents was limited to 259 characters. The max length of the property was increased to 32K.



The information entered under the property “Mean Time between Failures” in the definition “System Component” under chapter “SV-7 atts p2” was not displayed in the DoDAF System Performance Parameter Matrix (SV-7) report generated.



After a FEA XML import into SA, the siblings in the Business Process Hierarchy diagram were not displayed in an alphabetical order. The request, and the fix, is to have the siblings in the Business Process Hierarchy diagram appear automatically in an alphabetical order.

40798, 44173

7025630, 7029622

Request was to enable the contents of Dynamic or Static views created in the Views Explorer to be drag-and-dropped onto the diagram work space, including the Explorer diagram workspace.



SA was crashing when generating an HTML report (from HTML Report Generator) if you left the Type field for Diagrams blank.



Could not open SA/Publisher or SA/ERP via Citrix. The applications could only be used when logged on locally.



The request was to be able to supply a .lst file to HTML Generator, that was created in a text editor or make sure that the user is made aware that SA requires the .LST file to be in Unicode Text format. The change was to the help, to be more specific of how to provide a lst file. To wit: HTML list files have to be in a Unicode format. SA will generate and accept HTML list files in Unicode. XML files are the same way. The reason for this is to support non-Western character languages (example - double-byte - Korean, Japanese, etc.)



The Index search for "Preferences dialog" in the Help displayed information about "routing lines", instead of information on the Preferences dialog.



An XML Design diagram, generated to a DTD, was missing elements in the DTD file. There shoud have been 5 entries in the DTD file of the format <!ENTITY % CMFCampnTrgtE SYSTEM 'Entity/CampnTrgtE.DTD' > %CMFCampnTrgtE; instead there were only ere are only 4, <!ENTITY % CMFAddrE SYSTEM 'Entity/AddrE.DTD' > %CMFAddrE.



User was unable to merge data from a stand-alone, SQL Server Express 2005 encyclopedia into a SQL Server 2000 Enterprise encyclopedia. They received the message “The selected encyclopedia could not be opened for validation.”



In the "Compare Models" functionality the "property to use for time dimension" recognizes only two date fields -- "In Service Date" and "Effective Date". However when user tried entering a date field manually other than the default value, it led to an unhandled exception.



Information in the Help about saving Line settings under the section "Saving the selections" was not correct.



When comparing two encyclopedias using the SA Compare utility, the information in the explorer window of SA Compare results did not get displayed in Chinese language. However the information in the right pane of generated output did get displayed in the Chinese language.



SA was crashing in certain situations where user changed the name of a data domain, or applied a different data domain to an attribute, and then tried to open data domain in the Explorer browser.



Importing an XSD file into a Class diagram caused classes to have some incorrect references to types -- an XSD file had "ref" as the type of an attribute. However, after the import into SA, "ref" was displayed as "ef".



In the SA/Change integration, an Active Change Request (CR) was not writing out to the history tables during a merge extract.



An error was occurring when trying to open existing SA/Publisher templates under certain circumstances.



Changed information in the help file to clearly specify that users cannot set the History Status of an encyclopedia in SAEM if anyone is accessing the encyclopedia.



Help incorrectly specified that there was a choice in the Generate Schema dialog that enabled users to 'generate from this PDM'.



In the tutorial for generating schema from a physical database, the Database name filled in ( 'Hotel' under destination area) was confusing. Adjustments to the tutorial were made.



Marking items for extraction using intelligent merge extract verify and repair and dictionary update was taking an extremely long time on the encyclopedia shared by the customer. It took 2 hours 35 minutes to complete the "Mark to be extracted" procedure on a particular encyclopedia. To fix this issue, performance was improved.



SA/XT was ignoring height and width specifications set for a table in the XML file, and was only displaying the in a very small area.



You could not turn off user-defined images that had been associated with a UML 2 artifact. The Icon Mode menu command that is normally available in Tau's popup menu for an artifact, was not provided in SA.



On installation of SA/Process Integrator, it was observed that Visio crashed when closing it under certain circumstances.



When running the tool Dictionary Update on a very large encyclopedia built primarily by importing column definitions, the error: "sadlg failed to create" was received, with the additional message "93% of columns."



SA crashed if user macro filled symbol color while processing the symbol event SYM_DESELECTED. This was because the symbol was removed from the selected list, the event was triggered and then the select count was decremented. The event actions then caused the select list to be processed, the select count was 1 and there was no symbol in the select list so SA crashed.



Doing a 'Ctrl-Click' on a symbol in the UML 2 integration portion of SA causes the definition to open, versus navigating to an associated diagram as in Tau. The behavior was kept as is since this is the way SA works, but the popup message was changed to say: "Ctrl+click to edit object."



When using the 'Application portfolio' analytic -- dragging and dropping one onto a System Architecture diagram, the PoerfolioMgt subroutine was run from the Analytics Module of SAAuto.mac. Unfortunately, the 'old' property "Retirement Date" had been changed to "Effective Date" and the macro still referenced the old property.



If a user that didn’t have permissions to add new DB roles to himself (such as a user that only has db_datareader and db_datawriter and no server roles) attempted to add a new DB role to himself, the SAEM feedback indicated that this option was successful. Yet, the role was not added. The feedback now indicates a failure to add this role, due to security reasons.



An error message in SA/Process Integrator had the word “executing” spelled wrong.



When the desired name is specified on a symbol 'ActionNode(UML2)', the definition created did not have the same name.



Entity names that had periods in them (such as AAA.BBB CCC) were causing duplication of entities in the system. (In the example, two entities would be created; AAA and AAA.BBB CCC)



Reference Document links to local files were not working in SA/Publisher output. Http links and links with file:/// opened fine. The fix now enables document links to local files to also open.



When Report Generator was used to generate HTML output and only a simple filename without path was specified (for example: temp.htm), running it from a regular user's account in a Citrix environment caused SA to crash



The "Service" definition has a property named "Behaviour Model Category" within a tab named "Behavior Model Category”. UK spelling was being used in the first case, and US spelling in the second case. This was made uniform – “Behavior Model Category".



When running Draw\SV-1 Diagram Utilities\Draw System to System Interface Connections in an existing SV-01 Systems Interface Diagram, the Node Functions that were displayed earlier were not displayed. Though there was a workaround ( either reopen the diagram or on the context menu select Display Mode and click OK), this was annoying.



Change made to opening page of help that referenced four areas of analysis and design that System Architect supports, and then listed five.



SA was creating an orphan Method definition under certain circumstances. Once the definition was deleted SA was not deleting all the related references.



Users who had created UML 2 diagrams in previous versions of SA received an error message when opening up such an encyclopedia in SA11.1.27 SP1 – “Error "UML2 information in encyclopedia is saved with a previous version and needs to be converted". This was due to an upgrade and conversion in the Tau tool, but the automatic conversion utility was not installed in SA. It now has been so user will not get message.



Long-standing Enhancement asking for a GUI editor for usrprops.txt.



User was unable to start SA/XT and login as an Updater or a Reader, due to a licensing issue with the XML add-on. Changes were made to improve the quiet/noisy switch that SA/XT relies on to prevent stray message boxes from popping up.



User received an error message "Overflow Code: 6" when they tried to Import OV-2 Diagram from IER Matrix which contained more than 134 operational nodes in it. The import failed because SA ran past the rightmost boundary of the diagram being populated. The maximum X-position for any symbol is 32,767. In this bug, each new symbol was imported and placed to the right of the symbol prior until symbol #131 exceeded the limit. The fix wraps the symbols, so that the X-position assigned to symbol #131 is back at the left boundary.



The deletion of a Formal Parameter of an Method was creating an unwanted extra entry in the Explorer under definition Formal Parameter. Also there wais an extra entry of Method found under definition Method.



In the Help Index, the name for the SV-5 entry was incorrectly spelled "SV-5 Operatiaonal Activity". It should be "SV-5 Operational Activity".



On receiving a large error message in SAEM, when the customer tried to click on the “send as email” function in SAEM, it did not invoke the Outlook application.



The Application symbol in the System Architecture diagram used the same depiction of Process symbol as in the diagram type “Data Flow Gane & Sarson”. However the Application symbol name in the System Architecture diagram was interrupted by a line at the top of the symbol. This line was used in the Process symbol, intended to separate the number of the process from its name.



'SAXTWebUser' was being created by the SA/XT installation even if the user specified a different user detail. If the user has specified a custom account for the Impersonate Account, then
'SAXTWebUser' is no longer created.



In a customized encyclopedia using the SOA add-on option, when the user tried to depict a user defined symbol “Process Area L” (such as an Entity symbol) the round edges of the symbol appeared as sharp edges (a rectangle). But as soon as the user changed the fill color of the depicted symbol the edges appeared as round edges.



If you created a DoDAF OV-01 Highlevel Op. Concept diagram, exported to xml and imported it to a new encyclopedia, you would get errors and the xml would fail to import. The root cause was in the diagram xml export and not in diagram xml import. The diagram was not exported to XML properly. 



When the customer tried to convert a V8 dbase encyclopedia to version 11.1.27 using the "Merge" option, they got an error (R85 Could not access encyclopedia lock file. Code:2. The system cannot find the file specified)



In the Reference Documents tab of any Definition, if you entered a colon followed by text (e.g. ":this is some text"), or one character followed by a colon and then some text (e.g. "a:this is text"), System Architect exited without warning and data loss occured. The fix was to introduce a check for a valid reference, so the tool will not crash. Valid references include c:\ and http://.



Uninstallation of System Architect 11.1.27 SP1 prompted for the original MSI from which SA was installed on the system.



If you had enabled analytic depictions in an Explorer diagram (via usrprops customization), and you reopened the encyclopedia, the depictions would no longer show. The depiction/analytic logic for an Explorer diagram differs from other diagrams due to the unique set of symbol types that can be drawn on it. A fix was made to the logic for determining if a given symbol has a depiction/analytic assigned to it. Also, a second bug was fixed, involving the actual depiction bitmaps. The Explorer assumed that the depiction bitmaps it needs had already been preloaded into memory. Code was added to ensure that the bitmaps were indeed preloaded.



Using SA/Process Integrator, Visio crashed when adding SA BPMN symbol on two pools.



For SA/Process Integrator, the 'Create Child' and 'Attach Child diagram' menus presented within Visio do nothing. Since Visio does not support this kind of behavior, the menu choices have been removed.



In DoDAF ABM, the IER generator didn’t handle multiple ICOM arrows that shared the same name and provided input to a single Operational Activity, which map to a single ICOM arrow in a child diagram: Only a single IER was being generated.



The SA/Process Integrator configuration on the tools menu in Visio was not available to the users who had not installed SA/PI on the machine using their login credentials even after they had been given local administrative rights. Only the user who installed SA/PI or the Administrator was able to see the SA/PI configuration tool menu in Visio.

47369, 41019

4056188, 4050987

Could not open SA/ERP via Citrix – the connection failed due to the  encryption.



We should be able to share the "Views" with other users by distributing the "sa_usrviews.xml" file As per the System Architect Help if a user creates Panes in a "Views", those can be shared with other users by distributing the "sa_usrviews.xml" file to them. The users will need to store the sa_usrviews.xml file in their profiles i.e., C:\Documents and Settings\<User_Profile>\Local settings\Application Data\Telelogic\System Architect and they would be able to see the "Panes and Choices" made. However, the "Views" are not being able to be shared across the users.

It looks like it is not just enough to copy the sa_usrviews.xml file to the other user's profile. The other user also has to set their Audit ID to be the same as the first user who created the views. However, it is still not working. The views are not seen.  behavior in all these versions - views not seen, and SA is frozen, have to kill it. reproduce the bug only if the first user is in administrator group and the second user is not in administrator group.The workaround is that basically both the users should be in the same group, or the second user should be at least in the Power User Group to see the views If both the users are in administrator group then SA works fine. Basically both the users should be in the same group. The requirement was to have both Private and public views in the Views Explorer.

Only the public views were implemented, in the sense created static or dynamic views will be available to all the permitted users in the All Pane.
Decision was taken to defer the private views.

The pane information is always private. The pane information which stores the ddids of the views on that pane are private to that user in "My Views" and the user created panes.
This was the accepted requirement.

From e-mails, we know that the users are sharing the sa_usrviews.xml to share the pane information and is working fine for them.
This was not proposed by development and was not part of the requirement. 47745 39690




A dynamic view in the Views Explorer was not showing all of the diagrams and their associated definitions when a folder was expanded out. The dynamic view  was correctly giving the diagram(s) that meet the criteria of the report, however, not all the information from level 4 was being seen in the Explorer tree.



After the System Architect 11.2.25 installation was complete, not all MSIExec.exe processes were removed -- one MSIEXEC.EXE was left running.



When trying to publish the Word report BPMN General Model, using the "Alphabetic order" option, the generated report did not order items on the BPMN Process diagrams alphabetically. Only the diagrams were ordered alphabetically.



User was unable to import an XML file with SV-01 System Interface diagrams. An error “Could not replace Existing Definition” occurred, and only some of the SV-01 diagrams were imported.



In SA/Publisher output, a Reference Document which included German Umlauts in the name could not be resolved.



After migrating an existing SQL Server encyclopedia to an Oracle 10g encyclopedia, and publishing a report using SA Publisher, the user was getting a Database Error: “Database error has occurred causing the current transaction to be rolled back. “Unknown Error: 0x800A0BB9” “
The error did not occur on a newly created Oracle encyclopedia. The error was happening because of 2 internal files in the Files table, used in Reference Documents properties, that are in mixed case instead of UPPER Case. Oracle requires upper case. SQL Server doesn't care about the case. The samigrate utility was changed so that the file names become UPPER case when migrating from SQL Server to Oracle.



SA/Process Integrator installation placed an SAPIOnlineEncyConf.xml file in the installation directory of the product. The name of this file originally only kept encyclopedia configuration information, but now logging information is also kept in this file. Thus the file was renamed to  SAPIAppConfig.xml.



Changed many of the main toolbar and menu icons to fit in with the IBM Rational 'Blue' theme, and provided an ini setting to enable users to switch back to the old icons. Ini switch is:

The switch will only switch back the menu and toolbar icons. It will not switch back ViewsBrowser, MatrixBrowser or Depictions.


PMR # 48055,999,766

SAXT Diagram browser was not handling Korean characters correctly. All the Korean DBCS for element names, unit, organization... etc, did not display correctly with an English font. It displayed Korean correctly when the font was changed to Koren fonts such as gulim, batang...etc.


PMR # 03894,999,000

When trying to reverse engineer the AISM (Aeronautical Information Exchange Model) XSD Schema into a Class diagram, SA prompted error messages (Invalid XML declaration, line number 1: <?xml version =”1.0” encoding =”UTF-8?>” and “5, Invalid procedure call or argument”) and did not successfully import the file.



In synchronizing System Architect with another environment using XML, an XML file with custom definitions that had names exceeding 80 characters in length was imported. The user got an error message "Can't quit at this time” and after a while SA just disappeared.



Added balloon style tool tips to the main SA menu, to be consistent with other menus/dialogs in the tool, such as the Properties pane and the Explorer.



When starting SA for the first time on a clean machine the main SA window is now maximized to fill the entire desktop. Previously, SA only partially filled the desktop area. This was considered a usability oddity.


PMR # 12185,999,000

In DoDAF ABM, when using the auto-draw facility in the SV-1 diagram (SV-1 Diagram Utilities, Draw System to System Interface Connections, Draw Only Embedded Systems in System Nodes), when the System Entities were placed on the diagram, in some cases they were put into the correct system node, in some cases the wrong system node, and in some cases just placed in the diagram drawing area. The System Nodes were also moved from their original position.


A new function had been added in 11.1 to fix other issues (embedded System Entities were being hidden behind System Nodes and also, System Node symbols were being enlarged to accommodate System Entity symbols, but they were not being automatically separated if they were overlapping). However, this new function was causing nodes to be repositioned incorrectly. Now this function will only be called if an ini file setting is present.
If it is important to reposition the nodes after adding entities, this function needs to be rewritten. It doesn't take into consideration nodes within nodes or nodes which don't have entities. It runs whether or not nodes were resized and thinks nodes are overlapping when they aren't.



System Architect V11.2

Improvements and Fixes Provided in V11.2 with SP1


© Copyright IBM Corporation 1986, 2009



The Telelogic System Architect® family of products, V11.2 with SP1, features the following new feature:


·         SA/XT Supports Editing and Addition of ‘Keyed’ Definitions


SA/XT Supports Editing and Addition of ‘Keyed’ Definitions



SA/XT now supports creation and editing of keyed definitions. A keyed definition is one that takes its ‘namespace’ from another definition type. For example, in UML a Class is ‘keyed’ to its Package; in data modeling, an Entity is ‘keyed’ to its Model; in DoDAF, a System Entity is ‘keyed’ to its System Node, and so forth.


There are still some special cases of keyed definitions that are not yet supported, as follows:

  • Definitions where there is an "edit complete" clause in the metamodel for the definition type -- the "edit complete" clause makes the definition type only creatable/editable from its containing definition. Such is the case with attributes of entities or classes, or columns of tables. 
  • Definitions that depend on the diagram being open to be created -- as is the case with tables, which need the physical diagram open.






TS #






After a silent installation of System Architect 11.1 SP1, users received a "Codejock" error when he or she logged out of the administrator account and logged in as a regular user (no admin rights) to test the application.




SA-DOORS integration installer was hanging during installation on certain machines.



General Use of SA

SA was sporadically freezing when users clicked on a Browse button to import a file or export to a file using various SA utilities (such as import/export CSV, import/export USRPROPS, export to an XML file for reporting, etc). This would happen if a user’s machine was connected in certain network configurations. When this would happen, users were unable to end SA from the Windows Task Manager; they would need to reboot the system.



General Use of SA

SA was sporadically freezing when trying to import USRPROPS. This was a specific case of the more general issue #45450, described above.



Views Explorer

If user created two Dynamic Views that both used the same report, and then deleted one of the Views, SA would freeze.



Edit dialogs

Unable to save changes to a definition edited via ListOf property.




When a relationship was made between a BPMN Process and Role by clicking a cell in the Business Process (BPMN) to Role matrix, the appropriate Role was not appearing in the RelatedItems property of the related BPMN Process definition. SA was not correctly auto-populating this Heterogeneous list with relevant information from a text-in-cell matrix.




User-defined symbol layering not kept when copying symbols to new diagram when performed in a certain order.



Explorer Diagram

When creating a new Explorer Relationship Report and clicking on Edit Content, the report heading and description appeared instead of the ‘Edit Contents’ heading.



Explorer Diagram

When creating a new Explorer Relationship Report, user is presented with fields to enter the report header name and description; however if user filled these fields in, the Explorer Relationship report would fail when it was run (by dragging it onto a diagram).




A report that reported on two different definitions that had some properties with the same name, and attempted to override the label on the properties, resulted in output wherein both column headings showed the last override value.




When using the DISPLAY keyword in USRPROPS, the text inside the symbol was overlapped and unreadable.



Data Modeling

Access Path specified in an Identifying relationship between two entities became locked after Update FK’s command was run.




Reversing an XSD file into System Architect with a particular construct caused reversal to fail. The construct was <xs:group ref="ExportControlGroup"/>.





All classes stereotyped XSDsimpletype were ignored in XSD generation.




Reversal of an XSD into SA, then generation of that diagram back out to an XSD caused the information in the XSD to change – classes were incorrectly renamed. For example, importing XSD file containing class A (with no attributes), class B (with one attribute aaa), and class C (with one attribute x of type B) caused the following to be regenerated: Class C (with no attributes) class B (with one attribute aaa), and class  A (with one attribute x of type B). In other words, class C and A had switched names (or attributes).



SA/Catalog Manager

User was unable to import XML into SA/Catalog Manager (SQL Server backend) generated from SA/Catalog Manager (Oracle backend).




Running the Help\About menu incorectly checked a license back in.




SA/Process Integrator version 11.2 installation manual incorrectly stated that it was supported with SA/XT 11.1.




Updated the section for System Requirements in the readme to specify SA support for Windows Vista 32 and 64 bit architectures.




Improved the information in the SA/XT Installation Guide concerning the impact of defining a database user and the checkbox labeled “Use the above user name and password for database login".




Changed the documentation of minimum rights to enterprise catalog – it has been determined that a regular user does NOT need db_datawriter permission on TelelogicEnterpriseCatalog.



SA/Process Integrator

For SA/Process Integrator v11.0.37, the text in the Encyclopedia Telelogic System Architect Browser accessed through Visio 2003 was truncated to "Encyclopedi".



SA/Process Integrator

An Association line symbol (dotted line) drawn between a process and a data object in SA/Process Integrator is changed into a Sequence Flow after the diagram is checked into SA and reopened in SA/Process Integrator.



SA/Process Integrator

SA/Process Integrator was freezing in certain situations when opening diagrams from SA. A function which was being used to get temporary file names, was hanging if the temporary folder was full.



SA/Process Integrator

SA/Process Integrator Install Guide refered to wrong default path for the SAService.exe.config file.



System Architect V11.2

Improvements and Fixes Provided with V11.2




Telelogic System Architect® V11.2 features the following improvements:


·         IBM “Bluewashing” of the System Architect family of products

·         Support for Ports in System Architect’s Native UML Functionality

·         Report Generator User Interface for Sorting

·         Improved Spell Checker in System Architect

·         SA/XT Usability Improvements


IBM “Bluewashing” of the System Architect family of products



The System Architect family of products has been “bluewashed” so that all products are now branded with IBM logos and colors, and all code reviewed to ensure it conforms to IBM legal standards on the right to ship the code.



UML Ports



You are now able to model Ports in the UML 1.x support provided natively in System Architect. A port represents a connection point for an interface to a class. It is used to specify the realized and/or Re­quired interfaces of a class. The port symbol has been added to UML Class diagrams, so that you may place port symbols on a Class, and then add Required and or Realized Interface symbols on the Port of the class.



Ports were an important new feature of the UML 2 specification.


How to Review:

Create a Class diagram in System Architect’s UML 1.x support. Draw a Class symbol on the diagram. Notice that you can select a Port symbol from the toolbar and attach a Port symbol to a Class. You may open the Port symbol definition, and specify Required and Provided Interfaces for the Class within the Port definition. They are represented on the diagram by circular (for Provided interfaces) or cupped (for Required interfaces) lollipop symbols. You may also select a Port Link line from the toolbar to connect related Ports on different Classes – signifying what Class provides an Interface to another Class that requires it.


Report Generator User Interface for Sorting



A new user interface is available in the Report Generator to enable you to sort the order in which properties of a report are published, and specify whether they can be in descending order, and case sensitive or insensitive.



Users now have better ability to control the output of reports.  


How to Review:

In Report Generator, select a definition type to generate a report on, and click Properties to Print. In the Properties to Print dialog, notice that there is now a Properties to Sort grouping at the bottom of the dialog.


Improved Spell Checker  



A new spell checker has been added to System Architect, replacing the previous one.



The new spell checker has more options than the previous spell checker.  


How to Review:

Select Tools, Spellchecker Options.


SA/XT Usability Improvements



·         Improved Banner and Color Scheme

·         Tabs in the Definition Editor for SA/XT

  • Ability to Navigate Parent/Child Diagrams in SA/XT
  • Support for User-Defined Symbols



All features were added to improve the user experience with SA/XT.  


How to Review:

All features may be readily seen in the output of SA/XT SVG diagrams and edit sessions.







TS #




When installing the Telelogic System Architect Process Integrator, there was a missing option to install “for all users “.

43193 and



Users were unable to Merge and Extract using a large LST file. SA would hang. In addition, trying to do an XML Export of Definitions and their Subordinates in the Samples encyclopedia caused SA to hang. This was due to a set of 66 definitions and their subordinates forming an endless loop.  A counter has been placed onto SA's bottom status bar so that a user can see that SA is working and not hanging.



Documentation - The SAEM online help documentation which spoke about "Query Toolbar" needed to be revised to "Query Workspace" as there was not a "Query Toolbar" any more.



The SA Simulator would terminate after trying to run the following reports: Activity Utilization, Resource Utilization, and Queue Stats at the end of the simulation.



System Architect Dynamic View was not expanding as per the Dynamic Report Definition.



User-defined symbols were not keeping their format symbol style, in particular the symbol's size. The problem only happened when using DEPICT LIKE for user defined symbols.  A new setting has been created in the  SA2001.INI, named UseSymbolFormatStyleSize=Y. If 'Y', then the symbol size the user specified in the style sheet will be applied to each newly drawn user-defined symbol, instead of the size taken from USRPROP's "depict like".



When using UML 2 diagrams in SA, pressing the X and ? buttons in the color pallet dialog were causing System Architect to freeze.



Drawing a message line on a UML 2 Sequence diagram by using the shortcut to single click on the toolbar symbol, caused the message line to be placed incorrectly on the diagram – instead of drawing it horizontally between two lifelines, it drew it into the header of the lifeline.



Running an ICOM Arrow Reports resulted in Runtime an error '9' -- Subscript out of range.



The path to SA/Publisher was incorrect in the sa2001.mst file. It said: AppPath=C:\Program Files\Telelogic\System Architect Suite\SA Information Web Publisher.  The product name portion of the line has been changed to reflect the current name, SA/Publisher.



In the "Compare Models" functionality, the "property to use for time dimension" recognized only two date fields -- "In Service Date" and "Effective Date". When trying to enter a date field manually other than a default value, it led to an unhandled exception.



When using UML 2, users could not create an actor symbol from SA VBA using the Tau API. 



System Architect V11.1 with SP1

Improvements and Fixes Provided with 11.1 with SP1





System Architect V11.1 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) features the following improvements:


  • MODAF AcV-2 Acquisition Programme (‘Project Timeline’) Diagram Improvements
  • New SDX Generation Option for DoDAF ABM – Generate SDX’s Based on Drawn Lines
  • DoDAF ABM Report Improvements


In addition, a number of client-reported issues were fixed (see list below), and internal issues were addressed for SA/Process Integrator (not listed here) and the Welcome Guide (also not listed).



MoDAF AcV-2 Acquisition Programme (‘Project Timeline’) Diagram Improvements



Improvements have been made to the AcV-2 Acquisition Programme diagram to make it more flexible to use. The AcV-2 Acquisition Programme diagram is a timeline diagram that enables users to model Projects and the status of numerous Project properties at various Milestones. Milestones are represented as pie-like symbols positioned on the project’s phase bar. Previously there was a lot of coding in place that restricted usage of the diagram to conform to the MODAF specification. However, later versions of the MODAF specification have relaxed some of those restrictions. Users may now work with restrictions turned off, or choose to turn on some of those restrictions, as described below.


  • You are no longer mandated to use only the MODAF-specified milestones for projects; you may create your own set of Milestones for any project. You may also set up a standard set of Milestones so that all new Projects that you add to a diagram automatically have the standard set. This is accomplished through use of a new System Project definition named “Model Project” that is preloaded into every MODAF encyclopedia. The milestones specified in this “Model Project” become the default milestone set for all new Projects drawn on an AcV-2 diagram (if there are no existing Projects on the diagram). The ‘”Model Project” is predefined with the set of MODAF-specified milestones. You can change this set by editing the “Model Project”.
  • If there is at least one System Project already drawn on an AcV-2 diagram, then any additional new Projects drawn on the diagram will contain Milestones as specified in the top-most Project on the diagram.
  • System Projects dragged onto a diagram from the Explorer (Browser) will display the Milestones contained in their definition – not be overridden by the ones specified by MODAF or the ones on the top-most Project on the diagram. Projects on a diagram no longer have to share the same set of milestones as defined in the topmost project, nor must they must appear in the same order. Therefore, you may create a diagram that has System Projects with heterogeneous lists of Milestones. Accordingly, the Key (or Legend) is now based on all milestones in all projects on the diagram.
  • The diagram no longer has to be reopened for it to reflect changes to definitions. This was a previous restriction implemented for performance reasons. Performance has been improved so that this restriction is no longer necessary.
  • Rules checks can be run to make sure that the Milestones on the diagram are in correct chronologic order based on their Milestone Date property. Rules checking is turned off by default, and can be turned on via a diagram property. If turned on, rules checks are run on opening the diagram and on dropping new symbols on diagram. In previous versions of System Architect, rules checking was always turned on and could not be turned off.



The AcV-2 Acquisition Programme diagram is now easier to use, and more flexible, allowing you to model Projects with your own sets of Milestones, not just the MODAF-specified ones. You may also turn on automatic rules checking if you do wish your users to adhere to the MODAF-standard Milestones.


How to Review:

You need the MODAF paid option to System Architect to use this feature. In a System Architect for MODAF encyclopedia, create an AcV-2 diagram, or open an existing AcV-2 diagram from an existing MODAF encyclopedia.


New SDX Generation Option for DoDAF ABM – Generate SDX’s Based on Drawn Lines



An option has been added to the System Data Exchange (SDX) Generation dialog to generate SDX's based on existing System Interface lines drawn on SV-1 diagrams.



This enables users to use a common taxonomy for System Function names without generating invalid SDX’s. For example, common System Functions such as Air Search and Active Search could be performed by multiple radar systems – an APG-79 radar System Entity (on board an F-18 Hornet System Node), and a SPY-1 radar System Entity (on board a Cruiser System Node). With previous SDX generation, SDX’s would be generated for all combinations, thereby incorrectly relating an APG-79 radar with a SPY-1 radar when System Interface lines were automatically drawn on an SV-1 diagram. To workaround this, users would need to name their System Functions specific to the System Entity that used them – for example, Air Search by APG-79 Radar, etc. With the new option, SDX’s are only created based on System Interface lines drawn.


How to Review:

With the DoDAF ABM version of System Architect, select Tools, DoDAF ABM Utilities, Generate System Data Exchange Definitions. In the SDX Generation dialog, select the new option named Generate SDXs only if user-drawn line exists.



DoDAF ABM Report Improvements



A number of options have been added to DoDAF ABM Reports.


  • An option has been added to the SV-6 report dialog to generate the report from System Interfaces, System Node Interfaces, or both.
  • Settings for SV-6, SV-6B, and OV-3 reports can now be saved. Within these reports, users typically set scope, set filters, and specify properties to report on. Previously, users would need to specify these settings each time they ran a report. Users may now save these report settings to a file in an external directory or to a file housed in the Files table of the encyclopedia



  • Users can now generate an SV-6 SDX report on a diagram that only has System Node Interfaces, and no System Interfaces.
  • Requiring report settings to be established each time a report was run was considered to be a “time vampire” by users.


How to Review:

·         With the DoDAF ABM version of System Architect, select Reports, DoDAF (ABM) Reports, System Data Exchange Matrix (SV-6). Select a Scope of Diagrams in the upper left-hand corner. Note that new choices appear to generate based on SI Lines, SNI Lines, or Both.

·         With the DoDAF ABM version of System Architect, select Reports, DoDAF (ABM) Reports, System Data Exchange Matrix (SV-6), Operational Information Exchange Matrix (OV-3), or Services Matrix (SV-6b). Note the Save Settings and Load Settings buttons now available at the bottom of each respective dialog.








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(also 43447, 43448, and 43232)


Unable to install SA 11.1 with the new .msi install in certain environments. The installation hung after the initial screen.




A VBA callback event when clicking OK in an SAEdit dialog (sometimes called “definition dialog”) was added. This "edit session OK" event can be intercepted from a VBA macro or a VB application was added. It fires as soon as the definition is saved.



System Architect now remembers the shared directory path that a Reporting System .RPT file was last opened to, after restarting the product.  Previously, after opening a RPT file on a shared drive, SA would default to that location for the remainder of the session; however, once SA was restarted, the Report path was reset to <C>:\Program Files\Telelogic\System Architect Suite\System Architect\Reports.



The notation of a Weak Entity incorrectly displayed as an Associative Entity when the Data Modeling Graphical Consistency (DMGC) option is turned on.



After an FEA XML import into SA, the siblings in the Business Process Hierarchy diagram were not displayed in alphabetical order.



The information entered in the property “Mean Time between Failures” in the definition “System Component” was not displayed in the DoDAF System Performance Parameter Matrix (SV-7) report generated.



In the HTML Generator tool native to SA, if you went to the Diagrams tab, and left the Type field blank and then did a search for diagrams, SA would crash.



When using the Compare Models (in SVG) function, if you specified values in the Effective Date property in Application definitions on System Architecture diagrams, and used that property as the time dimension in the diagram comparison, no time slider was created in the SVG compare output of the diagrams; instead you received the message: "Symbols on this diagram have no defined time dimension properties."



Text was not getting embedded within the Rectangle symbol on an Explorer Diagram. Instead, the Rectangle symbol moved separately without the Text.



Matrices were producing errors when definitions had colons ':' in the name. Users were forced to have to rename all of their definitions to not have colons or not use the matrices.



A user with a mandatory profile was not able to start SA Compare. They were only able to start SA Compare with a local profile. This was a Citrix-related issue resulting from our use of encryption in order to obtain secure communications. An alternate method was put in place.



The iRMA Utilities menu was not show up in an Enterprise encyclopedia, despite the fact that the user had the iRMA option.



In SA Compare, the Group box boundary was  broken on the Compare Models main dialog in the Japanese version of the product.



Reenabled the ini file setting to turn on/off the UML 2 option. It is EnableUML2=Y. It is off by default.



SA/Publisher was publishing some definitions with quotation marks and keys in the name in a particular encyclopedia.



SA/Publisher was deleting pagelist.xml when started in batch mode so index generation was not possible.

43684 Fixed as 41524


Could not navigate to the Child diagram using the '+' in the symbol in the SA/Publisher generated SVG for an Entity Relation Diagram. If you clicked on the ‘+’ symbol, the blue box was empty and would not take you to the child diagram.



In the Compare Models feature, the property to use for time dimension only recognized two date fields -- "In Service Date" and "Effective Date". However when users tried entering a date field manually other than the default values, it led to an unhandled exception.








System Architect V11.1 features the following improvements:


  • SA – Change Integration
  • Usability Improvements to SVG Output in SA/Publisher and SA/XT



1. SA – Change Integration



A new SA – Change integration feature has been introduced into System Architect. It enables you to associate changes to diagrams and definitions with Change Requests in Telelogic Change. In System Architect, you can open the new Change History dialog and view all changes to an object that are associated with a Change Request. Additionally, you can start the Change web interface from within the Change History dialog in System Architect.


The linking of changes to artifacts in System Architect to Change Requests in Change provides full traceability between what is changed and why it is changed.


2. Usability Improvements to SVG Output in SA/Publisher and SA/XT



SVG output for both SA/Publisher and SA/XT is provided with a number of new usability features. A new Pan & Zoom feature is provided, which presents a small navigation window that enables you to zoom in and out to quickly go to any area of the diagram. When you first open a diagram, the Pan & Zoom window is anchored to the upper right corner of the canvas area. You can move the window anywhere within the canvas area (framed by a solid line) but not outside of it. When you resize your browser window the canvas area and the Pan & Zoom window resize automatically, and proportionally. In addition, SVG now has new shortcut keys that are deemed more industry-standard than the previous set. Users may also choose their own shortcut key mappings using the keymap.xml file.


The Pan & Zoom provides easier ways to navigate SVG diagrams in SA/Publisher and System Architect/XT. It provides an intuitive way to pan to any area of a diagram and zoom in or out with the new Slider, or with the mouse wheel. Previously, zooming in and out had to be done exclusively with keyboard and mouse combinations. You can now navigate with the just the mouse, or use new mouse and keyboard combinations. Additionally, you can customize the keyboard and mouse combinations through the keymap.xml file that lets you map the keyboard, the keyboard and mouse, or the mouse wheel to the new navigation features.




List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 11.1


If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.



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The Report Generator was not allowing a non-Default printer to print a report. 



The Guidebook mentioned a non-existing document about versioning with PVCS.  The Guidebook’s name has also been changed to the Welcome Guide. 



When creating a child Gane & Sarson Data Flow diagram, the text in the description field of a child process was not being saved.



Not all IDEF0 child diagrams were exported to XML when using a French locale.  The problem was caused by the international separator in the Temp file SA generates. Now it will generate the Temp file with a separator of the user’s choice.



It was not possible to edit any files to change the "alternate text" or the "tool tip" (information displayed on mouse hover) for symbols in the SA/Publisher report.  User requested that every graphic, not just symbols, should have a TEXT or DESC element that they could use to store the name of the symbol or a suitable description of the graphic. Screen readers use these elements to describe the graphic.  Symbol tool tips are controlled by the title and desc tags in the SVG. For example:
<title>Take Reservation Details</title>
will display a tool tip of "Take Reservation Details of type Process"



When using SA/Publisher users had no keyboard support for panning diagrams. You can now pan the SVG using the up, down, left, and right arrow keys.



System Architect was terminating under certain circumstances when users tried to change the stereotype of an attribute in a class diagram.



If Center-to-center Routing was switched off for an Explorer diagram, and a Relationship line was drawn, the line was NOT attached to the edge of a node symbol, but to its center.



Enhanced the zooming capabilities in the SVG Viewer.  You can now zoom in/out with the mouse/keyboard.



Enhanced the SVG output to enable printing the SVG Images from the html output.  A toolbar has been added to the top of the SVG page. You can click the print icon to send the page to the printer.  You may right click on the image and select Print Picture.



The Report Generator caused System Architect to terminate when using filters on properties.  The problem occurred when the WHERE clause had Name = ‘a’ and Name = ‘b’. This condition could never be satisfied and the report was therefore always empty.



When a Business Process Hierarchy diagram contained a hierarchy of Business Process symbols that were defined as belonging to a Category, the Category was shown embedding the Process symbols.
However, when the Hide Sub-tree option was used to hide lower level Process symbols, the Category did not 'hide' along with its contained process symbols.



Explorer Diagram: Alternate depictions did not keep track of changes.  The Refresh Collection option had been created for when a definition was dragged onto the diagram, and should have been updating the depiction of the definition.



When using the Show Immediate Relatives command in the Explorer Diagram the definition relationship names and object types were not being shown.



Duplicate of 23806 - System Architect terminated when you tried to change the stereotype of an attribute in a class diagram under certain circumstances. 



When exporting diagrams to XML with six levels of child diagrams, the 6th level wasn’t being exported.



An 'Unknown error 0x800A004B' message appeared while trying to launch SA/Publisher under certain circumstances.



An “Object Variable or With Block variable not set” error message poped up while trying to save a user defined matrix on the SOA loaded encyclopedia.



When attempting to invoke Tools\DoDAF ABM Utilities\SV-4 Functional Decomposition to SV-4 Data Flow, users would get an error message regardless of what diagram name they chose for the new diagram. The error message read: “DoDAF ABM a diagram of that name already exists. Click OK to specify another diagram name or Cancel to exit.”  The Yourdon/Demarco method wasn’t being turned on in the Property Configuration dialog.



BPMN Business Process Diagram – When drawing a message flow line from or to the edge of a pool, the name of that pool was not being automatically placed in the Source and/or Target Pool property.



SA ERP installed only to C:\Program Files\Telelogic\System Architect Suite\SA ERP, ignoring the optional path
defined in the setup package.



After opening the Display Mode for any symbol, the Undo and Redo options were disabled; preventing any changes from being undone.



After creating and then reopening a report with the Report Generator, the report would become corrupted under certain circumstances.  In the report the "starts with" became "=".



Running an Explorer Relationship Report for the first time on an Explorer diagram generally caused System Architect to terminate.



When using the browse button in the Import XML option, if the focus was switched it was impossible to return to using SA (unless the window was not maximized) or you minimized the other application's windows.
It was necessary to close SA using the Task Manager as no option was available in the Taskbar, nor when using Alt+Tab.



When using the TOGAF Report Settings option, the dialog stored a reference to a Word Template, but this reference was not used when the Report was run.



When running the Business Architecture report for TOGAF, the "List of Enterprise ABBs" property and the "List of ABBs" property was included, but the SAProps.cfg prevented both properties from existing at the same time. (This also applied to the SBBs).



When attempted to import an IER matrix in a DoDAF encyclopedia where any of the "key columns" had a cell that spanned two rows (e.g. "Receiving node", "Source Node", etc), you would be faced with a generic VBA error message: "Object variable or With Block variable not set. Code 91".



An Explorer Relationship Report would not print the relationship text.



SA Publisher – Clicking on the child diagram link caused the Main page to reload.



The html link provided in the generated email through the 'Send Comments to:' link in SA/Publisher was incorrect. It was not the path of 'the exact html page that was clicked on’ or the current location. If users generated their web pages into one folder, then moved them to another location on the server, the 'Send Comments' option used the original path for the HTML document, and not the current location which was incorrect. This feature used the path that was hard coded in each HTM page from the original location as the page was generated, not the location after the pages were moved.



When trying to Reverse Data Engineer (RDE) from the SQL 2005 database, an error message of “ID Dispatch error #3092” would appear.



Foreign Keys were not removed from the entities after running “Remove FK’s”  from the Dictionary Manu.



In the past users would have to press SPACEBAR or ENTER in order to activate and use SVG controls in the SVG output of SA/Publisher or SA/XT.



When running an HTML report, the .SVG output contained corrupted .WMF diagram pictures under certain circumstances.



Encyclopedia was corrupted by undeletable duplicated 'Association End'.



When trying to launch SA/Catalog Manager, it did not start after clicking OK on the connection details after receiving an error message.



System Architect terminated while renaming a Data Element and deleting its Domain at the same time.



Comment field in the SA Properties window did not word wrap, causing users to be unable to read comments correctly.



The SV-1 Diagram Utility 'Draw All Interface Connection' failed.  The utility do not add any System Entities, in fact it removed the existing ones.  "SV-1 Diagram Utilities" option was removed from the Draw menu for DoDAF, MoDAF and NAF. Running 'Draw - Sv-1 Diagram Utilities - Draw All Interface Connection' on an SV-1 diagram supporting DoDAF ABM, now redraws entities and lines.



The option to "Add Immediately Related Entities” no longer appeared when the right clicking on the Explorer Diagram, resulting in confusing menu entry.



Added to SA/XT the same functionality that appears in System Architect to Reference External documents.



In SAXT, when trying   to open the report ‘List the Technology Reference Model taxonomy definitions’; it failed to publish the report.  The report was returned empty.



The diagram alignment changed when trying to print a flow chart diagram.



When using DB Schema Generation, the "Database" option in Environment menu of System Architect schema generator didn’t get saved.



Creation of SQL Encyclopedias from Scripts was not properly documented.  New steps have been added to the documentation under "Creating a SQL Server Encyclopedia via SQL Scripts" page.



For MODAF, the 'Convert StV-2 to StV-4' MODAF-utility did not work for large diagrams.



While running the Analytic Wizard, operations that didn't involve a value, or were testing for a blank value, raised a validation error. For example, for the following simple analytic test::
"Initial Audit" is NOT NULL or "Intial Audit" = ""

SA would throw a message which read "You must select a valid condition against which the analytic will act".



Documentation – the last sentence under the System Architect Help of Perspective section, the Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map diagram information was incomplete.



When selecting the Reports --> Batch Doc Facility-->Reports.dcf, System Architect terminated without showing any error messages.



Changing the name of a formal parameter when it’s type was not in the same package caused the user to be prompted with a dialog where the type name was Integer [“Analyst Data Types”], and where Integer was the type and “Analyst Data Types” was the package. The Package property was blank.  The UI was corrected so a user would not need to make any changes.



SOA:  In the Analytic query wizard if you tried to query the property “Description” starting with a ? (a particular character), and fill the color of the “process” based on the outcome of this query, SA failed to give the desired result.  The 'Simple Test' in the Application Landscape Tools->Analytic Builder Wizard did not make any changes on the 'Process' symbol of a Business Process diagram.



After uninstalling System Architect, the entire System Architect Suite directory was removed, including user-modified files, such as .RPT files. Even the System Architect for SOA directory was lost.  Now after an uninstall, any modified or user files are left in place.



Documentation: IRMA Meta-model diagram was fuzzy. The image has been updated to be more easily viewed.



Documentation: System Architect help documentation needed to be corrected in regards to calling the SV-10a System Rules Model a diagram, which it is not.



Documentation: A blank page came up when you tried to search the exact string "Information Stored in an Encyclopedia". The page had been deleted from the help system.



The System Architect CMDB Integration did not install properly if System Architect was not installed at its default location.



System Architect terminated when just a colon was entered for a HETEROGENEOUSListOF property.



When running the 'Convert to 10.3' in SAEM, users were being timed out. 



BPMN – Business Process diagram. When selecting some symbols from different lanes in the same pool and trying to move them, you would get a message saying that it was not possible to move symbols if they were not located in the same lane.  If you clicked OK, System Architect hung and you needed to cancel the application from the Task Manager.



When creating an Explorer diagram, and enabling the “Hide Relationship line not attached to selected node objects” option, all the relationship lines were hidden, until you moved the cursor to one of the nodes. However, when you saved the diagram and generated to a website via SA/Publisher, the output SVG of the diagram had all relationship lines hidden, but they would not appear if you moved your cursor over a particular symbol.



The command Global Change\Free Form Text was not working for Custom Definitions. 



Documentation: It was not clear in the documentation that when using the SA/Catalog Manager, it becomes Read Only when two users have the same catalog open.



Documentation for Quickstart Tutorial:  Property Configuration screenshot given in the online help was not matching with the Property Configuration window of current-version SA.



Documentation for Quickstart Tutorial: In the introductory Business Modeling tutorial, there was no "Confirm Valid Reservation" diagram in the Samples Encyclopedia. The encyclopedia was changed and a new diagram was selected called “Reservations – Credit Check” to reflect the current Samples encyclopedia.



Documentation for Quickstart Tutorial: In the introductory Business Modeling tutorial, in step 14 there was no "OK" button in the tool.  Steps were updated to include proper behavior of SA.



Documentation for Quickstart Tutorial:  In the UML Sequence Diagram tutorial, there was no "Child open"; it should have been "Go to Child Diagram".  Steps were updated to include proper behavior of SA.



Documentation for Quickstart Tutorial:  In the DM tutorial in step 12, RATE was already a domain. Steps were updated to include proper behavior of SA.



Documentation for Quickstart Tutorial:  In the Modifying Properties tutorial, the exported USRPROPS.TXT didn’t have anything in it.  Steps have been updated to include you how to edit USRPROPS.TXT file.



Documentation for Quickstart Tutorial:  In Running VBA Macros tutorial (step 5), the instructions should have first told you to close the previous dialog with OK, then select Tools => Macros => Run Macro.  Steps were updated to include proper behavior of SA.



When using the SA ini editor under, Tools>Session Options>SATextFont, the description was inaccurate.  A new description has been provided.



Documentation for Quickstart Tutorial:  In the DM/Create Physical tutorial, in the Create Physical Data Model Diagram, users needed to provide a different name for the diagram that they were generating to PDM.  Steps were updated to include proper behavior of SA.



Documentation for Quickstart Tutorial:  When doing the early defining a class & attribute tutorial, users needed to click on the down-arrow in the type box before typing "c", and then still select "char" from the drop down.  Steps were updated to include proper behavior of SA.



Documentation:  There were some typos in UML2 section of the help, on the page Enabling UML 2, "Customize Method Support, System Architect Property Configuration".  Updated the UML2.chm to reflect the actual names of menus and dialogs. Also fixed the inconsistent use of quotation marks.



When using the Report Generator, after you created a report and saved the report using the “Save Report File As” option, you were not able to Draft the report; the tool generated an error on line x... and the report wais not saved.



When copying Entities, all the properties of the "Entity" definition were getting copied except for the "Access Paths" chapter, when the entities were renamed and copied onto an existing ERD.



Users wanted ability to generate a multi-level definition report using the Dynamic View. Previously a multi-level report wouldn’t be displayed as such when you expanded the dynamic view.



If you first selected certain symbols on any diagram and then opened a matrix and selected the matrix sort filter as "selected=TRUE", it failed to display any value while loading the matrix.



iRMA: The published IRMA Report did not show all the sub-reports as specified in the report TRM Service Standard report.



While creating a new Use Case Definition by copying it from an existing Use Case, SA was not completing the copy procedure. Although the definition was created some of Use Case Steps were not in the same order and also some of them were missing in the copied Use Case definition.



A Catalog in an SA/XT installation could not see any encyclopedias. 



When the customer launched SAXT and opened a specific encyclopedia, SAXT crashed giving
"Server Error in '/SAXT' Application-Index was outside the bounds of the array" while expanding nodes of certain definitions having a large number of entries. This seemed to be happening only for two encyclopedias, both having the same data.



The background color of an unselected cell (e.g. the 'Capability C1' x 'Activity A2') in the DoDAF ABM 'Capability to Operational Mapping' matrix was not being cleaned up.



Documentation:  In the DODAF and DoDAF ABM Tutorials there were multiple references to a legacy menu named "Reports\DoDAF Reports\Run DoDAF Reports" or Reports\DoDAF (ABM) Reports\Run DoDAF (ABM) Reports.  Steps were updated to include proper behavior of SA.



Exporting a matrix to Excel didn’t work for the French locale. 



Documentation: There were missing images in the DoDAF ABM help, on the page “Need Lines Only Created From Information Exchanges Formed Between Leaf Activities at Different Nodes.htm”.  Images have been replaced.



The Installation Guidelines for Process Integrator were insufficient.  A new ‘SA/Process Integrator Installation Guide’ has been created and can be found on the support site with the SA/PI downloads. It will be included in the Documentation DVD.



Documentation:  Incorrect Documentation on the Relation keyword in the Extensibility for Usrprops Guide on page 3-96, talking about User Defined Relationships. There was no information on this in the online help as well.   This information has been updated.



Within SA/XT there was a style sheet "Sum of Value Property (Top 10) which did not work. In theory you should have been able to create a definition with the property "Value", then use this style sheet to get the sum in the report.  The style sheet has been updated.



When using a UML 2 Class diagram, it was not possible to make any use of the available Stereotypes.



When creating a UML2 Package diagram, the 'containment line' button was not available.



When using a UML 2 Class diagram, the Multiplicity on UML2 association lines was not handled correctly.



When using a UML 2 Activity diagram, the toolbar tooltip do not work.



Whenever a new instance of SQL Express was created, this instance name did not get listed in SAEM under the “Server > Connect > Available SQL Servers” option. You needed to key in this information manually the first time you were in SAEM while trying to connect to this instance. Once the “Server Name\Instance Name” was manually entered the first time, it would appear for future use.



Users were unable to update the properties of user-defined diagrams using the CSV import.



Documentation: The misspelling of "Swimlanes" in Help index has been corrected.



System Architect V11.0 (with SP2)

Improvements and Fixes Provided with V11.0.37 SP2






List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 11.0.37 SP2


Service Pack 2 to System Architect V11 fixed issues with the SA/Simulator, as described below. If you are a System Architect user and do not use SA/Simulator (nor SA/Process Integrator), there is no real reason for you to migrate from V11 SP1 to V11 SP2. If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.



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An error was being generated during simulation of a BPMN diagram caused by lanes with the same name. 



SA Simulator was not routing objects correctly according to the “Time in Model" property when an AND Gateway was combined with an XOR Gateway.



SA Simulator was not routing objects correctly according to the “Time in Model" property when an AND Gateway was combined with an OR Gateway.



SA Simulator was not routing objects correctly according to the “Time in Model" property. For example, if you had an object with a "Time in Model" of 9 seconds it was getting transmitted through a sequence flow with a XOR condition of > 10 seconds.



While running the SA-Simulator on a Business Process Diagram, it returned the following errors: "Failed To simulate Model", "Failed to Create Model", "Failed Create Service time Profile", "Automation error|Unspecified Error." SA/Simulator was sensitive to the way the ContinuousReal distribution was set up. For the ContinuousReal distribution, the values needed to be in increasing value order, the weights could not be negative, and they needed to sum to a value greater than zero. The validation of the parameters was only checking that they were all numeric, and the error based on the tighter constraints (listed above) was only generated at run time.


List of Internal Issues Fixed for SA/Process Integrator 11.0.37 SP2


The following internally reported issues were fixed for SA/Process Integrator for V11.0.37 SP2.



40050/ 40052

Previously, SA/Process Integrator was not supported on Oracle. Now there is an option for Oracle in SA/Process Integrator Client Install. 


Previously, SA/Process Integrator was not supported on Oracle. Now an Oracle Encyclopedia can be loaded in SA\Process Integrator client.


While creating a symbol in Visio using the standard 'System Architect' template, users did not get an option to use the definition existing in SA, so that the newly created symbol could be mapped to an existing definition.


Error number was not updated in Error Window on clearing errors. As a result diagrams without errors might not get saved to SA.


The Create/Attach child diagram menu option was removed since it was not applicable.


Check-in action was disabled even when the diagram was checked-out.


"Select Symbol" window didn’t list anything.


SA/Process Integrator would throw an exception under certain circumstances when deleting shapes.


"Select Symbol" dialog box was renamed to "Select Shape".


Opening a template in SA/Process integrator threw an exception under certain circumstances.


System Architect browser became minimized when other applications were running.


Diagram saving failed when it had a Doc block and text symbol on it.


After opening an existing diagram in Offline Mode there were no rules checking for existing shapes.


Checked out diagram from SA didn’t open in offline mode.


The picture in the 'Help', 'About' dialog in SA/Process Integrator was changed.


Offline diagram was overridden by Online diagram of same name.


An error was received when opening an encyclopedia created from a previous version.


The error icon in the SA/Process Integrator for Visio 2003 was the Windows messenger icon.


The SAService was not starting automatically after SAXT was installed.


Shape resize was not working properly.


Positioning of names on lines needed improvement.


Version Number of Process Integrator was shown incorrectly.


There was improper grammar in the Validate Connection textbox.


Under certain circumstances, SA would think that a diagram was checked out by Visio.


Unable to open an existing diagram in edit mode.


Different error icons were provided in diagrams created with current and older SA/Process Integrator versions.


System Architect V11.0 (with SP1)

Improvements and Fixes Provided with 11.0.37 SP1





System Architect V11.0 (with SP1) coincided with release of the following new product:


  • System Architect/Process Integrator – a new product integrating with System Architect and Visio



1. System Architect/Process Integrator



SA/Process Integrator enables Visio process modelers to work in their preferred environment and create a live link to System Architect for model storage and access.  The SA/Process Integrator offers Visio users Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) templates, modeling error checking, and central repository storage for model and artifact management and reuse.  Visio process models can be opened in System Architect for detailed analysis, simulation and execution.  The combination of the two modeling solutions allows Visio models to be incorporated into the System Architect suite of applications, including System Architect/Publisher and System Architect/XT.

The System Architect/Process Integrator supports connections to SQL Servers and Oracle.


  • Integrate Visio with powerful enterprise-wide business analysis capabilities.
  • Increase productivity and consistency by reusing business models and artifacts across models.
  • Promote modeling standards for Visio users.
  • Enhance collaboration and analysis by centralizing disparate Visio models in a common repository.
  • Support part-time Visio process modelers and their environment of choice while fully including them in the BPA initiative.

Here's a list of some of the features you'll find available:

  • Visio templates and error checking ensure consistency to the BPMN standards.
  • Visio models saved in the repository can be opened in System Architect for editing, analysis, and reporting.
  • Off-line and online access provides a multi-user workflow to the System Architect repository.
  • Common artifacts can be reused across Visio models and updated automatically wherever a change to that object is made.



List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 11.0.37 SP1


If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.



TS #




When trying to paste images into an ABM OV-1 diagram with "Symbol display layering" set to "by size and transparency", images are always sent to back. The layering should follow size and transparency.



When first opening an an IDEF1X diagram (or OV-07) in 10.7, where the diagram was created in a previous version and the diagram contains a "Complete Category" (aka IDEF1X Categorization) grouping multiple super-sub relations, the diagram will be incorrectly transformed.

When the diagram is opened, it will start flashing as the "complete category" is replaced with one distinct "complete category" for each super-sub relation.

As a result, several new "complete categories" are created and the semantics of the data model will be severely distorted as the "complete categories" are ripped apart. After the transformation, all that remains are "super-sub relations" where each has its own "complete category", which is simply not equivalent to the 10.6 model.



System Architect startup time was considered slow when there are multiple license servers.



Problem with Consistency in Entity Diagrams. The representation of associative entity present in a diagram to be shown as the same in all diagrams if the same associative entity is used in another diagram.



Copy functionality from the Explorer no longer copies the Entity details. After copying the Entity in the Explorer, the entity is created without the information such as: Table Name, Database Comment, Prefix, Volume, Business Description etc.



No 'ICOM Navigator' available.  The 'ICOM Navigator' should be available both under 'View' and by right-clicking an ICOM arrow.



'Valid' flag in 'Need Line Navigator' not consistent with setting in the 'Information Exchange'



System Architect becomes unstable if you define an UML 2 Activity diagram with an activityaction node symbol, where the activity owner of the diagram is the same as the "inline activity" named inside the activityaction.



Referenced documents property values not published on the definition by SA/Publisher.



In System Architect the  Attribute properties "Data Type" and "System Defaults" not retaining saved value --> REGRESSION: Attribute properties not retaining saved value via grid.



System Architect V11.0

Improvements and Fixes Provided with V11.0







System Architect V11.0 features the following improvements:


  • Views Explorer
  • Ability to Compare Diagrams Visually (Visualizations)
  • DoDAF 1.5 Support
  • SA/XT Drawing Capabilities for BPMN Diagrams
  • UML 2.1 Support
  • Improvements to iRMA Reports
  • Wizard to Videotape Issues and Generate Support Requests




1. Views Explorer



A new Views Explorer is available that enables you to categorize diagrams and definitions within package-like structures. These package-like structures do not offer a separate namespace; rather, you are categorizing artifacts within the global namespace of the encyclopedia. You may categorize artifacts using any strategy that you choose; for example, by project, or by department. Two types of Views are available: ‘Static Views’ and ‘Dynamic Views’. You may populate ‘Static Views’ by dragging and dropping diagrams and definitions into them. You may create ‘Dynamic Views’, whose contents reflect the output of the running one or more reports. The Views Explorer is optional; by default, the normal Explorer (formerly called Browser) is presented to you; it is now called the ‘Classic’ Explorer. You may open one or more Views Explorers concurrently.     



Users have been asking for a way to organize diagrams in a manner which best suits them, within the global namespace of an encyclopedia. If they had, for example, hundreds of BPMN Business Process diagrams, those diagrams would all be listed alphabetically in the All Methods tab under the Business Process grouping. The only thing they could do to categorize the diagrams was to add a prefix to the name.





You may now categorize the definitions and diagrams of an encyclopedia according to strategies which are most digestible to the viewers of your architecture – by department, by project, and so forth. For example, you may break up your architecture by categorizing the business processes performed by the Marketing organization, Development, Human Resources, and so forth, while maintaining all of the information in the same global namespace.


How to Review:

Select View, Explorer, Views. Perform the same step again to launch a second View Explorer. By default the View Explorer presents an All Methods tab which is similar in content to the All Methods tab of the “Classic” Explorer, except that it is based on the running of reports for all items.


Consult the help on how to create Static Views and populate them, and how to create Dynamic Views and specify reports for them.


2. Visualizations



A new XML differencing engine has been introduced into System Architect, which will eventually enable you to perform side-by-side comparisons of the contents of partitions in an encyclopedia. Its functionality is pertinent to the System Architect user even before partitions are available – in this version of the software, you may use the differencing engine to visualize differences between any set of diagrams – including simple graphical changes to a diagram such as the moving of a symbol from one version of the diagram to another. Time-based visualizations are also available, which enable you to track changes based on the values of a time property in each symbol on the diagram; you may drag on a time slider to see the diagram change in front of you based on the dates specified in the diagram’s symbols.



Users need to understand changes that have been made to different versions of diagrams, even if the change is as subtle as the moving of a symbol or symbols on a diagram. Visualizations enable you to do this.


Also, users also need track changes to different versions of architectures, such as baseline and target architectures. Partitioning is a feature that will enable you to create different versions of architectures in the same encyclopedia; the cross-partition XML differencing engine will enable you to see differences between partitions, when that functionality is available.





How to Review:

Select Tools, Compare Models. See the Help for detailed instructions on how to use the feature.


3. DoDAF 1.5



System Architect support for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) has been augmented to support the latest version of the standard – DoDAF 1.5. System Architect now supports this latest version of the standard in both its SA/DoDAF and SA/DoDAF ABM (Activity Based Method) versions. In general, support for DoDAF 1.5 adds ability to model Capabilities and Services, enabling you to build Net Centric Architectures. Specifically this means that new Definition types, Diagram types, Matrices, and Reports have been added to System Architect to enable you to model Capabilities and Services.



The US Department of Defense (DoD) is transforming to a new type of information intensive warfare known as Net-Centric Warfare (NCW). The idea is to make essential information available to authorized users when and where they need it. DoDAF 1.5 enables the DoD’s migration towards NCW; it applies net-centric concepts to DoDAF, and prescribes using Services within a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Capturing Capabilities and Services within a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) are fundamental to realizing the DoD’s Net-Centric Vision.





Support for DoDAF 1.5 enables you to build Net Centric, Service-Oriented Architectures.


How to Review:

In either the SA/DoDAF or SA/DoDAF ABM versions of the product, view the help – specifically the book Developing Net-Centric Architectures for DoDAF 1.5 in the DoDAF section of the help. It will point out and describe all of the new diagram types, definition types, matrices, and reports now available.


4. SA/XT Drawing Capabilities for BPMN Diagrams and Org Charts



Drawing capabilities have now been added to SA/XT. The first two diagram types that you can draw are the BPMN Business Process diagram and the Organizational Chart. Drawing is performed in a web browser, with diagrams directly input into the live repository.



SA/XT is a sister product to System Architect than enables you to work against the live repository via a pure thin client – simply a web browser. To this point, SA/XT offered ability to view the repository information by either browsing it or running reports against it, and adding/editing repository definition information. Now you can model these first two diagram types via the web browser.




SA/XT extends the audience of users that you may have adding to the enterprise architecture. Users with simple web access can access the repository and now draw BPMN diagrams directly into the repository.


How to Review:

In SA/XT, you may choose to model these diagram types via an option on the menu.


5. UML 2.1



Support for Version 2.1 of the Unified Modeling Language (UML 2.1) is now available. Please contact Telelogic Customer Support for specific information on how to enable and get started with UML 2.1 in System Architect. (Instructions on how to contact Support are provided in the “How to Review” section below).


The UML 2 modeling engine from Telelogic Tau has been embedded in System Architect, and its UML 2 metamodel merged into the System Architect enterprise architecture metamodel. You may now create UML 2 diagrams and definitions in System Architect, storing this information in the System Architect repository. For the first time maybe ever, one modeling tool has been integrated inside another modeling tool. We expect to further harmonize the interface to the UML 2 functionality in upcoming releases to further enhance the experience of the System Architect user.


You can now also optionally open the UML 2.1 models that you have built in System Architect within Tau so that you can use Tau’s full range of application development capabilities, including design prototyping and simulation, model-driven SOA, and round-trip code engineering. You must own a licensed copy of Tau to do this. Furthermore, Tau offers an integration with Telelogic Rhapsody for continued lifecycle support of systems and embedded design.


System Architect’s UML 1.x support is still available in the product, so if you have created models with this support, you may maintain them and start using UML 2.1 when you decide to.


The UML 2.1 support available in System Architect enables you to model using the following diagram types:


  • UML 2 Use Case diagram
  • UML 2 Activity diagram
  • UML 2 Class diagram
  • UML 2 Statemachine diagram
  • UML 2 Sequence diagram
  • UML 2 Interaction Overview diagram
  • UML 2 Component diagram
  • UML 2 Composite Structure diagram
  • UML 2 Deployment diagram
  • UML 2 Package diagram




UML 2.1 is the latest version of the standard; there have been numerous improvements to the standard since UML 1.x. This new feature enables you to use the new features of UML 2.1, and also opens up the option to use the wide range of model-driven development capabilities of the Tau product. Tau also has an interface to the Telelogic Rhapsody product, so a seamless integration between the three powerful Telelogic modeling solutions can be achieved. 



How to Review:

1.       In System Architect, select Help, Generate Support Request.

2.       In the Telelogic Support Information dialog, type in “Request UML 2.1 Support” in both the Summary and Problem fields.

3.       Select the Preview and Send button. An email message will be formed in your mail program.

4.       Click Send to send the message.



6. Improvements and Additions to iRMA Reports

The Integrated Reference Model Architect add-on to System Architect, which enables you to build models against the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Reference Models, has been improved with changes to existing reports and augmented with additional reports.

a. Improvements to Existing Reports

To coincide with the latest OMB 300 document, released in December 2006, the following changes have been made to the TRM Report (which users run by selecting Reports, iRMA Reports, TRM Report):

  • For each System published in the report, a comma-separated list is provided of SRM Components that the System is tied to. These lists are provided at the top of the report.
  • For each System published in the report, a comma-separated list is provided of Technical Components that the System is tied to. The "Version" property of each Technical Component is also printed to the right of the name of the Technical Component.

Also, to coincide with the latest OMB 300 document, the headings for the other existing columns for Service Area, Service Category, and Service Standard in the TRM Report that is generated are now precursored by the words “FEA TRM”.

b. New Set of iRMA Reports, Sorted by Reference Model (Rather than System)

A new set of FEA Reference Model reports are available that output information sorted by Reference model. The reports are available by selecting Reports, iRMA Reports.

i. A New TRM Report is Now Available Named "TRM by Reference Model"

The TRM by Reference Model report outputs each TRM Service Area definition, and for each TRM Service Area definition, specifies its TRM Service Category, and within each Service Category, its TRM Service Standard definition. Within each Service Standard definition, it provides a table that lists the following related definitions:

System  --- (first column)

Technology  --- (second column)

Technical Component (Vendor)

If a particular TRM Service Standard has no Systems associated with it, then the TRM Service Standard is not listed in the report.

ii. A New Report Is Available Named "TRM Report by Reference Model by Technology"

The "TRM Report by Reference Model, Technology and its Systems" report lists TRM Service Area, TRM Service Category, and TRM Service Standard, and then outputs a table that has two columns, titled Technology and System(s). Each row lists a Technology, with its System(s) in a comma separated list.


iii. A New BRM Report Is Available Named "BRM by Reference Model"

The BRM by Reference Model report outputs the name of each BRM Business Area definition, and for each BRM Business Area definition, specifies its BRM Line of Business, and for each BRM Line of Business, specifies its BRM Sub-Function. For each BRM Sub-Function, the report provides each related System definition in a table, along with its related Technology and Technical Component (with related Vendor). The "Version" property of each Technical Component is printed to the right of the name of the Technical Component.


If a particular BRM Sub-Function has no Systems associated with it, then the BRM Sub-Function is not listed in the report.


iv. A New SRM Report Is Available Named "SRM Report by Reference Model"

The SRM by Reference Model report outputs the name of each SRM Service Domain definition, and for each SRM Service Domain definition, specifes its SRM Service Type, and for each SRM Service Type, specifies its SRM Service Component. For each SRM Service Component, the report provides each related System definition. The System definition is provided in a table, along with its related Technology and Technical Component (with related Vendor). The "Version" property of each Technical Component is printed to the right of the name of the Technical Component.


If a particular SRM Service Component has no Systems associated with it, then the SRM Service Component is not listed in the report.


v. A New PRM Report Is Now Available Named "PRM Report by Reference Model"

The PRM by Reference Model report outputs the name of each PRM Measurement Area definition, and for each PRM Measurement Area definition, outputs its PRM Measurement Category, and for each PRM Measurement Category, outputs its PRM Measurement Grouping, and for each PRM Measurement Grouping, outputs its PRM Measurement Indicator. For each PRM Measurement Indicator, the report provides each related System definition. The System definition is provided in a table, along with its related Technology and Technical Component (with related Vendor). The "Version" property of each Technical Component is printed to the right of the name of the Technical Component.


If a particular PRM Measurement Indicator has no Systems associated with it, then the PRM Measurement Indicator is not listed in the report. If a PRM Measurement Grouping has no PRM Measurement Indicators listed for it (because none of its PRM Measurement Indicators had an associated System), then the PRM Measurement Grouping is not listed in the report.



7. Wizard to Videotape Issues and Generate Support Requests

A new Generate Support Requests wizard has been added to the product which you can use to take video captures or still images of issues and email them to Customer Support, thereby opening a case.


The Generate Support Request feature enables you to quickly record video of the issue that you are having with the tool, and email it to our Customer Support department. 


How to Review:

Select Help, Generate Support Request.  A dialog will open that provides you with commands to turn on video capture or take snapshots of System Architect’s screen, and email them to Customer Support.



List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect V11.0


If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.



TS #




When drawing a Pre-pending entity symbol using portion marking in an ABM OV-7 Logical Data Model diagram, an error message occurred.  The DOD standard is that the naming convention starts with a portion marking: open parenthesis, alpha string, and close parenthesis. 



Existing classes in the package Common data types are completely missing in the UML view.



The operator 'like' or its syntax is not correctly described in the help files.  The documentation has been updated on the Comparison Symbols page to include the following: The "LIKE" operator can be used to filter definitions with properties that are like (but not exactly the same) as a certain value. This is best seen with wildcards (*). For example a query : Type = "Entity" and "Name" like "*t*" will report on all entities that have a t in the middle of their name. - Customer, Overseas Customer but NOT Room.



The ‘ASSIGN’ syntax provided in the documentation causes an error in the property file addenda.  The syntax has been corrected in help files to include the proper use of the ‘ASSIGN’ keyword.



Upon installing SA an unclear Out of Disk Space error message is displayed indicating too little disk space. The information is not displayed correctly.



System Architect terminates when right-clicking on the definitions in the framework.



Very slow performance when renaming a definition that is a key of MatrixCell. 



Unable to Alt-Tab from System Architect Help window to Main Window.



A Runtime error of 62: input past end of file, occurs while trying to use  ‘XML Export’.  This problem is caused by there being a quotation mark (") in the definition name.  A new message has been created in case this happens. The following message will be prompted - There is a problem with the data. The most likely cause is a quotation mark in a definition name. Export XML cannot continue.



When attempting to Merge detail using the Intelligent Merge/Extract, if a keying problem occurs the report generated identifies the encyclopedia by its temporary UDL name and path.



Unable to create a correct DDL file (generated by DB Schema generator).   When a Schema is generated from a PDM (a PDM generated from another PDM,), it is generated from Column Default Nullity, but not from User Data Type.  Therefore, losing the proper NULLITY, generating a NOT NULL when it should be NULL.



DoDAF: ABM OV Traceability Report - OpActivities by Name incorrectly labeling ICOM Arrows.  The report "OpActivities by Name" will incorrectly assume that all ICOM Arrows have the same ICOMRole as the first one encountered.



Relationship lines are automatically re-drawn every time an Entity Relation diagram is opened.



After changing the format style sheet, there is a small size mismatch when creating symbols on the diagram depending on whether they are created by:

1) dragging and dropping definitions into a diagram
2) drawing them using the draw tools



When Simulating the Routing of Time In Model unusual results are observed.  The objects appear to travel down the wrong flow through an XOR junction.  If a Default is used in one route then all objects travel down the default.   However, if the other flow is identified as the Default, then no object will flow and cause the simulation to 'block'.



The letter ÿ (and Russian YA) is interpreted as a line break when importing a csv file.



DoDAF – ABM After creating a child diagram from and SV-04 Data Flow diagram and using the Auto Balance Children report from the parent diagram,  the Go to child diagram button is disabled  The same can be found on the toolbar, an error message is displayed.



When copying and pasting a group of symbols that contains a single branch of hierarchical symbols, and the Duplicate Check is active, only the root symbol is recognized as being a duplicate - all other symbols are pasted.



SA/XT supports windows domain authentication and it doesn't support Oracle password based authentication.  SAXT and the SAXTWebservice can now access encyclopedias using database security. The user is no longer limited to integrated windows authentication.



Russian characters not shown correctly in the Simulator or the Sim not even working properly.



Browser tab corruption - When Browser tab is configured using XML file and when following  certain sequence of procedure it shows only two tabs.



Unable to change the default location of the Graphic files for the Framework.  The program was not properly handling a new default graphics path when selected by a browse.



A "pen color", if defined in a depiction in a usrprops customization will not have an effect on a symbol, such as a line.  The cause was that the depictions weren't overriding depict like statements that were in saprops.cfg



DiagramToSVG terminates System Architect when the diagram contains a certain metafile.



In Simulator, the Multiplier property in the object definition is not affecting the rate at which the simulation objects arrive.



System Architect terminates when all options are on in Diagram Format/Display Options.



You can list "Data" as an argument to HeterogeneousListOf or HeterogeneousOneOf, to allow a reference to any element in SA's data dictionary.

However, if "data" is not listed FIRST among the arguments to HeterogeneousListOf or HeterogeneousOneOf, but rather some other type (such as "Entity") is listed first, the following message will be issued when the encyclopedia is opened.  Definition "YourDefinition":
Property "YourProperty"
This object has the FROM derivation specified. This is not allowed in this context - ignored.



Generating a BPMN report order by parent-to-child order.  Some child diagrams appear in the correct hierarchical position whilst others do not, and instead simply appear at the top level at the end of the document.  The order of the child diagrams that are in hierarchy is not always correct (e.g. Transition Phase Iteration is diagram 4, is exported as the first child of the top level flow.



Verify and Repair returns 1421 errors about missing definition for property Data.  However the attribute mentioned in the error actually exists and it’s also seen under Data property of the entity.



When changing the property configuration to “ apply changes to all future encyclopedias”, the new encyclopedia still receives the default configuration.



DoDAF - Whenever an SV-01 is or has been opened, an SV-02 will stop displaying customized display graphics/depictions.  The problem seems to be that using a BMP file for the diagram depiction. It’s recommended that a WMF file be used instead.



If a XML parsing error occurs on a long line (over 900 some characters), the error details will not show.



URLs with the 'https' prefixed when added through 'manage my bookmarks' or 'manage my link' in SAXT, does not link to the correct website. However, the URLs with the 'http' prefix works fine.



Faulty phrased error message when not having rights to create task - "Error creating definition - you do may not have permission to create it"



Running System Architect after setting the environment variable TMP to a path with quotes around it, and attempt to open an encyclopedia, System Architect will delete a bunch of files from the installation directory.



Help has incorrect references to Data domain and Userdata type location in User-defined_data_types_SQL_Server.  The page has been updated to include the proper description of User data type.   User Data Types are related to columns in tables in physical data models. Data Domains are related to data elements and through them to attributes in entities in logical data models. Only the name differs: Data Domains are User Data Types.



Help information in the Userguide.pdf file is incorrect for changing the default text editor.  For changing encyclopedia usrprops, you must "Export USRPROPS.TXT (Encyclopedia). They then save the file, and then the file opens up in notepad. They can make changes and save it.



Tip of the day says IWP can have dashboard representation with charts.  These tips are no longer true and have been removed from System Architect.



When constructing a class diagram and associating two classes using the realization symbol, the display within SA appears correctly - i.e. a dotted line - as shown in the attached file - classes.jpg. However, when this is
printed, it appears solid, changing the designed relationship.



Systems Architect Session Options Editor SYNTAX error. The syntax was incorrectly provided for :

XMLDataAsAttribute -- SYNTAX: Transform Data to Attribute=?
XMLPromptSchema -- SYNTAX: Prompt for Schema=?
XMLStructAsAttributeEntity -- SYNTAX: Transform Data Structure to Attribute Entity=?
XMLUseDiagramSchema -- SYNTAX: Use the Diagram Schema=?



SA XT displays a Server Error page during Managing Bookmarks - A "Server error message":
Cannot have multiple items selected when the SelectionMode is Single.



The SA/XT Health of Architecture question contains a language error.  It says: "A count of how many words has a user has entered for definitions".  The second “has” was removed from query.



No "Delete Diagram" option available from System Architect Catalog Manager.



In the help manual of SAXT it is mentioned that if you create a new task by clicking on the "New Task Item" button then SAXT will create a definition "Task List" in SA. However it should be "Task Item".



Listing of all roles and store procedures needed to use System Architect, except for "DeletebyID"  from SA installation guide, on "SQL Server".



The document 'Telelogic System Architect Installation Guide Release 10.7', page 10, states that db_ddladmin is required to open an encyclopedia and read and create definitions within it. The install guide has been updated to include the need for db_ddladmin only when there’s been a change in the database schema.



System Architect terminates while performing a ‘Dictionary Update’.



The new SVG Viewer is very slow.



The documentation of System Architect  mentioned that for writing Macro we can use SAWD2001.dll as an interface. However this particular DLL was removed in the later versions. This ddl no longer exists within System Architect and documentation has been corrected.




Not possible to reference names with parenthesis on Citrix environment.



An enterprise encyclopedia loaded with SOA metamodel when accessed through SAXT, throws up an error "Error opening encyclopedia".



The help does not mention the need to install the DOORS-SA integration.



The StartUp Wizard does not work properly on Windows Vista.  An error message is displayed:  The Microsoft File and Print Sharing service must be installed and running on this machine in order to install SQL Express. SQL Express cannot be installed by the Startup Wizard. Please contact your network administrator to install and/or enable this service. You can run the Startup Wizard again from System Architect’s Help menu, once this service is properly configured on your machine.  The check for file and print sharing has been removed as SQL Express does not appear to require it.



When a VB project which has a number of classes is used to do a code synchronization with SA ,only two classes are getting imported. The rest are ignored.



When a usrprops.txt is imported in the normal encyclopedia (Without configuring it for SOA) encyclopedia open fine. However when same encyclopedia is configured for SOA then it gives error as- Error parsing property set files.



The SOA Addin misses some 'HeatBar' images. An error message appears:   Warning: List "HeatBar Percentage", value "0", refers to depiction file "images\HeatBar1.wmf".  The file was not found or was not a usable depiction - ignored.



 Reverse Engineer an OMB XML Schema and obtained "can't read memory" error messages.



When a  Word Macro Security setting is set to Medium or Low, there was  difficulty using a SA generated word report because opening created word document initiates SA-embedded macros which cause SA to open. This is because SA embeds the macro to the report file generated.



TRM report shows incorrect relationship between the ‘Technology’ and the ‘Service Standard’ definitions.



The System Requirements document of SAXT needs to be changed to have updated information indicating that IE6 or higher is needed to properly display SA XT.



The SA Publisher Help documentation for the 'Send Comments to:' link reads as follows:
["If you specify an email address in this field, a Send Comments link is
added to the top right of every page in the output website."]  This has been corrected to say -This field is used to specify the "To" email address for the e-mail message that is brought up when clicking on the "Send Comments" link in the output.



SA ABENDs when opening a diagram: File Error with, Record length incorrect.



A small documentation defect: There is an instruction to turn to a specific customer for feedback in the step by step instructions for building a Systems View in ABM.



To reduce redundancy the BPMN Samples encyclopedia has been replaced by elearning_Sample encyclopedia.   This encyclopedia can be used with an online training course created by IBM.



System Architect produced error messages with the property exceeding size of  the screen.  When trying to create a new definition or while trying to open the application definition it gives the following message:

"The size of "Trust-Line Approach" property exceeds the size of the screen. It will not be shown"
"The size of "Cooperative Profile " property exceeds the size of the screen. It will not be shown"
"The size of "Distribution Summary" property exceeds the size of the screen. It will not be shown"



Not getting right user count for licenses with INCREMENT.  When the number of users has been exhausted the next user who tries to log in should get appropriate message.  Licensing now uses a new and more powerful API call to determine the full count of licenses purchased by the client for any given feature.



The User Guide describes about Network ID which can be automatically used as Audit ID. This feature was supported on older version of System Architect.   The User Guide has been updated to reflect - If you're working on an Enterprise encyclopedia, implemented via SA Catalog Manager utility, your network ID is automatically used as the Audit ID.



SA/XT - On creating a complex definition (again an Investment definition) with multiple Oneof and Listof properties, pressing the Choices button opens not only the selection list for the property the button belongs to but also the Choices list of all other Properties previously populated. It is also making the contents of some Listof boxes invisible (although the content is still there and added/updated correctly).  The choices button opens not only the selection list for the property the button belongs to but also the Choices list of all other Properties previously populated.



SA/XT slow load time for SVG pages.  The performance of the SVG pages as been increased.



System Architect terminates when the graphic comment is added in Network Concept diagram.



System Architect no longer supports proper Yourdon/DeMarco notation. An error occurred - Data Structure Definition "xxx"
Property Description
Expected a component after a separator.  This error is due to the fact that the correct indicator is not being used. The square brackets rather than parenthesis should be used.



System Architect Catalog Manager appears as Read Only.



The report used for checking the 2nd and 3rd Normal Forms Check Report gives an error R66 for violation of 2nd Normal Form if there are 2 entities having a common attribute listed in them with the same Data Element Name.



SAPROPS.BIN found to be out of date when opening the encyclopedia in SA/XT.  If the database server is in a different time zone than the SA/XT server, then the SAPROPS needs to be recompiled and the user is unable to open the encyclopedia in SA/XT.



RELATE BY "is part of" not included in SA online help in USRPROPS keyword. Documentation has been updated to include “is part of” reference.



Documentation error on WMFs larger than 1.5"? No longer an issue of limiting the size of the image. 



System Architect crashes when 'Referenced by...' dialogue is resized.



Simulation properties exist for Gateway Symbols even when simulation is disabled.



When reusing Formal Parameter definitions in a Method definition, a Type is required; the Type is a Class which must be associated with a Package. When a duplicate is found errors can be generated due to the incorrect update of the Class's Package property. Also the request for a Package for the Type class will include the Package detail and introduce quotation marks in the Class name. This will create problems with re-use in Class and Sequence diagrams. 



The ASGRID option which is used in “USERPROPS” for customization doesn’t have clear documentation. When ever SA needs data in the form of GRID a customized “Usrprops” file must be created and imported into SA. For all the fields to come under GRID view the keyword “LENGTH” has to be specified which is missing in the documentation.  The help has been updated to include - The maximum length of a property that can be seen in a grid is 400.



When a customized HTML report template  was created for SA 10.3 in SA 10.7.16 System Architect terminated with "Run Time Error '53'".



System Architect terminates while performing ‘Dictionary Update’ on an encyclopedia, this is a duplicate of CR 31695.



SOA add-on installation error-props conflicts with DODAF. 



SA doesn’t support 64 bit software’s. In some of the referred cases handled in the past it has worked some times but has given errors on a few occasions.  The SQL Express SA install is only for 32 bit, and the 64 bit version has to be downloaded from Microsoft. This has been added to the SA and SA XT Installation Guide.



Explanation on Keyed Structure WHERE Clause ends abruptly in USRPROPS manual, a new example of how to use the Where clause has been added.



EBP: Related Definitions and Summaries Help page has errors.  Each of the four bullets has the phrase "by what application" repeated four times, when it should only be in the first bullet. The subsequent bullets have been updated with their relevant definitions.



The help file is missing possible relations for RELATE(BY).  The "is keyed by" should be added to the list. The explanation has been added as “is keyed by” -  "definition is identified by a definition"



While taking backup from SAEM ,the path chosen to store the backup file is ignored and the backup file is stored in the default location (Example:C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup).  The problem was found by using Vista the browse dialog was only returning the file name not the complete file path.



The list values ">", "IS" and "IS NOT" on importing the usrprops in an encyclopedia fails to display.  The list values ">", "IS" and "IS NOT" are displayed in SA v10.4, however when the same list is opened with V 10.8 and V 10.7 the values ">", "IS" and "IS NOT" are not displayed.






System Architect V11.0

Improvements and Fixes Provided with 11.0







System Architect V11.0 features the following improvements:


  • Views Explorer
  • Ability to Compare Diagrams Visually (Visualizations)
  • DoDAF 1.5 Support
  • SA/XT Drawing Capabilities for BPMN Diagrams
  • UML 2.1 Support
  • Improvements to iRMA Reports
  • Wizard to Videotape Issues and Generate Support Requests




1. Views Explorer



A new Views Explorer is available that enables you to categorize diagrams and definitions within package-like structures. These package-like structures do not offer a separate namespace; rather, you are categorizing artifacts within the global namespace of the encyclopedia. You may categorize artifacts using any strategy that you choose; for example, by project, or by department. Two types of Views are available: ‘Static Views’ and ‘Dynamic Views’. You may populate ‘Static Views’ by dragging and dropping diagrams and definitions into them. You may create ‘Dynamic Views’, whose contents reflect the output of the running one or more reports. The Views Explorer is optional; by default, the normal Explorer (formerly called Browser) is presented to you; it is now called the ‘Classic’ Explorer. You may open one or more Views Explorers concurrently.      



Users have been asking for a way to organize diagrams in a manner which best suits them, within the global namespace of an encyclopedia. If they had, for example, hundreds of BPMN Business Process diagrams, those diagrams would all be listed alphabetically in the All Methods tab under the Business Process grouping. The only thing they could do to categorize the diagrams was to add a prefix to the name.





You may now categorize the definitions and diagrams of an encyclopedia according to strategies which are most digestible to the viewers of your architecture – by department, by project, and so forth. For example, you may break up your architecture by categorizing the business processes performed by the Marketing organization, Development, Human Resources, and so forth, while maintaining all of the information in the same global namespace.


How to Review:

Select View, Explorer, Views. Perform the same step again to launch a second View Explorer. By default the View Explorer presents an All Methods tab which is similar in content to the All Methods tab of the “Classic” Explorer, except that it is based on the running of reports for all items.


Consult the help on how to create Static Views and populate them, and how to create Dynamic Views and specify reports for them.


2. Visualizations



A new XML differencing engine has been introduced into System Architect, which will eventually enable you to perform side-by-side comparisons of the contents of partitions in an encyclopedia. Its functionality is pertinent to the System Architect user even before partitions are available – in this version of the software, you may use the differencing engine to visualize differences between any set of diagrams – including simple graphical changes to a diagram such as the moving of a symbol from one version of the diagram to another. Time-based visualizations are also available, which enable you to track changes based on the values of a time property in each symbol on the diagram; you may drag on a time slider to see the diagram change in front of you based on the dates specified in the diagram’s symbols.



Users need to understand changes that have been made to different versions of diagrams, even if the change is as subtle as the moving of a symbol or symbols on a diagram. Visualizations enable you to do this.


Also, users also need track changes to different versions of architectures, such as baseline and target architectures. Partitioning is a feature that will enable you to create different versions of architectures in the same encyclopedia; the cross-partition XML differencing engine will enable you to see differences between partitions, when that functionality is available.





How to Review:

Select Tools, Compare Models. See the Help for detailed instructions on how to use the feature.


3. DoDAF 1.5



System Architect support for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) has been augmented to support the latest version of the standard – DoDAF 1.5. System Architect now supports this latest version of the standard in both its SA/DoDAF and SA/DoDAF ABM (Activity Based Method) versions. In general, support for DoDAF 1.5 adds ability to model Capabilities and Services, enabling you to build Net Centric Architectures. Specifically this means that new Definition types, Diagram types, Matrices, and Reports have been added to System Architect to enable you to model Capabilities and Services.



The US Department of Defense (DoD) is transforming to a new type of information intensive warfare known as Net-Centric Warfare (NCW). The idea is to make essential information available to authorized users when and where they need it. DoDAF 1.5 enables the DoD’s migration towards NCW; it applies net-centric concepts to DoDAF, and prescribes using Services within a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Capturing Capabilities and Services within a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) are fundamental to realizing the DoD’s Net-Centric Vision.





Support for DoDAF 1.5 enables you to build Net Centric, Service-Oriented Architectures.


How to Review:

In either the SA/DoDAF or SA/DoDAF ABM versions of the product, view the help – specifically the book Developing Net-Centric Architectures for DoDAF 1.5 in the DoDAF section of the help. It will point out and describe all of the new diagram types, definition types, matrices, and reports now available.


4. SA/XT Drawing Capabilities for BPMN Diagrams and Org Charts



Drawing capabilities have now been added to SA/XT. The first two diagram types that you can draw are the BPMN Business Process diagram and the Organizational Chart. Drawing is performed in a web browser, with diagrams directly input into the live repository.



SA/XT is a sister product to System Architect than enables you to work against the live repository via a pure thin client – simply a web browser. To this point, SA/XT offered ability to view the repository information by either browsing it or running reports against it, and adding/editing repository definition information. Now you can model these first two diagram types via the web browser.




SA/XT extends the audience of users that you may have adding to the enterprise architecture. Users with simple web access can access the repository and now draw BPMN diagrams directly into the repository.


How to Review:

In SA/XT, you may choose to model these diagram types via an option on the menu.


5. UML 2.1



Support for Version 2.1 of the Unified Modeling Language (UML 2.1) is now available. Please contact Telelogic Customer Support for specific information on how to enable and get started with UML 2.1 in System Architect. (Instructions on how to contact Support are provided in the “How to Review” section below).


The UML 2 modeling engine from Telelogic Tau has been embedded in System Architect, and its UML 2 metamodel merged into the System Architect enterprise architecture metamodel. You may now create UML 2 diagrams and definitions in System Architect, storing this information in the System Architect repository. For the first time maybe ever, one modeling tool has been integrated inside another modeling tool. We expect to further harmonize the interface to the UML 2 functionality in upcoming releases to further enhance the experience of the System Architect user.


You can now also optionally open the UML 2.1 models that you have built in System Architect within Tau so that you can use Tau’s full range of application development capabilities, including design prototyping and simulation, model-driven SOA, and round-trip code engineering. You must own a licensed copy of Tau to do this. Furthermore, Tau offers an integration with Telelogic Rhapsody for continued lifecycle support of systems and embedded design.


System Architect’s UML 1.x support is still available in the product, so if you have created models with this support, you may maintain them and start using UML 2.1 when you decide to.


The UML 2.1 support available in System Architect enables you to model using the following diagram types:


  • UML 2 Use Case diagram
  • UML 2 Activity diagram
  • UML 2 Class diagram
  • UML 2 Statemachine diagram
  • UML 2 Sequence diagram
  • UML 2 Interaction Overview diagram
  • UML 2 Component diagram
  • UML 2 Composite Structure diagram
  • UML 2 Deployment diagram
  • UML 2 Package diagram




UML 2.1 is the latest version of the standard; there have been numerous improvements to the standard since UML 1.x. This new feature enables you to use the new features of UML 2.1, and also opens up the option to use the wide range of model-driven development capabilities of the Tau product. Tau also has an interface to the Telelogic Rhapsody product, so a seamless integration between the three powerful Telelogic modeling solutions can be achieved. 



How to Review:

5.       In System Architect, select Help, Generate Support Request.

6.       In the Telelogic Support Information dialog, type in “Request UML 2.1 Support” in both the Summary and Problem fields.

7.       Select the Preview and Send button. An email message will be formed in your mail program.

8.       Click Send to send the message.



6. Improvements and Additions to iRMA Reports

The Integrated Reference Model Architect add-on to System Architect, which enables you to build models against the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Reference Models, has been improved with changes to existing reports and augmented with additional reports.

a. Improvements to Existing Reports

To coincide with the latest OMB 300 document, released in December 2006, the following changes have been made to the TRM Report (which users run by selecting Reports, iRMA Reports, TRM Report):

  • For each System published in the report, a comma-separated list is provided of SRM Components that the System is tied to. These lists are provided at the top of the report.
  • For each System published in the report, a comma-separated list is provided of Technical Components that the System is tied to. The "Version" property of each Technical Component is also printed to the right of the name of the Technical Component.

Also, to coincide with the latest OMB 300 document, the headings for the other existing columns for Service Area, Service Category, and Service Standard in the TRM Report that is generated are now precursored by the words “FEA TRM”.

b. New Set of iRMA Reports, Sorted by Reference Model (Rather than System)

A new set of FEA Reference Model reports are available that output information sorted by Reference model. The reports are available by selecting Reports, iRMA Reports.

i. A New TRM Report is Now Available Named "TRM by Reference Model"

The TRM by Reference Model report outputs each TRM Service Area definition, and for each TRM Service Area definition, specifies its TRM Service Category, and within each Service Category, its TRM Service Standard definition. Within each Service Standard definition, it provides a table that lists the following related definitions:

System  --- (first column)

Technology  --- (second column)

Technical Component (Vendor)

If a particular TRM Service Standard has no Systems associated with it, then the TRM Service Standard is not listed in the report.

ii. A New Report Is Available Named "TRM Report by Reference Model by Technology"

The "TRM Report by Reference Model, Technology and its Systems" report lists TRM Service Area, TRM Service Category, and TRM Service Standard, and then outputs a table that has two columns, titled Technology and System(s). Each row lists a Technology, with its System(s) in a comma separated list.


iii. A New BRM Report Is Available Named "BRM by Reference Model"

The BRM by Reference Model report outputs the name of each BRM Business Area definition, and for each BRM Business Area definition, specifies its BRM Line of Business, and for each BRM Line of Business, specifies its BRM Sub-Function. For each BRM Sub-Function, the report provides each related System definition in a table, along with its related Technology and Technical Component (with related Vendor). The "Version" property of each Technical Component is printed to the right of the name of the Technical Component.


If a particular BRM Sub-Function has no Systems associated with it, then the BRM Sub-Function is not listed in the report.


iv. A New SRM Report Is Available Named "SRM Report by Reference Model"

The SRM by Reference Model report outputs the name of each SRM Service Domain definition, and for each SRM Service Domain definition, specifes its SRM Service Type, and for each SRM Service Type, specifies its SRM Service Component. For each SRM Service Component, the report provides each related System definition. The System definition is provided in a table, along with its related Technology and Technical Component (with related Vendor). The "Version" property of each Technical Component is printed to the right of the name of the Technical Component.


If a particular SRM Service Component has no Systems associated with it, then the SRM Service Component is not listed in the report.


v. A New PRM Report Is Now Available Named "PRM Report by Reference Model"

The PRM by Reference Model report outputs the name of each PRM Measurement Area definition, and for each PRM Measurement Area definition, outputs its PRM Measurement Category, and for each PRM Measurement Category, outputs its PRM Measurement Grouping, and for each PRM Measurement Grouping, outputs its PRM Measurement Indicator. For each PRM Measurement Indicator, the report provides each related System definition. The System definition is provided in a table, along with its related Technology and Technical Component (with related Vendor). The "Version" property of each Technical Component is printed to the right of the name of the Technical Component.


If a particular PRM Measurement Indicator has no Systems associated with it, then the PRM Measurement Indicator is not listed in the report. If a PRM Measurement Grouping has no PRM Measurement Indicators listed for it (because none of its PRM Measurement Indicators had an associated System), then the PRM Measurement Grouping is not listed in the report.



7. Wizard to Videotape Issues and Generate Support Requests

A new Generate Support Requests wizard has been added to the product which you can use to take video captures or still images of issues and email them to Customer Support, thereby opening a case.


The Generate Support Request feature enables you to quickly record video of the issue that you are having with the tool, and email it to our Customer Support department. 


How to Review:

Select Help, Generate Support Request.  A dialog will open that provides you with commands to turn on video capture or take snapshots of System Architect’s screen, and email them to Customer Support.








List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 11.0


If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.



TS #




When drawing a Pre-pending entity symbol using portion marking in an ABM OV-7 Logical Data Model diagram, an error message occurred.  The DOD standard is that the naming convention starts with a portion marking: open parenthesis, alpha string, and close parenthesis. 



Existing classes in the package Common data types are completely missing in the UML view.



The operator 'like' or its syntax is not correctly described in the help files.  The documentation has been updated on the Comparison Symbols page to include the following: The "LIKE" operator can be used to filter definitions with properties that are like (but not exactly the same) as a certain value. This is best seen with wildcards (*). For example a query : Type = "Entity" and "Name" like "*t*" will report on all entities that have a t in the middle of their name. - Customer, Overseas Customer but NOT Room.



The ‘ASSIGN’ syntax provided in the documentation causes an error in the property file addenda.  The syntax has been corrected in help files to include the proper use of the ‘ASSIGN’ keyword.



Upon installing SA an unclear Out of Disk Space error message is displayed indicating too little disk space. The information is not displayed correctly.



System Architect terminates when right-clicking on the definitions in the framework.



Very slow performance when renaming a definition that is a key of MatrixCell. 



Unable to Alt-Tab from System Architect Help window to Main Window.



A Runtime error of 62: input past end of file, occurs while trying to use  ‘XML Export’.  This problem is caused by there being a quotation mark (") in the definition name.  A new message has been created in case this happens. The following message will be prompted - There is a problem with the data. The most likely cause is a quotation mark in a definition name. Export XML cannot continue.



When attempting to Merge detail using the Intelligent Merge/Extract, if a keying problem occurs the report generated identifies the encyclopedia by its temporary UDL name and path.



Unable to create a correct DDL file (generated by DB Schema generator).   When a Schema is generated from a PDM (a PDM generated from another PDM,), it is generated from Column Default Nullity, but not from User Data Type.  Therefore, losing the proper NULLITY, generating a NOT NULL when it should be NULL.



DoDAF: ABM OV Traceability Report - OpActivities by Name incorrectly labeling ICOM Arrows.  The report "OpActivities by Name" will incorrectly assume that all ICOM Arrows have the same ICOMRole as the first one encountered.



Relationship lines are automatically re-drawn every time an Entity Relation diagram is opened.



After changing the format style sheet, there is a small size mismatch when creating symbols on the diagram depending on whether they are created by:

1) dragging and dropping definitions into a diagram
2) drawing them using the draw tools



When Simulating the Routing of Time In Model unusual results are observed.  The objects appear to travel down the wrong flow through an XOR junction.  If a Default is used in one route then all objects travel down the default.   However, if the other flow is identified as the Default, then no object will flow and cause the simulation to 'block'.



The letter ÿ (and Russian YA) is interpreted as a line break when importing a csv file.



DoDAF – ABM After creating a child diagram from and SV-04 Data Flow diagram and using the Auto Balance Children report from the parent diagram,  the Go to child diagram button is disabled  The same can be found on the toolbar, an error message is displayed.



When copying and pasting a group of symbols that contains a single branch of hierarchical symbols, and the Duplicate Check is active, only the root symbol is recognized as being a duplicate - all other symbols are pasted.



SA/XT supports windows domain authentication and it doesn't support Oracle password based authentication.  SAXT and the SAXTWebservice can now access encyclopedias using database security. The user is no longer limited to integrated windows authentication.



Russian characters not shown correctly in the Simulator or the Sim not even working properly.



Browser tab corruption - When Browser tab is configured using XML file and when following  certain sequence of procedure it shows only two tabs.



Unable to change the default location of the Graphic files for the Framework.  The program was not properly handling a new default graphics path when selected by a browse.



A "pen color", if defined in a depiction in a usrprops customization will not have an effect on a symbol, such as a line.  The cause was that the depictions weren't overriding depict like statements that were in saprops.cfg



DiagramToSVG terminates System Architect when the diagram contains a certain metafile.



In Simulator, the Multiplier property in the object definition is not affecting the rate at which the simulation objects arrive.



System Architect terminates when all options are on in Diagram Format/Display Options.



You can list "Data" as an argument to HeterogeneousListOf or HeterogeneousOneOf, to allow a reference to any element in SA's data dictionary.

However, if "data" is not listed FIRST among the arguments to HeterogeneousListOf or HeterogeneousOneOf, but rather some other type (such as "Entity") is listed first, the following message will be issued when the encyclopedia is opened.  Definition "YourDefinition":
Property "YourProperty"
This object has the FROM derivation specified. This is not allowed in this context - ignored.



Generating a BPMN report order by parent-to-child order.  Some child diagrams appear in the correct hierarchical position whilst others do not, and instead simply appear at the top level at the end of the document.  The order of the child diagrams that are in hierarchy is not always correct (e.g. Transition Phase Iteration is diagram 4, is exported as the first child of the top level flow.



Verify and Repair returns 1421 errors about missing definition for property Data.  However the attribute mentioned in the error actually exists and it’s also seen under Data property of the entity.



When changing the property configuration to “ apply changes to all future encyclopedias”, the new encyclopedia still receives the default configuration.



DoDAF - Whenever an SV-01 is or has been opened, an SV-02 will stop displaying customized display graphics/depictions.  The problem seems to be that using a BMP file for the diagram depiction. It’s recommended that a WMF file be used instead.



If a XML parsing error occurs on a long line (over 900 some characters), the error details will not show.



URLs with the 'https' prefixed when added through 'manage my bookmarks' or 'manage my link' in SAXT, does not link to the correct website. However, the URLs with the 'http' prefix works fine.



Faulty phrased error message when not having rights to create task - "Error creating definition - you do may not have permission to create it"



Running System Architect after setting the environment variable TMP to a path with quotes around it, and attempt to open an encyclopedia, System Architect will delete a bunch of files from the installation directory.



Help has incorrect references to Data domain and Userdata type location in User-defined_data_types_SQL_Server.  The page has been updated to include the proper description of User data type.   User Data Types are related to columns in tables in physical data models. Data Domains are related to data elements and through them to attributes in entities in logical data models. Only the name differs: Data Domains are User Data Types.



Help information in the Userguide.pdf file is incorrect for changing the default text editor.  For changing encyclopedia usrprops, you must "Export USRPROPS.TXT (Encyclopedia). They then save the file, and then the file opens up in notepad. They can make changes and save it.



Tip of the day says IWP can have dashboard representation with charts.  These tips are no longer true and have been removed from System Architect.



When constructing a class diagram and associating two classes using the realization symbol, the display within SA appears correctly - i.e. a dotted line - as shown in the attached file - classes.jpg. However, when this is
printed, it appears solid, changing the designed relationship.



Systems Architect Session Options Editor SYNTAX error. The syntax was incorrectly provided for :

XMLDataAsAttribute -- SYNTAX: Transform Data to Attribute=?
XMLPromptSchema -- SYNTAX: Prompt for Schema=?
XMLStructAsAttributeEntity -- SYNTAX: Transform Data Structure to Attribute Entity=?
XMLUseDiagramSchema -- SYNTAX: Use the Diagram Schema=?



SA XT displays a Server Error page during Managing Bookmarks - A "Server error message":
Cannot have multiple items selected when the SelectionMode is Single.



The SA/XT Health of Architecture question contains a language error.  It says: "A count of how many words has a user has entered for definitions".  The second “has” was removed from query.



No "Delete Diagram" option available from System Architect Catalog Manager.



In the help manual of SAXT it is mentioned that if you create a new task by clicking on the "New Task Item" button then SAXT will create a definition "Task List" in SA. However it should be "Task Item".



Listing of all roles and store procedures needed to use System Architect, except for "DeletebyID"  from SA installation guide, on "SQL Server".



The document 'Telelogic System Architect Installation Guide Release 10.7', page 10, states that db_ddladmin is required to open an encyclopedia and read and create definitions within it. The install guide has been updated to include the need for db_ddladmin only when there’s been a change in the database schema.



System Architect terminates while performing a ‘Dictionary Update’.



The new SVG Viewer is very slow.



The documentation of System Architect  mentioned that for writing Macro we can use SAWD2001.dll as an interface. However this particular DLL was removed in the later versions. This ddl no longer exists within System Architect and documentation has been corrected.




Not possible to reference names with parenthesis on Citrix environment.



An enterprise encyclopedia loaded with SOA metamodel when accessed through SAXT, throws up an error "Error opening encyclopedia".



The help does not mention the need to install the DOORS-SA integration.



The StartUp Wizard does not work properly on Windows Vista.  An error message is displayed:  The Microsoft File and Print Sharing service must be installed and running on this machine in order to install SQL Express. SQL Express cannot be installed by the Startup Wizard. Please contact your network administrator to install and/or enable this service. You can run the Startup Wizard again from System Architect’s Help menu, once this service is properly configured on your machine.  The check for file and print sharing has been removed as SQL Express does not appear to require it.



When a VB project which has a number of classes is used to do a code synchronization with SA ,only two classes are getting imported. The rest are ignored.



When a usrprops.txt is imported in the normal encyclopedia (Without configuring it for SOA) encyclopedia open fine. However when same encyclopedia is configured for SOA then it gives error as- Error parsing property set files.



The SOA Addin misses some 'HeatBar' images. An error message appears:   Warning: List "HeatBar Percentage", value "0", refers to depiction file "images\HeatBar1.wmf".  The file was not found or was not a usable depiction - ignored.



 Reverse Engineer an OMB XML Schema and obtained "can't read memory" error messages.



When a  Word Macro Security setting is set to Medium or Low, there was  difficulty using a SA generated word report because opening created word document initiates SA-embedded macros which cause SA to open. This is because SA embeds the macro to the report file generated.



TRM report shows incorrect relationship between the ‘Technology’ and the ‘Service Standard’ definitions.



The System Requirements document of SAXT needs to be changed to have updated information indicating that IE6 or higher is needed to properly display SA XT.



The SA Publisher Help documentation for the 'Send Comments to:' link reads as follows:
["If you specify an email address in this field, a Send Comments link is
added to the top right of every page in the output website."]  This has been corrected to say -This field is used to specify the "To" email address for the e-mail message that is brought up when clicking on the "Send Comments" link in the output.



SA ABENDs when opening a diagram: File Error with, Record length incorrect.



A small documentation defect: There is an instruction to turn to a specific customer for feedback in the step by step instructions for building a Systems View in ABM.



To reduce redundancy the BPMN Samples encyclopedia has been replaced by elearning_Sample encyclopedia.   This encyclopedia can be used with an online training course created by Telelogic.



System Architect produced error messages with the property exceeding size of  the screen.  When trying to create a new definition or while trying to open the application definition it gives the following message:

"The size of "Trust-Line Approach" property exceeds the size of the screen. It will not be shown"
"The size of "Cooperative Profile " property exceeds the size of the screen. It will not be shown"
"The size of "Distribution Summary" property exceeds the size of the screen. It will not be shown"



Not getting right user count for licenses with INCREMENT.  When the number of users has been exhausted the next user who tries to log in should get appropriate message.  Licensing now uses a new and more powerful API call to determine the full count of licenses purchased by the client for any given feature.



The User Guide describes about Network ID which can be automatically used as Audit ID. This feature was supported on older version of System Architect.   The User Guide has been updated to reflect - If you're working on an Enterprise encyclopedia, implemented via SA Catalog Manager utility, your network ID is automatically used as the Audit ID.



SA/XT - On creating a complex definition (again an Investment definition) with multiple Oneof and Listof properties, pressing the Choices button opens not only the selection list for the property the button belongs to but also the Choices list of all other Properties previously populated. It is also making the contents of some Listof boxes invisible (although the content is still there and added/updated correctly).  The choices button opens not only the selection list for the property the button belongs to but also the Choices list of all other Properties previously populated.



SA/XT slow load time for SVG pages.  The performance of the SVG pages as been increased.



System Architect terminates when the graphic comment is added in Network Concept diagram.



System Architect no longer supports proper Yourdon/DeMarco notation. An error occurred - Data Structure Definition "xxx"
Property Description
Expected a component after a separator.  This error is due to the fact that the correct indicator is not being used. The square brackets rather than parenthesis should be used.



System Architect Catalog Manager appears as Read Only.



The report used for checking the 2nd and 3rd Normal Forms Check Report gives an error R66 for violation of 2nd Normal Form if there are 2 entities having a common attribute listed in them with the same Data Element Name.



SAPROPS.BIN found to be out of date when opening the encyclopedia in SA/XT.  If the database server is in a different time zone than the SA/XT server, then the SAPROPS needs to be recompiled and the user is unable to open the encyclopedia in SA/XT.



RELATE BY "is part of" not included in SA online help in USRPROPS keyword. Documentation has been updated to include “is part of” reference.



Documentation error on WMFs larger than 1.5"? No longer an issue of limiting the size of the image. 



System Architect crashes when 'Referenced by...' dialogue is resized.



Simulation properties exist for Gateway Symbols even when simulation is disabled.



When reusing Formal Parameter definitions in a Method definition, a Type is required; the Type is a Class which must be associated with a Package. When a duplicate is found errors can be generated due to the incorrect update of the Class's Package property. Also the request for a Package for the Type class will include the Package detail and introduce quotation marks in the Class name. This will create problems with re-use in Class and Sequence diagrams. 



The ASGRID option which is used in “USERPROPS” for customization doesn’t have clear documentation. When ever SA needs data in the form of GRID a customized “Usrprops” file must be created and imported into SA. For all the fields to come under GRID view the keyword “LENGTH” has to be specified which is missing in the documentation.  The help has been updated to include - The maximum length of a property that can be seen in a grid is 400.



When a customized HTML report template  was created for SA 10.3 in SA 10.7.16 System Architect terminated with "Run Time Error '53'".



System Architect terminates while performing ‘Dictionary Update’ on an encyclopedia, this is a duplicate of CR 31695.



SOA add-on installation error-props conflicts with DODAF. 



SA doesn’t support 64 bit software’s. In some of the referred cases handled in the past it has worked some times but has given errors on a few occasions.  The SQL Express SA install is only for 32 bit, and the 64 bit version has to be downloaded from Microsoft. This has been added to the SA and SA XT Installation Guide.



Explanation on Keyed Structure WHERE Clause ends abruptly in USRPROPS manual, a new example of how to use the Where clause has been added.



EBP: Related Definitions and Summaries Help page has errors.  Each of the four bullets has the phrase "by what application" repeated four times, when it should only be in the first bullet. The subsequent bullets have been updated with their relevant definitions.



The help file is missing possible relations for RELATE(BY).  The "is keyed by" should be added to the list. The explanation has been added as “is keyed by” -  "definition is identified by a definition"



While taking backup from SAEM ,the path chosen to store the backup file is ignored and the backup file is stored in the default location (Example:C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup).  The problem was found by using Vista the browse dialog was only returning the file name not the complete file path.



The list values ">", "IS" and "IS NOT" on importing the usrprops in an encyclopedia fails to display.  The list values ">", "IS" and "IS NOT" are displayed in SA v10.4, however when the same list is opened with V 10.8 and V 10.7 the values ">", "IS" and "IS NOT" are not displayed.



System Architect V10.8

Improvements and Fixes Provided with 10.8.2






Note:  As of version 10.5 System Architect no longer supports Booch (94) and SHLAER methodologies.


I. Improved SA/XT

  • The SA/XT installation automatically configures Microsoft IIS 5.1 or higher by creating a virtual folder for the SA/XT Web site and for the SA/XT Web Service option.
  • The SA/XT installation automatically installs the SVG Viewer Java applet, which is required to view .SVG files. 
  • The SA/XT installation automatically installs Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 if it is not installed, or if an older version is installed; older versions of the .Net framework are left as is. 
  • The SA/XT installation automatically creates an Impersonation account, named “SAXTWebUser” with a randomly-created password. A separate Impersonation account and password is also created for the optional SA/XT Web Service account.
  • SA Catalog Manager is now installed automatically with System Architect/XT installations.
  • The SA/XT web site home page provides improved functionality via a new template provided by SA/Publisher.



 SA/XT automates most of the installation process for you, reducing the amount of time it takes to get the application up and running.





List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 10.8.2


If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.



TS #




Running the DoDAF ABM “SV-05 Traceability Report – (Activity Focused)” report in SA 10.4 caused System Architect to hang when user had READONLY access to the application directory.



System Architect 10.7 was failing to install properly, emitting an ActiveX error ‘429’, under certain circumstances.



When drawing Sequence Flow lines on a BPMN diagram, clients were forced to provide a name for the Sequence Flow lines, and could not turn this feature off.



Improved the implementation of the SVG-Viewer. 



When selecting a diagram from a published website using SA Publisher the page would jump up and the page heading becomes hidden.    



Unable to start System Architect, because of a toolbar file corruption on client machine.



An enterprise encyclopedia loaded with SOA metamodel when accessed through SAXT, throws up an error “Error opening encyclopedia”.



Message Flows is faulty re-routed when resizing a pool.



SA ERP Installation Directory installs to default path only, ignoring the path that was selected during installation.



Using  DoDAF  OV-7 diagram, the symbols have been rearranged after re-opening the diagram.



Missing  xmlns  value  in SVG tag when diagrams.xls is used in the Report Generator.



Missing information regarding changing font size of text.  This can be found under Customizing System Architect/XT, Appearance of the SA/XT Web Pages.



System Architect V10.7

Improvements and Fixes Provided with 10.7.14






I. Improved Repository Support

  • Support for SQL Server 2005 as underlying repository (in addition to SQL Server 2000)
  • Support for Oracle 10G as underlying repository (in addition to Oracle 9i)
  • Support for SQL Server 2005 Express as repository for single installations (replacing MSDE)

Note that SA will still support the older repository technology -- SQL Server 2000 and Oracle 9i.


Support for latest versions of SQL Server and Oracle as our underlying repository technology helps customer with System Architect deployment (as many customers need to support latest version of the DBMS in their company and do not want to also support an earlier version just for SA), and also provides the user with the benefits gained from the latest version of that database (for example, SQL Server 2005 supports an XML column that we may take advantage of in a later version of SA's Normalizer).

II. Improved Data Modeling Support for DBMS's

  • Support for Teradata 2.6 schema generation to file (using DB Synchronize)
  • Support for SQL Server 2005 schema generation to file and live connection and reverse engineering via live connection (all using DB Synchronize)


Data Modeling users of System Architect require SA to keep up with the latest versions of the major databases that we support. Teradata has recently been added to the list of the big three databases that we support, making it now a list of the 'big four', the original 'big three' being SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2 . This support is provided through DB Synchronize (side-by-side compare) technology. (Note that other databases, such as Sybase, Progress, and so forth, continue to be supported through older, Schema Generator and Reverse Data Engineer technology.)

III. SA XT Improvements

  • Ability to edit and add definitions through use of 'simple' OneOf and ListOf property dialogs.  'Simple' (not 'complex') means that the user will not be able to modify OneOf or ListOf properties that are Complete, CompleteAllowNew, Qualifiable, or Key. The user will also not be allowed to modify OneOf or ListOf properties that are derived from another type as specified in a From clause.
  • The following data types will be supported in definition dialogs:

1.       Numeric -- The user will be allowed to enter numeric values.  The entered value will be validated against the Min or Max if specified.

2.       Date -- The user will be allowed to enter valid date values for the locale.  The value will be normalized prior to being stored in the encyclopedia.

3.       Time -- The user will be allowed to enter valid date values for the locale.  The value will be normalized prior to being stored in the encyclopedia.

4.       Boolean -- The user will be presented with a checkbox

  • Prior to 10.7, SA/XT allowed users to edit the value of a Text property even if it was a Key property; this will no longer be allowed.

Note: SA XT Web Services Write capabilities will not be available in 10.7. This has been done in coordination with the customer who was requesting it.


SA XT enables scalability of the 'actionable architecture' through live read and write access of the repository via a web browser. These new features are part of a continuing effort to add functionality to the SA XT tool.  

IV. Adobe SVG Viewer Replacement

SA is replacing the need for the Adobe SVG Viewer to view diagrams output with the native SA HTML Generator, and the optional tools SA Information Web Publisher and SA XT. System Architect will be providing its own SVG applet viewer based on the Batik (http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/batik/) open-source Java technology.

This means that any machine that has Java installed should be able to view the SVG. There will be no installation of an 'SVG Viewer' required. Note, however, that users will need to regenerate their SA Info Web Publisher sites to work with the new SVG viewer.


An SVG Viewer is needed to view diagrammatic and dashboard output published via SA's native HTML Generator, and the add-on products SA Info Web Pub and SA XT.

However, Adobe SVG Viewer required an installation on the client machine, and often times end users didn't have permission to install any software on their machine. Therefore users couldn't see SA SVG output until they got their System Administrator to install the SVG Viewer. Now, as long as the client machine has Java installed, the user will be able to view all SA SVG output without any installation issues.

Secondly, Adobe is ending their support for the SVG Viewer this year, so System Architect needed a suitable replacement. Certain customers of System Architect have been disallowed from installing the Adobe SVG Viewer.

Thirdly, there were issues with Adobe's SVG Viewer -- but any bugs reported had to be fixed by Adobe, and therefore were out of the control of SA developers.   

V. SOA Solution

Telelogic is providing an optional, paid add-on SOA solution for System Architect. This add-on will include:

  • New Service Collaboration Diagram and Application Portfolio Diagram capabilities to better capture and model SOA IT environments.
  • User wizards for guided creation of an application portfolio diagrams to visualize landscape scenarios in terms of services, applications, locations and platforms.
  • Analytic toolset to ask questions of an application landscape. A wizard is included to make the building of analytics easy and fast.
  • Service Hierarchy Diagrams for drawing of current available service and application hierarchies, with relationships to the parts of the organization they support.
  • High-level SOA business dashboards and roadmaps for real-time project analysis and implementation status updates, with the drill down capabilities to identify reusable business services as well as need for the creation of new services.


Telelogic’s System Architect for SOA Solution allows organizations to understand the IT function in terms of the capabilities or business services it provides to the business. For SOA projects to succeed, it is vital that the business understands its requirements for capability from IT so that the IT business unit can then plan the landscape of services to support these requirements.

Once the business service landscape is understood then this toolset will allow architects to understand the current application and technology portfolio in terms of the services they provide to the business. At this point projects can be modeled and planned and a long term service roadmap derived.

As part of the long term project planning process, Telelogic’s System Architect for SOA Solution provides a series of analytic toolsets to show, at a glance, high level heatmaps that can be used to highlight areas that require special attention. For instance a business inititiative is planned in a certain area that has a requirement for a particular group of services. The toolset then indicates that these services are supported by applications hosted by servers that use technologies that will be out of support in the next 12 months.  

VI. Support for Windows Vista Operating System 

System Architect 10.7 will run on Windows Vista operating system.


Many clients are rolling out Windows Vista operating system to take advantage of that OS's security improvements. This will in turn allow System Architect to run in a more secure environment.

VII. Improvements to DoDAF ABM

  • Improvements were made to IER and SDX generation to make provisions for removing invalid IER's and SDX's after a deletion or rename of a corresponding ICOM Arrow or Data Flow line, respectively.


Improved functionality and usability in this area has been requested by customers for some time -- they had to manually remove invalid IER's and SDX's after deletion or rename of corresponding ICOM Arrows or Data Flow lines.

VIII. New Simulation Documentation

  • A new and improved Simulation tutorial for BPMN diagrams will be available in the product, as is better help for Simulation. In addition the Samples encyclopedia will contain BPMN diagrams that are ready to be simulated.


Simulation is a powerful add-on capability for business process modeling. Some clients have had difficulty getting the most out of System Architect's current SA Simulator II because the documentation hasn't been sufficient.   

IX . Other Changes:

  • New Permissions for SQL Server encyclopedias.
  • SA Information Web Publisher will have its name changed to System Architect/Publisher. This will affect documentation and the web.





List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 10.7.14


If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.



TS #




Previous versions of SA required that ORACLE customers grant the “Create Any Trigger” permission to all users. This restriction has been removed.



After creating a new Macro Permission in SA Catalog Manager, the same user was unable to edit the properties of the permission.



When using the Merge utility to bring diagrams/definitions over from another encyclopedia, Category definitions of IDEF1X diagrams weren’t properly updated with the discriminators that were assigned to them.



The Balance Child(ren) command in a DoDAF ABM SV-4 diagram was resulting in SA ABEND’ing under certain circumstances.  IDEF0 parent/child balancing was failing due to a function not issuing a "done" command to free up database resources at the end of a first/next loop.



If users got an ABEND while editing a diagram, AND their license was about to expire in a few days, they weren’t able to launch System Architect anymore.



In DoDAF ABM, Invalid Information Exchanges were created after deletion of an ICOM. Deleting an ICOM that was part of a decomposed ICOM (i.e. a split ICOM) or of a composite ICOM (i.e. a join ICOM) was not taken into account in the 'Fully qualified name' after generating Information Exchange Definitions. Thus, a Needline erroneously contained an Information Exchange that did not have a corresponding ICOM in the operational activities.



Report editor crashed when a report had too many 'Join' Statements



SA crashed when an entry is added to the Reference Documents property and it starts with a "(quotation mark).



SA crashed under certain circumstances when moving a package or container on an Explorer Diagram



SDX definitions weren't generated for duplicate Data Flows on Context level.



Entity symbol colors were changed to the default after using the Save Diagram As command.



Instructions for saving the default Grid and Reduced View setting was incorrectly described in the Help.



The Word BPMN Report got hung up if one of the BPMN Business Process diagrams had a parent diagram that was not of type BPMN Business Process diagram.



When running the sample.mac macro, a Symbol's PenStyle property didn’t work as expected.



“History” and “Referenced By” buttons were missing if definition dialog was opened in multiple-monitor setup, ‘Restore Down’ button was used to reduce the size of the application window, and the application was stretched across both screens.



SA-XT reports error on German operating system.



Achieving consistent Entity colors in Entity Relationship Diagram



SA/Info Web Publisher- after editing a report some words were added before the first line – in particular an 'F' and the name of report. This only happened on some reports.



The name of reference documents were not being exported completely into DOORS -- if user had more than 50 characters in a Reference Documents name, it got truncated when sent to DOORS.



IWP was publishing class method parameters in the wrong order, thereby showing a faulty method signature in the published output.



Transparent pictures that had been pasted into a System Architect diagram were not transparent in the SVG file after generation with SA Info Web Pub.  



SA Info Web Pub was truncating certain characters in the Description field when publishing – namely all quote marks (") were removed and characters within <<>> were being removed. For example the string <<some text >> was not rendered correctly; it was cutting off the <some text > bit and output only had <>.  

27587 and 27680


Dates were not formatted correctly in HTML reports – instead of dd/mm/yyyy, output had yyyymmdd.



Running Word reports on diagrams was not allowed if the user didn’t have access to even one of the diagrams requested in the encyclopedia. Functionality was changed to check which diagrams the user had access to and list only those.



Selecting all Properties for DOORS Transfer unit locked the Property picker.



In USRPROPS, the “where” clause was being completely ignored when the ‘Required’ keyword was used.



SA/ERP installation was not creating all shortcuts properly; for example the CubeWizard shortcut and its respective pdf manual shortcut were not created.



HTML report generator was publishing website that did no show hyperlinks to definitions that were ‘keys’.  For example, when generating HTML reports of a Deployment diagram, the definition properties of a Component Instance showed a reference to the name of the Component that is a key for that definition, but it was not being shown as a hyperlink, so users couldn’t easily navigate to the information about the Component.



When a user kept clicking on the relationship line in an ER diagram while running update FKs, SA crashed.



User could not publish the BPMN Word Report if they only had ‘read’ permission on the encyclopedia.



Users were unable to change the default location of the REPORTS folder. If the user opened a report from a shared drive, then that folder was used until the user ended the SA session. Once SA was restarted, the default location for the Report Generator REPORTS folder was set back to the application directory.



When a user was disconnected from the network and using a Borrowed license, they were still presented with a dialog upon starting SA that asked for the license server. They had to cancel out of the dialog.



In the Report Generator, if you created a report that asked for a number of relation types between levels, the XML output was formatted incorrectly. For example, a report that included a statement "WHERE RELATION = "is added to", "used by", "is removed from"", created via the text editor, is a valid report but generated output XML that was rendered incorrectly.



The color setting for the LOD Segment in a MODAF AcV-2 Diagram was blue instead of yellow



An Incomplete Message (truncated text in the message itself) was presented to the user when they attempted an XML Export of Explorer Diagrams.



The Toolbar file was getting corrupted if the user removed the 'Font' and 'font size' dialogues. It was not possible to restart the tool after such a toolbar customization.



Improper documentation in the Extensibility Guide and help concerning the Keyword LIST in usrprops.txt. It should have said that it displays as a list of checkbox choices, not radio buttons (if the number of values in the
LIST statement is four or less).



The 'Alt-T' and 'Ctrl-T' shortcuts were not working properly in the Property Configuration dialog.



The SAHTML.log file was created in different folders, not the application directory.



There was a mis-wording of Help Text (which appears in lower right corner of definition dialog) for DOORS Object Definition.




System Architect V10.6

Improvements and Fixes Provided with 10.6.10






Support for Defense Architecture Frameworks


a. Support for the MOD Architectural Framework (MoDAF)



Telelogic System architect now provides specific support for the MOD Architectural Framework (MoDAF) which is the UK Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework. This support is based upon System Architect’s industry-leading solution for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF), augmented with provision for additional MoDAF views and work products. Using System Architect for MoDAF, you may build models representing MOD architectures, auto-generate MoDAF work products, store all of that work in a robust repository, publish the architectures to a wide audience using auto-website generation facilities, and auto-produce mandatory reports to help you quicken your acquisition approval process.

The following table lists the MoDAF products and their DoDAF equivalents, if there are any:




AV-1 Overview and Summary Information

AV-1 Overview and Summary Information

AV-2 Integrated Dictionary

AV-2 Integrated Dictionary

StV-1 Capability Vision

No corresponding product

StV-2 Capability Taxonomy

No corresponding product

StV-3 Capability Phasing

No corresponding product

StV-4 Capability Clusters

No corresponding product

StV-5 Capability to Systems Deployment Mapping

No corresponding product

StV-6 Capability to Operational Mapping

No corresponding product

OV-1 High-Level Operational Concept Diagram

OV-1 High-level Operational Concept Graphic

OV-2 Operational Node Connectivity Diagram

OV-2 Operational Node Connectivity Description

OV-3 Operational Information Exchange Matrix

OV-3 Operational Information Exchange Matrix

OV-4 Organization Relationships Chart

OV-4 Organizational Relationships Chart

OV-5 Operational Activity Models  

OV-5 Operational Activity Model

OV-6a Operational Rules Model

OV-6a Operational Rules Model

OV-6b Operational  State Transition Description

OV-6b Operational  State Transition Description

OV-6c Operational Event-Trace Description

OV-6c Operational Event-Trace Description

OV-7 Logical Data Model

OV-7 Logical Data Model

SV-1 Systems Interface Description

SV-1 System Interface Description

SV-2 Systems Communications Description

SV-2 Systems Communication Description

SV-3 System-to-System Matrix

SV-3 Systems-Systems Matrix

SV-4 Systems Functionality Description

SV-4 Systems Functionality Description

SV-5 Operational Activity to System Function Traceability Matrix

SV-5 Operational Activity to Systems Function Traceability Matrix

SV-6 Systems Information Exchange Matrix

SV-6 System Data Exchange Matrix

SV-7 System Performance Parameters Matrix

SV-7 System Performance Parameters Matrix

SV-9 System Technology Forecast

SV-9 System Technology Forecast

SV-10a Systems Rules Model

SV-10a Systems Rules Model

SV-10b Systems State Transition Description

SV-10b Systems State Transition Description

SV-10c Systems Event/Trace Description

SV-10c Systems Event/Trace Description

SV-10 Physical Data Model

SV-11 Physical Data Model

TV-1 System Standards Profile

TV-1 Technical Architecture Profile

TV-2 Standards Technology Forecast

TV-2 Standards Technology Forecast

AcV-1 System of Systems Acquisition Clusters

No corresponding product

AcV-2 Acquisition Programmes

No corresponding product

NTV-5 Product Selection Report

No corresponding product




This capability enables System Architect to easily use the MOD Architecture Framework.


How to Review:

Create a MODAF encyclopedia. You can use and create MODAF diagrams and definitions from the System Architect Explorer, or utilizing the MODAF Framework (click File, Edit Framework and select MODAF if it is not the default framework). For more detailed information, refer to the System Architect help system.


Changes to SDX Generation and SV-4 Auto Balancing in SA DoDAF ABM

A number of issues with balancing and SDX generation in System Architect’s current implementation of SV-4 Data Flow diagrams have been changed for System Architect DoDAF ABM 10.6.

a. SDX Generation Now Takes Into Account Splits and Joins of Data Flow Lines

Users are now able to split and join data flow lines on an SV-4 Data Flow diagram using an AND gate symbol, and have these splits and joins reflected in the SDX’s that get generated in the DoDAF ABM version of SA.

b. SDX Generation from Data Flows on Parent/Child Diagrams Without Need for Uncles

The only way that users could properly generate SDX’s from SV-4 diagrams previous to SA DoDAF ABM 10.6 was to bring down ‘uncle’ System Functions onto child diagrams when the child diagram was first created. Firstly, this caused messy diagrams. Secondly, users needed to ‘get it right’ the first time; if they tried to add an ‘uncle’ System Function to a child diagram at some time after the diagram had been first created, they were disallowed from doing so because a System Function had to be unique in the encyclopedia. If the user went into Saprops to remove the Unique clause (which they were forced to do if they wanted to ever be able to adjust a diagram), then the autonumbering of subsequent child diagrams got skewed.

SA now generates SDX’s with an understanding that a Data Flow input into a System Function on a parent diagram that is matched by a same-named Data Flow input on a child diagram, is the same data flow, and therefore the System Function from which the Data Flow was output on the parent diagram is related to a System Function on the child diagram that the Data Flow is input into.

c. Auto-Balancing of Data Flows on Parent/Child Diagrams

Users are now able to automatically balance SV-4 Data Flow diagrams by selecting Auto-Balance Child or Auto-Balance Parent from System Architect’s Reports menu (in the DoDAF ABM version of the tool). System Architect automatically draws necessary Data Flow lines on parent or child diagram, respectively. The existing choices to run Balancing reports — Balance Child and Balance Parent – remain on the Reports menu. A conscious decision was made to put the new Auto-Balancing menus on the Reports menu, even though they do not run reports. This was because most users are familiar with the existing Balancing Report menus, and would find it confusing if the new Auto-Balancing functionality was put on another menu structure (such as Tools).

d. Sa2001.ini SDX Generation Option 3

System Architect DoDAF ABM offers four algorithm options for SDX generation. Previously there were three options – 0 through 2. The new SDX generation algorithm described in this document is option 3; it is the new default setting.

The new option 3 is based upon option 1 (the current default).  Option 3 handles splits/joins as well as parent/child diagrams, and will become the new default.  If there are any customers using option 2 or the old option 0 then they will continue to do so.  If customers do not like the new functionality of option 3, they can revert back to option 1 using the sa2001.ini setting.  A key point here is that only the new option 3 will have logic to handle splits/joins as well as parent/child diagrams. If users have diagrams upon which they 'brought down uncles' to correctly generate SDX's in previous versions of the product, they will not be mandated to remove these uncles. SA 10.6 will ignore these uncle functions and properly generate SDX's from SV-4 diagrams built with previous version of SA DoDAF ABM.



IV.           CLIENT ISSUES FIXED IN 10.6.10


List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 10.6.10

If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.





Problem with 'cyclic' relationships - may cause SA to crash.


Information Web Publisher deletes pagelist.xml when run from command line.


Unable to attach an analytic symbol to a rectangle


"Columns" and "Rows" are mixed in error message from Matrix Designer


Can't get User Defined Matrices to stay saved


While generating BPEL, if a child diagram contains the same swimlane as the parent diagram then it gets generated twice.


Generates a createinstance=”no” clause within an onmessage clause of a pick tag


Word Business Process report fails with Run -Time error 4605


The Entity Word Report crashes with a runtime error message


The provided analytic 'Analytic Face' is confusing


The 'Run Analytic' dialogue block System Architect and can not be found


After drawing an ICOM arrow to or from a node symbol on a parent OV-05 Activity Model, the auto-balancing dialog comes up. When hitting Child, the arrow is drawn on the child diagram, but it is not to/from the edge of the symbol, but either partially or completely inside the activity symbol.


The 'Save' action doesn't convert inferred relationships to actual relationships in a Multi-Dimensional Matrices.


Problem with the composite ICOM (the reverse of a decomposed ICOM).


Syntax rules for DoDAF ABM architecture design of System Views – new functionality within ABM - SDX Generation to Take Into Account Splits and Joins of Data Flow Lines, SDX Generation from Data Flows on Parent/Child Diagrams Without Need for Uncles, and Auto-Balancing of Data Flows on Parent/Child Diagrams


Default.XSL stylesheet fails to format properly with related items.


Installation Guide has been updated to remove reference to SQL disk coming with SA


Encyclopedia Locks access to other users when creating E/R diagrams


DoDAF ABM : Missing generation of Sys Interface / Sys Node Interface - new functionality within ABM - SDX Generation to Take Into Account Splits and Joins of Data Flow Lines, SDX Generation from Data Flows on Parent/Child Diagrams Without Need for Uncles, and Auto-Balancing of Data Flows on Parent/Child Diagrams.


Wrong tab name in NAF encylopedia entity properties.


Property values for some definitions aren't published in IWP.


Cannot see the name of user defined relations in an explorer diagram which is created from an explorer relationship report.


ER: Information Exchange and System Data Exchange include used by / part of objects


The fully qualified name of an Information Exchange and System Data Exchange in the System view must include the name of intermediate ICOMs between the start ICOM and the ending ICOM


Depiction does not work for a menu item


Using 'RENAME SYMBOL "Data Object" IN "Workflow" TO "Logical Data Object"' syntax do not work.


Hidden children are detached in a new diagram created via Save Diagram As


Custom configured Explorer tabs not retained when encyclopedia is re-opened


SA ERP Getting started Guide has misleading information about serial no. – there’s no serial number needed to install SA/ERP, this must appear as a feature  within the license.dat file in order to run the program.


Word BPMN Report Error - Heading 1 (German) - Running the Word Report for BPMN gives the error message. It appears when collecting all diagrams in the dialog box and then presses the OK button.  It was too difficult to programmatically recognize the German equivalents of Heading styles in MS Word. Therefore, the user must modify the sa2001.ini file to specify the German equivalents.


When generating a SVG file through IWP, even though symbols in original diagram have different fonts and sizes, but all symbols in generated SVG file have the same font and size(12pt).


"Displayable Properties for Symbols Depicted by a Bitmap or Metafile" needs updating to include
 the BORDERS command.


Object symbols have special code to prevent displayable properties from appearing on them.


Proper version should be used to convert encyclopedias in SA.


Adding Properties in the select statement in SA XT query does not work. It gives message "The report is invalid." For example the following query copied from the Report Generator does not work in SA XT Query.


System Architect V10.5

Improvements and Fixes Provided with 10.5.22




System Architect 10.5.22 has now been localized for Japanese language.  


VI.           CLIENT ISSUES FIXED IN 10.5.22


List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 10.5.22

If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.





According to the BPMN 1.0 specification, a compensation process must be connected by an association. In System Architect,, links to Compensation Processes are Drawn Incorrectly on the Business Process.


In SAPROPS, there is a reference property called "Initiating Event" that links a Data Association definition to a BPMN Event. (The Data Association defines the Association line on the Business Process diagram.) This One Of reference property is further qualified with a WHERE clause so that only compensation events can be linked to the Data Association.  An Association line cannot be connected to a process (compensation).


The VBA code Set oCollectionofDefinitions = oEncyclopedia.GetFilteredDefinitions fails to find module names with a dot.


Omitting a relationship between supertypes during the ERD to PDM generation . A checkbox called “Logical Only” has been added to the definitions for lines on an ER diagram. If it is checked the line will not be propagated to the PDM.


The presentation and behavior of the Catalog Manager Login dialogue is poor.


A Non-identifying relationship on an ERD should be created as a non-identifying constraint on the PDM.  Incorrect constraint is being created during the ERD to PDM generation.


"Automation Error, the object invoked has disconnected from its clients code".


When starting SAEM Error “’tssTaskPanel1a.ocx’  is not correctly registered. A file is missing or invalid. Code 339”
While trying to register the file with the admin login, customer receives an error: “invalid access to memory location”.


History error when changing description property to new value.


In OV-1 diagrams with "Symbol display layering" set to "by size and transparency", images are always sent to back. The layering should follow size and transparency.


Creating an Oracle Encyclopedia via SQL Scripts on UNIX fails.  UNIX, being case sensitive, does not accept the different cases.


There is blurry text in the SVG image generated by IWP or HTML.


"Definition Properties" are missing in HTML Report for an Explorer Diagram.


Balance Child report shows error where there are none.


Automation error: The object invokes disconnected from its clients error.


More than 7 Join pairs cause SA to stop responding.


When using the Symbol Depictions option, names of connected lines move.


Goto Parent diagram displays alternatives Goto Top doesn't.


Data transferred to DOORS gets truncated.


Message Flow routing between Pools questionable.


Catalog Manager Macro Permissions – missing help on how to create macro permissions.


When running the RDE on a DDL that was generated from Oracle 8, the user gets an error.


When the saEncyNew.sql is run it calls oraProcs.sql which has syntax errors. A '/' should not be followed by a ';'.


Oracle: the requirement for 'SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE' is a security hole.


If you disable some items in a response file and then feed that response file to a silent SA install, the disabled items will still be installed.


Creating a copy of an encyclopedia using "detach" & "attach" options.  Restore and backup options should be used.


Column values do not propagate from ERD to PDM – By adding a default text in the ‘Owner Name’ property of the definition ‘Table’, when we generate a table from an ERD, the table is created with no columns.


Loading an usrprops.txt definition with 400 properties crashes SA when the encyclopedia is reloaded.


Unable to open the encyclopedia, after upgrading to 10.3.  The upgrade completes successfully. The encyclopedia coverts fine. When tried to open in SA, user is getting 3 errors related to screen painter.


IWP is unable to handle a report name that includes an underscore, such as "MyReport_1".
Impact: Have to rename reports, removing any underscores.


Problems with the output of a report that uses Linked Tables.xsl


SA crashes while importing a XML file.The exact error message is "Can't cancel at this time" and it is a VB Error.


Oracle Schema Generator incorrectly translates Data Type SQL Qualifiers into wrong values in the DDL script output.


The help manual for create a Use Case Diagram from BPMN is incorrect.
The customer is looking at the following Help Page:

Business Modeling
Modeling the Enterprise Architecture
Process Model View
Process Modeling with BPMN
Mapping Business Process Diagram to UML Use case Diagram


Documentation about supported OS's has been updated in readme file and support site.


The help for SAEM do not mention that SAEM do not work remotely, a note has been added.


User is unable to upgrade the encyclopedia (residing in Oracle) to 10.3 format. The encyclopedia belongs to SA 10.0.27. the conversion process completes successfully.  When tried to open the encyclopedia in SA 10.3, the customer is getting the following error message. "error message: encyclopedia could not be opened because inconsistencies were found...".


In previous versions of SA, the tool would always provide an hour glass when in the process of exporting definitions. It no longer does that in 10.4.13 so the user isn't sure if the tool is working or not. However, we get a status report after the completion of the export.


Documentation on upgrading of Oracle encyclopedias has been updated to include oracle scripts; execute rights on all store procedures.


IRMA Tutorial Documentation needs to be updated to reflect changes in UI.


The execution of Oracle scripts for the generation of a new encyclopedia do not run correctly: the oraEncyNew.sql raises an error during the execution of the line "GRANT select, insert, update, delete on CRITICALREGION TO SAUSER" in oraRights.sql.

The error is due to the absence of "CRITICALREGION" table. That table must be created in the previously executed oraTables.sql, but a series of errors starting from the "SADOORSInt_RelationDELETE" trigger creation seems to prevent it (look at attached log file).


Dictionary tab does not have a "Activity Based Costing" function available.


The following is missing from the System Requirements Section of the SAXT Installation Guide (Part Number: MN-SAR-NY-XT104-06-01) -Oracle Client -Oracle Client Patch :  Created a new section - Accessing Oracle9i catalogs and encyclopedias, which contains information required to configure and access catalogs and encyclopedias on Oracle servers (running on Windows).


The installation guide says one need a license for Catalog Manager, section has been removed.


Entries in DoDAF/ABM matrix not saved.


Verify log displays errors regarding missing relationships in the repository.


Images do not show up for Network Concept diagram when it hais created a child diagram.


BPMN Process to Role Matrix does not populate BPMN Process - Related Items.


While importing KBSI data through command line interface SA crashes and close out automatically.


While attempting to open an Enterprise encyclopedia using SQL server authentication mode, a window pops up to enter the username and password.  The 'OK' button in this window is disabled till we type some value in the password field. This user has no password set in SQL server. He is unable to get the OK button enabled till he types some value in the password field. Since he does not have a password, the workaround to open this encyclopedia is to type a dummy value in the password field.


The "SETTING { PAGESIZE -1", 0.00 }" command has been documented with proper syntax.


When customer is trying to create SV-03 system-system matrix having "System Entity" definition > 256 and "system function" definition > 30,an error message pops-up which says: "An error has occurred. Error number: 1004 Application-defined or object-defined error".


Unable to open the converted encyclopedia in 10.3 from 9.0 version.  Error received "The selected encyclopedia could not be opened because inconsistencies were found in the structure of the database".


In the SAEM help, the information regarding Lookup tables does not appear to have been updated.


The joinCondition="False" causes a problem in Oracle BPEL Process Manager.


Message regarding IWP feature being unavailable when starting SA.


To be able to run the Update FK to populate the FK Attributes and have all of the necessary information get created with the new attribute definition. 


BPEL generation omits the element 'variable' for 'reply' tags.


When customer is trying to import the attached XML file into the encyclopedia, SA throws an error "Can't quit at this time" and just after that SA crashes.  Customer also mentioned that the encyclopedia's are residing on a Oracle DB.


When trying to edit a group (2 or more) IDEF0 ICOM arrows' associative property SA crashes.


In the OV-5 Activity model, we have many ICOM arrows associated to a function/activity symbol.  When we try to resize the symbol for clarity the ICOM arrows are repositioned around the symbol and appear to be non-sensible according to the ICOM convention.


The Variable Assignments do not generate the "from" variable" in BPEL.


Required disk space specified in documentation is not enough.


SA Crashes  when right-clicking on the definitions in the framework.


Drawing an Op. Node Event Time Line results in SA ABEND'ing.


Web Publisher blocks and crashes the system.


User can synchronize the Physical Data Module (PDM) with the database using SA feature "DB synchronize".
When user try’s to sync the PDM with the Database the Relationship line and tables get displaced form the original position.


User can flatten the database using the Flattener option in SAEM.  User converted the encyclopedia from 10.0.22 to SA 10.3. When user selects the DB Flattener option in SAEM it run for long time and after that SAEM throws the below mention error, i.e. “Multiple step operation generated errors, check each status value -2147217887”.


SA crashes when running the BALANCE CHILD/PARENT report.


Can't find the Installation Guide in SA-DOORS Interface 2.0 document – there is no separate install guide for SA-DOORS Interface listed in Readme file.


Import KBSI menu entry is blank.


Unable to move Op Activities in the Node Tree to the far right side of a group.


System Architect crashes when pressing the History button.


When attempting to install the doors-sa integration it checks for the exact version of SA installed. If it doesn't find the one compatible with the integration being installed, it reports that either SA or DOORS are not installed. Which is in corrected, both are installed. Just the exact version doesn't match what it expects.


The Conversion manual isn't updated with the Merge process for 10.4.23. The manual asks the user to select dbase, but the UI has changed and the user must create a new connection to select dbase.


Unable to select "OMT" under "Object Modeling" in the "System Architect Property Configuration" dialog, although this is shown in the documentation as being available.  Impact: Have to use "Advanced" settings to enable OMT method.


Customer is not able to install SA_ERP in any drive other than the C:\ drive.


SA crashes when trying to open a child process.


SA crashes when using 'Refresh selected symbol and its successors'.


SA crashes when an Explorer diagram has specific properties.


When identifying selection criteria in an Explorer Object Report, the WHERE  statement is used. ie. Where "Audit" = "Alan"  The selection value is delimited by quotes.  When entering Report parameters the # symbol is used; ie. Where "Audit = #AuditID# However if the quotes are retained they cause SA to Crash; ie. Where "Audit" = #"AuditID"#.


When updating a property that is supported by a List, (but not ListOnly), if an entry contain the same letters as the start of a Value in the List, it is automatically updated the next time the definition is opened.


Customer wants to know that how to un-install SA in silent mode. Also they want to see the un-installation logs and the sequence of command which is executed during the silent un-installation process.


When the Export to Use Case option in the Dictionary menu is used for a Business Process diagram, and cancelled - the Customize option for the toolbars and menus causes System Architect to crash.


The definition of 'Data Class' in the help file is unclear.


Bitmaps displayed as menu icons have degraded quality in 10.4 compared to 10.3.


Installation on the D:\ drive creates an extra System Architect Suite folder.


When using oracle encyclopedia, Korean character has some critical problem.



System Architect V10.4

Improvements and Fixes Provided with 10.4.23






Support for Defense Architecture Frameworks


a. Support for the NATO Architecture Framework



Telelogic System Architect now provides specific support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Defense Architecture Framework (NAF). This support is based upon System Architect’s industry-leading solution for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF), augmented with provision for additional NAF views and work products. Using System Architect for NAF, you may build models representing NATO architectures, auto-generate NAF work products, store all of that work in a robust repository, publish the architectures to a wide audience using auto-website generation facilities, and auto-produce mandatory reports to help you quicken your acquisition approval process.

System Architect 10.4.23 supports NAF’s expanded Technical View, which extends DoDAF with three additional work products. These work products enable you to specify the standards that your system functions adhere to (NTV-3) and the products relevant to those standards (NTV-4) so that you can automatically generate a Product Selection Report (NTV-5), which you can submit to financial committees to judge the validity of product choices.

The following table lists the NAF products and their DoDAF equivalents, if there are any:



NAV-1 Overview and Summary Information

AV-1 Overview and Summary Information

NAV-2 Integrated Dictionary

AV-2 Integrated Dictionary

NOV-1 High-Level Operational Concept Diagram

OV-1 High-level Operational Concept Graphic

NOV-2 Operational Node Connectivity Diagram

OV-2 Operational Node Connectivity Description

NOV-3 Operational Information Exchange Requirements (IER) Matrix

OV-3 Operational Information Exchange Matrix

NOV-4 Organization Relationships Chart

OV-4 Organizational Relationships Chart

NOV-5 Operational Activity Models  

OV-5 Operational Activity Model

No corresponding product

OV-6a Operational Rules Model

No corresponding product

OV-6b Operational  State Transition Description

No corresponding product

OV-6c Operational Event-Trace Description

NOV-6 Concept Data Model

OV-7 Logical Data Model

NSV-1 Systems Interface Description

SV-1 System Interface Description

NSV-2 Systems Communications Description

SV-2 Systems Communication Description

NSV-3 System-to-System Matrix

SV-3 Systems-Systems Matrix

NSV-4 Systems Functionality Description

SV-4 Systems Functionality Description

NSV-5 Operational Activity to System Function Traceability Matrix

SV-5 Operational Activity to Systems Function Traceability Matrix

NSV-6 Systems Information Exchange Matrix

SV-6 System Data Exchange Matrix

NSV-7 System Performance Parameters Matrix

SV-7 System Performance Parameters Matrix

NSV-9 System Technology Forecast

SV-9 System Technology Forecast

No corresponding product

SV-10a Systems Rules Model

No corresponding product

SV-10b Systems State Transition Description

No corresponding product

SV-10c Systems Event/Trace Description

NSV-10 Physical Data Model

SV-11 Physical Data Model

NTV-1 System Standards Profile

TV-1 Technical Architecture Profile

NTV-2 Standards Technology Forecast

TV-2 Standards Technology Forecast

NTV-3 Technical Configuration

No corresponding product

NTV-4 Software Configuration

No corresponding product

NTV-5 Product Selection Report

No corresponding product




This capability enables System Architect to easily use the NATO Architecture Framework.


How to Review:

Create a NAF encyclopedia. You can use can create NAF diagrams and definitions from the System Architect Explorer, or utilizing the NAF Framework (click File, Edit Framework and select NAF if it is not the default framework). For more detailed information, refer to the System Architect help system.




b. Using Different Versions of SYSTEM ARCHITECT Via One License File



SYSTEM ARCHITECT 10.4.23 now enables different users in an organization to run different versions of SYSTEM ARCHITECT – System Architect (plain vanilla), System Architect DoDAF, System Architect DoDAF ABM, or System Architect NAF – while pointing at the same license file. This enables organizations that have, for example, X licenses of SYSTEM ARCHITECT DoDAF, and Y licenses of SYSTEM ARCHITECT DoDAF ABM, to have users run one or the other while pointing at the same license file on the network, as long as the organization has purchased enough licenses for each. This underlying change to our licensing scheme was in direct response to customer requests.

System Architect now looks at the license file to see what types of licenses are available for a user, and presents the choices to the user in the Customize Method Support dialog at encyclopedia-create/or-open time. So a user may be presented with 'DoDAF' and 'DoDAF ABM' and 'NAF', or any combination thereof based on what licenses are available; they select one of the choices to create or open an encyclopedia. (Also, if an encyclopedia has been created with, for example, DoDAF ABM, and the user tries to open it with DoDAF selected, they will receive a warning and told they need to open the ecy with a DoDAF ABM license enabled.)



Ease of use. This capability enables a customer that has, for example, 50 licenses of SA DoDAF and 40 licenses of SA DoDAF ABM to have all of their users open encyclopedias built with the product type that they need to use, while pointing at one license file on the network.



IV.           CLIENT ISSUES FIXED IN 10.4.23


List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 10.4.23

If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.





In System Architect DoDAF/ABM v. 10.4.23, when working on an OV-02 diagram, the Draw menu is missing the OV-02 Diagram Utilities submenu. Consequently, you cannot use the Draw Need Lines utility. 



Beginning with System Architect v10.3.19, there is a problem with using double-byte characters for names when using Oracle as the underlying repository. Double-byte characters are mostly used in Asian languages, such as Korean and Japanese. The problem is that when you name items (diagrams, symbols, or definitions) with double-byte characters, any properties added to them will not be saved. If viewed in the Explorer, the definition or diagram is shown multiple times, and more copies of it are created each that time you open it.


There is currently no specific patch or workaround for this issue, but we strongly suggest that if you need to use double-byte characters in your encyclopedias, that you use SQL Server as the underlying repositories. Telelogic is working diligently on this issue and we suggest you check back with this support site periodically for a patch or resolution.



System Architect V10.4

Fixes Provided with 10.4.18




SYSTEM ARCHITECT 10.4.18 provided bug fixes to client and internal issues only. There were no major feature improvements.


VI.           CLIENT ISSUES FIXED IN 10.4.18


List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 10.4.18

If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.





In SA Catalog Manager, when selecting the Administrator role (either in tree view or list view), the ‘Delete’ command was provided in the Edit menu or the context menu. Since the Administrator role could not and should not be removed, the ‘Delete’ command should not have been visible (nor enabled).


Non-standard message box in the Open Encyclopedia, New Connection dialog. The title bar caption was inappropriate and there was no icon applied.


Export to Use Case Diagram menu item was enabled without Process diagram opened. If a Business Process diagram had ever been opened, the ‘Export to Use Case Diagram’ menu entry in the Dictionary menu remained enabled until another ‘non-process’ diagram was opened.


If a user dragged the header of a Matrix to the right, and then tried to perform another action in SA (such as creating a new diagram, etc), SA would hang.


In an Explorer Diagram, the word wrap functionality for a symbol didn’t have any effect when alignment for ‘Text Position’ was selected as 'Tabbed'. When alignment was selected as center, left, or right, carriage return characters were displayed as square boxes.


The values for enumeration datatypes could no longer be accessed under certain circumstances. There was no way to then assign correct datatype to attributes.


With a matrix open, it was possible to click and drag a column to the left of the Row headers. This was making the matrix lock up and fill with diagonal lines. If you tried to close the Matrix, SA would crash.


When reversing XML Schema containing a ‘sequence’ element that was a child of another sequence element, a Class with a “Stereotype” of XSDsequence was not being created.


When reversing XML Schema containing a ‘choice’ element that was a child of another sequence or choice element, a Class with a “Stereotype” of XSDchoice was not being created.


Users with apostrophes in their username could not login to System Architect with Catalog enabled. They would instead get message: "No Audit ID not set in the enterprise catalog". Clients who set all of their users up inside the Catalog Manager to have usernames that matched their Active Directory username, and had users with apostrophe’s in their user name (such as O'Shaughnessy), would then have users who could not log in to System Architect.


Description: When performing Reverse XML Schema, if the minOccurs value was specified as 0 for an ‘all’ element, the value was brought in as 1 instead, for all attributes of the class. This resulted in an incorrect property value.


If a user wished to configure tabs in the System Architect Explorer (formerly Browser), and in so doing opened the Configure Explorer Tabs dialog, cleared all selections, and then saved browser tabs while still in the dialog, tabs (such as Location, etc) were removed from the Configure Explorer Tabs dialog.


Balance Parent and Balance Child(ren) utilities were not balancing ICOM Arrows properly across parent/child IDEF0/OV5 diagrams. When using the Balance Parent or Balance Child(ren) in SA, the utility was generating incorrect ICOMs and tunneling them when not needed.


In the DoDAF (ABM) Utilities dialog, there was no Help page linked to the Help button. 


Under certain circumstances, specifying a related definition in a ListOf property of a definition, and then opening that related definition in the Explorer (formerly Browser) caused an error, followed by a crash.


Rules check was failing in an XML design (DTD diagram.


If users minimized SA, and then maximized it while loading a Matrix, SA would hang.


After creating a user-defined matrix, the ‘User Defined’ icon was not appearing in the matrix browser.


Solved a particular client’s issues with orphan objects and garbage names of objects created under certain circumstances in an encyclopedia in 10.0.27 that was converted to 10.3. 


Creating a cyclic relationship could cause SA to crash. For example, opening an Application definition such as Credit Card Booking, and then adding Application definitions to this definitions as Sub-Types (such as Reservations, Customer Maintenance, and Credit Card Booking), could cause SA to crash.



System Architect V10.4

Improvements and Fixes Provided with 10.4.11






System Architect V10.4 features the following improvements:


Provide Usability

·       User Interface Enhancements


Supporting Visualization

·       Network Concept Diagram Enhancements


Providing ‘How To’ Solutions

·       XML Schema – XSD Management


Providing Business Solutions

·       BPEL Generation Upgrade


Support Analysis and Decision Support

·       Colored Matrices

·       Metamodel diagram


Support Scalability

·       Official Support for Terminal Server (and Citrix) Environment


Support for Full Automated Lifecycle

·       SA-DOORS Interface V2 Performance Improvements


Provide a Tool that Meets Our Customer’s Needs

·       Customer Experience Program


Support Federal Enterprise Architecture

·       SA/iRMA Improvements


Enable Globalization

·       System Architect Localized Under the Covers



Provide Usability


a. User Interface Redesign

System Architect 10.4 features an ergonomically redesigned user interface which provides you with the following features:


  • Intelligent menus: the menu structure now automatically displays ‘short menus’, that provide commonly used commands and your last used commands, with an expansion indicator that allows expansion to the full menu set.
  • New toolbars: The new toolbars are spaced out more ergonomically and have 32-bit icon support.
  • New Encyclopedia Open dialog: The new Encyclopedia Open dialog is designed to make it much easier for you to create or open encyclopedias. You no longer need to specify, select, or manage Universal Data Locator (UDL) files to open encyclopedias.   
  • Tabbed Diagram Support: Opened diagrams may be accessed via tabs presented across the top of the diagram workspace.
  • Browser Renamed to Explorer: To align with other products in the field and reduce confusion amongst new users to the product, we have renamed the Encyclopedia Browser to Explorer. 
  • Details Window Renamed to Properties: We have also renamed the Details window that was provided below the Encyclopedia Browser, to Property grid. Again, the reason was to align with other products in the field and reduce any confusion amongst new users to System Architect. 
  • New Browser Property Control: The Property window is a brand new control, which enables functionality that the Details window never did, such as ability to alphabetically list properties of the model artefact, edit the artefact, or find referenced items directly from the Property grid.
  • New Matrix Browser Control: Matrices are now presented in a new Matrix Browser control, which may be docked and manipulated the way the Explorer and Property controls can be.
  • New Docking Log Window: Report Output, Error Logs, and additional Information are presented in a new log window that can be docked along any side of the product.



The new features are designed to make the product easier to navigate and use, so that new and veteran users alike can get their work done faster.


How to Review:

The new toolbars and browser (now called Explorer) will be amongst the first things you notice when you start up the tool. Select File, Open Encyclopedia to view the new Open Encyclopedia dialog. If you select a drop-down menu, you will notice it is shorter than it had been in previous versions, and now has an expand button (downward-facing double arrow) at the bottom, which you may use to expand the menu). Click on an item in the Explorer and notice the information provided for it in the new Property control at the bottom of the Explorer. Note that you have hyperlinks to show referenced properties or edit the item. Open a few diagrams and notice the new diagram tabs at the top of the workspace.




Supporting Visualization


b. Network Concept Diagram Enhancements


The Network Concept diagram has been extended to include over 200 metafiles of network concepts and devices, people, places and things. These icons are the result of a partnership between Telelogic and Cisco Systems, allowing System Architect to ship with these icons provided by Cisco. To support these symbols, they have been categorized into a finite set of Symbol types, so that the end user is presented with a toolbar that enables them to easily select from this large list of symbol types, and a basic underlying metamodel. Symbol types (and definition types) now available on the Network Concept diagram are as follows:





Storage Device





Communication Node

Communication Medium








In addition to the new symbol icons, new relationship lines have been provided on the Network Concept diagram – a Serial Connection line, a Switched-Circuit Connection line, and a Wireless Connectivity line. The existing Link line has been enhanced so that it now supports associative properties that enable the end user to specify directionality of the line.



Users may now build diagrams reflecting their network architectures with images that have a greater expressiveness than that previously available in System Architect ‘out of the box’. In addition, a basic metamodel exists underneath these symbols which enables end users to interrelate their network architecture with other parts of the enterprise architecture.


How to Review:

  1. Create a Network Concept diagram.
  2. View the Draw toolbar. A certain amount of Cisco images are available by default for each symbol type.


Additional images are made available by turning on the following property choices in System Architect’s Encyclopedia Property Set, Advanced dialog:


  • Cisco Network Symbols
  • Advanced Network Symbols


To turn on these additional sets of images, you may do the following:


  1. Select Tools, Customize Method Support, Encyclopedia Configuration.
  2. In the System Architect Encyclopedia Property Set dialog, click on the Advanced button.
  3. In the Advanced dialog, view the Available Property Sets list in the lower left-hand corner. Note that the choices Cisco Network Symbols and Advanced Network Symbols are available.
  4. Select either or both choices and move them to the list box on the right-hand side
  5. Click OK to all dialog boxes, reopen the encyclopedia, and open a Network Concept diagram. Additional icons will be available on the Draw menu for each symbol type.


Provide ‘How To’ Solutions


c. XML Schema – XSD Managment



System Architect now supports the reverse engineering and management of XSD Schema. A UML profile for XML schema has been introduced into System Architect’s UML support, enabling users to model XML schema structures on a Class diagram, and reverse-engineer XSD files into a Class diagram. In addition, the XSD file reverse engineered is automatically stored in the Files table of the encyclopedia’s database. Users may generate an XSD file from information modelled in a UML Class diagram. The user has the choice of exporting the connected XSD schema rile associated with the Class Diagram.



Users may now gain an understanding of existing XML schema structures, and integrate that information structure with the rest of the enterprise architecture modelled in System Architect, such as business processes modelled in BPMN Business Process diagrams.


How to Review:

  1. Make sure that UML is turned on for the encyclopedia (select Tools, Customize Method Support, Encyclopedia Configuration, and in the System Architect Configuration Properties dialog, make sure UML is toggled on; if not, toggle it on and reopen the encyclopedia).
  2. To reverse engineer an XSD file, select Tools, XSD, Reverse XML Schema. Specify the file to reverse, and the UML package and Class diagram that the XSD file should be reverse engineered into.
  3. To generate XML Schema, open a class diagram that contains classes containing pertinent XML schema information, and then select Tools, XSD, Generate XML Schema.


Documentation on XSD management is available in the help. Select Help, Help and in the help file, open the book UML Modeling, XSD Management.



Provide Business Solutions


d. BPEL Generation Upgrade



Generation of Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS, or BPEL for short) from a BPMN Business Process diagram has been upgraded. BPEL is an XML-based language for describing a business process in which all the tasks are implemented by Web Services. It is a description that can be executed by a BPEL engine.


BPEL generation, first available in version 10.0 of System Architect, was temporarily removed from version 10.3 of the product while it was being revamped. It now features the following:

  • Supports more BPEL
  • Is pattern based
  • Generates GUID tags
  • Generates SA Descriptions for BPMN definitions



Users may implement on a Business Process Server the business processes they have modelled on BPMN Business Process diagrams. Telelogic and Oracle have worked together to test System Architect’s generated BPEL against Oracle BPEL Process Manager.


How to Review:

You may generate BPEL from a BPMN Business Process diagram.

  1. Open a Business Process diagram.
  2. Select Dictionary, Generate BPEL.


Mapping of a BPMN Business Process diagram to BPEL is specified in the help, within the book Business Modeling, Modeling the Enterprise Architecture, BPEL Generation.


Support Analysis and Decision Support


e. Color-Coded Matrices


You may now set the fill color of a cell in a matrix to denote the status of the intersection. The color is based on property of the intersecting cell definition. With this capability, you can produce high-level matrix views that, at a glance, communicate status of the architecture.


New keywords have been added to USRPROPS.TXT to enable this capability. The keyword combinations FILL COLOR, FONT COLOR, and PEN COLOR have been added to the language. These keywords are used in Depictions clauses within List statements, to specify the color of property values applied to a definition.    



Users of System Architect increasingly need to present high-level views of the architecture in terms of compliance to standards and the relative “health” of a business unit or process.  Status values are often rendered using the traffic light metaphor of red, yellow and green.  Some customers use a set of n discrete values to show compliance with architectural standards; with each of these n values associated with a distinct color.


As status is often a property of the intersection of two things (such as organization vs. process), customers have a need to show a status value in the cell of a matrix. Customers would like to have the ability to set the fill color of a cell in a matrix based on property of the matrix cell definition.  With this capability, users will be able to produce high-level views that, at a glance, communicate status value through color.


This new feature, when combined with automation through VBA macros, is also extremely useful for analytics.


How to Review:

Please see the on-line help for a thorough description and example. Examine the help book SYSTEM ARCHITECT – General, Working with the Matrix Editors, Color-Coded Matrices. Additional information on the new keywords is provided in the Customizing System Architect, Extending with USRPROPS, Keywords section.



f. Meta Model Diagram


The Meta Model diagram has been made available to all users of System Architect, as shipped. Previously this diagram had been available only to expert System Architect users through use of a command-line prompt. The Meta Model diagram enables users to automatically create a diagram that represents the underlying metamodel in System Architect on a per-diagram, per-definition, or per Browser/Explorer tab (for example, UML) basis. The Meta Model diagram enables users to gain an understanding of the information they are putting into the repository, and how information is related to other information they are putting in. The Meta Model diagram visually presents definition types, the relationships between definition types, and inherent properties of those definition types. The Meta Model diagram can be filtered for a reduced view of the metamodel that the user is modelling against.



Users can gain a visual understanding of the metamodel relationships of the information they are putting into the repository – how definition and property types are related to one another. This includes all user customizations to the default System Architect metamodel, as specified by the user in the USRPROPS.TXT file.


How to Review:

The Meta Model diagram is available by default.

  1. Select File, New Diagram, and choose diagram type Meta Model.  
  2. Select Draw, Create MetaModel.
  3. In the Meta Model selection dialog, specify the view and scope of the metamodel you want to examine.



Provide Scalability


g. Official Support for Terminal Server (and Citrix) Environment



System Architect V10.3 is the first release to make a concerted effort to support the Windows Terminal Server (and Citrix) environment officially. Many settings files for System Architect are now installed to different directories to enable this to happen. Most local user settings are now stored in the Documents and Settings directory for that particular user. This makes Terminal Server (and Citrix) support more manageable for end user.



System Architect has worked under Terminal Server (and Citrix) for some time. However, the support to date has been cautious due to where System Architect has stored its user and system settings.


What to Be Aware Of:

One file to be aware of is System Architect’s ini file (sa2001.ini) – it is no longer stored in the <C>:\Windows directory; it is now stored in <C>:\Documents and Settings\YOURUSERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Telelogic\System Architect. If you do not see this directory, make sure it is not hidden (In Windows Explorer, select Tools, Folder Options, and in the Folder Options dialog, select the View tab and make sure the choice “Do not show hidden files and folders” is toggled off.   




Provide a Tool that Meets Our Customer’s Needs


h. Customer Experience Program



A Customer Experience Program has been made available in System Architect. This is an opt-in service that by default is turned off. If turned on by the user, information concerning the user’s use of the tool (such as selection of menu commands, etc) is sent to System Architect product development and product management, so that we may identify usage trends within System Architect to enable us to improve the quality and reliability of the product. This information is explicitly not for marketing or sales purposes; we do not collect names, addresses, or any other personally identifiable information.  



This is a program introduced by product development to garner feedback on use of the tool to enable us to improve the quality and reliability of the product, and best meet our customer’s needs.


How to Review:

In System Architect, select Help, Customer Feedback.




Supporting Federal Enterprise Architecture


i. SA/iRMA Enhancements



The Integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA) add-on to System Architect has been enhanced in the following ways:

  • Support for version 1.4 of the consolidated FEA reference models (PRM, BRM, SRM, TRM).
  • XML import utility upgraded to support FEA_XML file from OMB.
  • A "PRM Line of Sight" diagram has been added.  This diagram satisfies the requirement to show causal relationships among measurement indicators across the four main measurement areas.
  • The BRM Sub-Function now shows a link to the BRM Business Area (grandparent relationship).
  • The PRM Measurement Indicator now shows a link to PRM Measurement Area (great-grandparent relationship).
  • Reference properties have been streamlined to improve reporting of relationships.




Improved functionality for agencies using the iRMA product to produce working products in line with the FEA Reference Models.


How to Review:

Documentation on the iRMA product is provided in the help, within the SAIRMA book, if you have the iRMA add-on product installed.  




Enable Globalization


j. System Architect Localized Under the Covers



System Architect 10.4 has been localized ‘under the covers’.



This capability enables System Architect to easily be rolled out in multiple languages. Localized versions of the product in other languages (such as German, French, etc) will be rolled out later in the year.


How to Review:

This functionality is currently transparent to the end user.




List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 10.4.11

If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.





Performance improvements have been made to the System Architect-DOORS V2 interface, making it faster.


Users now have the ability to resize the Encyclopedia Open dialog.


Filter set on main browser was cascaded to the Choices browser.


“Database Comment” field didn’t exist under ‘Table Info’ tab of the Table definition.


Added ability to Report (HTML) on all data related to a Package definition.


It is now possible to unlock subordinate definitions from Access Control to enable users to unlock everything that is locked after a crash. This was not previously available; was only available for Checking Out definitions.


In SA Catalog Manager, when creating a new user, one can now select the name from a list of valid users on the server or active directory. Previously the name had to be typed in.


In a generated Report, the name and the description of the classes in a diagram contained blank squares in the positions where carriage returns were entered.


If the Draw toolbar was dragged quickly through the edge of SA's application window, it could avoid docking. This could cause it to no longer be available to the user.


There was a signature-crash error in the main executable under certain circumstances, typically while trying to use the mouse click too quickly in some situations after spending a long time working.  


The object model allowed a VBA macro to be built to change the ‘checked out’ status regardless of who had it checked out.


The object model allowed a VBA macro to be built to change the frozen status regardless of who froze the item.


Users were unable to use the SYSMENU_CUSTOMIZE in the Guidebook to open the Customize Toolbar window. An error was generated when the command was used.


There was a History error when changing the Description property of an artifact to new value under certain circumstances.


Slow Use Case diagram load up time if encyclopedia had many associations (over 200) to one particular class.


In a large encyclopedia with many Information Exchanges, when expanding the Information Exchange node in the browser, and selecting all or almost all of the definitions, and attempting to delete them, they were not all deleted. When you refreshed the browser, most or all of the OV-05 Activity Model diagrams are deleted. What now happens is that all of the selected definitions are deleted, without deleting any diagrams.


Unable to run a particular report from the Report Generator. SA would abend.  


When a diagram had some symbols drawn in it beyond 326'', those symbols were getting wiped off once the diagram was closed and reopened.


New definition symbols were being placed outside a collection when performing a refresh on an Explorer diagram.


Explorer diagram was not aware of changes in stereotypes applied to artifacts shown. For example, if an Explorer diagram represented a class symbol, and the stereotype of that class was changed, the Explorer diagram wasn't updated to reflect the new depiction of that class.


Text typed in Condition property of a sequence flow in a BPMN diagram got truncated when printing. Text in excess of 20 characters in a single line was truncated.


Deleting a large number of definitions (over 30) deleted the wrong definitions under certain circumstances.


DEASSIGN Statement in SAEdit language did not work.


SA crashed when trying to edit an 'Explorer Object Report'.


Users could not align collection symbols on Explorer diagram.


Selecting "Rules" in report caused a message that said “InternalReport report incorrect or out of date”


A wish to enable the symbol color to change based on a property value selected.


Request for adding a button to an edit session that calls a macro.


Enhancement request to add 'Create Metamodel by Definition' feature to Meta Model diagram, the diagram itself which was previously only available via a command prompt extension.  


A wish to be able to find "leaf" level System Functions and Operational Activities on a diagram if they were a different color (for example, blue). This has been enabled with new feature to be able to set symbol fill color based on a list value of a property.


Out of Global Memory condition reached when creating an Explorer Diagram under certain circumstances.


If two particular reports were created, which were identical except for a change in the order of fields to be printed, the output of one of the reports did not have as much data as the other.


Unable to complete task error when adding a minispec with more than 80 characters embedded into a process definition.


User with readonly access was able to Merge/Extract diagrams and definitions.


SA refused to store some of the values in a list if the value contained a space.


No errors were reported in the Verify Encyclopedia report even though the encyclopedia had attributes that existed without any associated data elements.


Columns marked as FK's in table definition were not recognized as FK's when exporting to csv or from the report generator.


When a Property had a single character as a name the value was not recognized the next time the definition was opened.


After using the OF DEFINITION REFERENCED IN keyword in USRPROPS, all of the properties of the definitions in the first LISTOF box were not displayed. SA only displayed the properties of the last definition in the LISTOF box. The rest were ignored.


It is now possible to suppress the GUID values of definitions listed in a Grid List.


When installing version 10.3 of System Architect, the following error messages was given under certain circumstances: "Error 1931. The Windows Installer Service cannot update the system file C:\WINDOWS\System32\xpsp2res.dll because the file is protected by Windows. You may need to update your operating system for this program to work correctly."


When report generator was used to generate a report based on the value of a property of a definition, the report generated did not filter the results correctly. All definitions, independent of the property value were listed in the report.


A BPMN Gateway specified as an OR gate was not displaying the Sim Fan Out tab in its definition dialog.


An enhancement request as follows: When selecting a cell from the frameworks, the floating windows appeared with the diagrams/definitions pertaining to that particular cell. User wanted these floating, undockable windows, which were annoying and got in the way, to be replaced by a filtered view of the relevant diagrams/definitions to be displayed in the browser. With the new SA user interface in 10.4, framework browser windows can be docked anywhere. You can also make them a MDI child (like a diagram window) which allows the window to be minimized and maximized.


In SA Information Web Publisher, certain output properties had quotes around them, and the Text Description was all continuous with no line feeds.


SA report generator was generating XML output in double byte even when the stylesheet was modified to indicate single byte output.


When generating schema to DB2, if the Constraint Check property contained anything (an invisible return character) a CHECK is output in the .ddl file. If there was no preceding CONSTRAINT Name then an error was generated by DB2 when it read the file. The CHECK detail should not have been output if there was nothing in the Constraint Name property to generate the CONSTRAINT statement.


The non-identifying relationship on an ERD was mapped to an Identifying constraint on a PDM when the ERD was mapped to a PDM. It should have been created as a non-identifying constraint on the PDM.


Creating an Oracle Encyclopedia via SQL Scripts on UNIX failed.


There was blurry text in the SVG image generated by SA Information Web Publisher or HTML Generator.


SA Information Web Publisher Report start criteria did not display one definition in the list.


The tablespace name for an LDM DB2 v6 was appended with "" when the PDM was generated.


Enhancement request to have SA Information Web Publisher automatically terminate SA after an unattended run. During an unattended run, SA Information Web Publisher automatically started SA, but then wasn’t closing it when the run was completed.  


Unable to view SA Information Web Publisher reports in Mozilla Firefox browser. SVG picture are now displayed in Mozilla Firefox 1.5. But CSS files and javascripts still are not supported in Firefox, and the client MUST turn off the Enable Javascript option to not see errors when loading the page.


A utility has been added to generate an SV-04 Functional Decomposition from an SV-04 Data Flow diagram in the DoDAF ABM version of the product. There has always been a similar utility on the OV side where you can generate an OV-05 Node Tree from an OV-05 Activity Model, and now this capability is available on the SV side. The utility is available in the Dodaf Utilities options list.


An enhancement request was enacted to provide an option to log only the errors during the IER Generation, versus everything that happens. User previously was not given any options of what was to be logged, and had to scroll through several hundred pages to find the errors.


Updating an attribute's datatype within an entity resulted in all attributes with the same datatype also being updated. This was a works-as-designed, due to a Class diagram being mapped to an ER diagram -- when SA generates an Entity from a Class, it bases its Attributes on Data Elements whose Names and Data Types are based on the Types of the Class Attributes which they represent. For example, if a Class has a Class Attribute of type "date", the corresponding Attribute is made to refer to a Data Element named "OO-DE_date" of Data Type "date". If a Class Attribute has no Type, SA must supply the default ("int") - in line with the default Micrsoft uses in its C compiler. Consequently, the Attributes created from untyped Class Attributes will all be based on the same Data Element, "OO-DE_int". In the client situation, the Classes from which the Entities were created frequently had Class Attributes with no Types. Consequently, the corresponding Attributes were all based on the same Data Element. To correct this situation, data elements are now created with a name based on the following concatenation: OO_ClassName_AttributeName


In DB Synchronize, a right-mouse click was not always working consistently when clicking on a definition in the active compare window.


Users were unable to populate the Business Unit property of an entity attribute, as it was greyed out when an Attribute was assigned a Domain for certain DBMS's. Users expected the Domain definition to have a Business Unit property so they could populate it from there but it did not contain a Business Unit property.


Changes in a nested customization file (a file nested within USRPROPS.TXT, for example, #include "defs.txt") were not being applied to the encyclopedia.  


Line Routing that was set on a diagram was being lost after importing an XML file. Specifically, after importing an XML file with an OV-02 Op Node diagram and symbols, the lines which were elliptical arcs were subsequently displayed as straight-orthogonal.


When doing DB Schema Generation/Reverse Engineer/DB Synchronize, if the PDM contained Table symbols in its .wmf file, but the corresponding Table definitions were deleted, an error message was received for each table.


SA Information Web Publisher enhancement request to move all the formatting specifications out of the generated htm files and into appropriate css files, as this would make it easier to tailor the output to each organization's standards. Some examples were the fact that default.htm contained bgcolor, and SABrowser.htm contained bb/.


An enhancement request; When mapping an ERD to a PDM, and merging subtypes to a supertype in the generation of the PDM, SA now makes the attributes on the subtype all nullable.


Enhancement request to create an OV2 diagram from a specific Op Node. The generated diagram will show the op node and all of the nodes that are connected to it on every other diagram. It is formatted so that the main node is in the middle and all of the others are in a circle around it. This option has been added to Dodaf Utilities.


When generating schema for DB2, and the physical model had an ALTER ADD for a DB2/UDB V5 table that has one column with system default, and another column without a system default, both columns were generated with the WITH DEFAULT statement. The "with default" clause will now be automatically generated only if the column is NOT NULL.


SA crashed when trying to configure browser tab using an existing browser tab configuration file.


Balance Child report showed errors when there were none.


There was an "Overflow code 6" error during certain circumstances running SA Compare.


When configuring the cells in the framework editor, the items that were selected were lost when clicking on the "Selected Items Only" option and then toggling it back off.


The "License path" given in SA license error messages contained only the first element given in the actual license path, rather than the complete path. This information was often incomplete, and sometimes misleading. The complete license path is now displayed.


A user lost "Business Enterprise" matrices when he hid unneeded diagrams in USRPROPS.TXT.


A DoDAF Word report for SV-11 Physical Data Models generated against a very large/complex diagram asked at some point to be saved while the report was running, and after doing so, the report did not continue running.


The options for importing data into SA were not entirely clear. It appeared that the options "Delete All Fields then Add New Data" and "Update Single Fields - Clear Field if no Data" had the same results. This was misleading to the user and could result in unexpected, deleted data in his encyclopedia if the wrong choice was selected.

The option "Update Single Fields - Clear Field if no Data" was altered so that a definition will retain untouched any property, if that property is not referenced in a CSV import file. To test, select a given definition, such as "DataStore1" and give one of its properties an easy-to-spot value, such as VOLUME=33. Then export that data store to a CSV file. Then manually edit the CSV file to remove "VOLUME" from the header line, and "33," from the value line. Then import. The 33 should remain unaffected. (Before this fix, the 33 would be cleared.)


An enhancement request for the BPMN Word report to generate a list of diagrams in alphabetical sequence, instead of parent-to-child-to-child to child sequence. This enhancement request applies to all Word reports, not just the BPMN one. Users wish to be given the choice of whether the output should be alphabetical by diagram name or hierarchical.


When running the OV-5 Node Tree Diagram Report, Operational Activities were placed in an unrecognizable order. The metric function was altered to derive "Level" differently when dealing with a node symbol within a node tree. SA's object model was also altered to allow sorting by symbol sequence numbers and level numbers. The SAIDEF.dot Word report was also altered to make use of the new sort-by option.


When running against Chinese version of Windows and Office, BPMN report gave error "Please open an Encyclopedia and then run this report", even though an encyclopedia is open.


ORACLE: A System Architect encyclopedia couldn’t be created in an Oracle database with a CHARACTER SET UTF8. Documentation for setting up Oracle encyclopedias needed to include proper character set, along with other permissions.


The Samples encyclopedia contained a redundant Association definition. The Association was named "makes" and was not used on any diagram or referenced by any other property.


Documentation incorrectly specified roles required to use Oracle -- db_datareader, and db_datawriter do not exist for Oracle.


Documentation concerning Sequence Flow line in BPMN diagram was not consistent with how the tool operated.



System Architect V10.3

Improvements and Fixes





System Architect V10.3 features the following improvements:


Support for Full Automated Lifecycle

·       SA-DOORS Interface V2

·       New Licensing – FlexLM


Supporting Scalability

·       Oracle Repository

·       Instance Level Access Control

·       History Tables


Supporting Analysis and Decision Support

·       Analytics

·       Explorer Diagram Improvements


Enabling Communication

·       System Architect OLE DB

·       Normalized Table Builder


Providing ‘How To’ Solutions

·       DB Synchronize Support for DB2 UDB

·       DB Synchronize Support for Oracle 10G via DDL file


Provide Usability

·       Location of Guidebooks is now controllable through an SA2001.ini setting


Supporting Visualization

·       Symbol Layering



·       Branding



Support for Full Automated Life Cycle


a. SA-DOORS Interface V2


The SA-DOORS Interface has been significantly improved to provide a tighter integration between the two products. In summary:



Improvements have been made to the SA-DOORS interface to make it easier for users to move System Architect model artifacts to DOORS, see linkages between SA artifacts and DOORS requirements in System Architect, and to view and report on those linkages in SA. Specifically, the following improvements have been made:

          All System Architect model artifacts will be able to be brought to DOORS by default. You no longer need to specify what model artifacts can be sent to DOORS in the metamodel (USRPROPS.TXT) beforehand (as was necessary previously in the previous SA-DOORS interface).

          You can port symbols to DOORS (as well as definitions and diagrams), including line symbols.

          You will be able to port System Architect model artifacts over to multiple DOORS modules in a DOORS database; previously the relationship between an SA encyclopedia and a DOORS database was one-to-one. 

         You will be able to see these modules that you are sending info to on a DOORS tab in SA. Within that tab, a DOORS Transfer Unit definition provides a container for model artifacts to be sent to a particular ‘surrogate’ DOORS module.

          You can port more than just one property (default is Description) of a System Architect model artifact over to DOORS. You may now choose what properties to send over – you do this within the definition of the DOORS Transfer Unit definition. 

          All linking of System Architect model artifacts to DOORS objects is done in DOORS, not SA.



          You can synchronize a DOORS module or modules with the model information in System Architect, using an Update from DOORS command.  

          Synchronization causes a skeleton of only that DOORS information linked to SA artifacts to be brought into SA and stored in SA as a new definition type, DOORS Object. A default set of DOORS attributes are brought over – DOORS Transfer Unit, DOORS Module, DOORS ID, DOORS Created By, DOORS Created On, DOORS Created Thru, DOORS Last Modified On, DOORS Last Modified By, Object Heading, Object Short Text, and Object Text.

         Once synchronized, the System Architect model artifact can display the fact that requirements (in DOORS) are linked to it. This is displayed in the browser as well as on the symbol on the diagram workspace, in the upper right-hand corner of the symbol. A symbol with a requirement linked to it is denoted with an orange or purple open arrowhead (left or right facing), a definition with a requirement linked to it is denoted with an orange or purple solid arrowhead (left or right facing).  

         You can view a list of what DOORS objects or requirements are attached to a model artifact (by right-mouse clicking on a model artifact), and report on this information in System Architect’s reporting system.

         Only directly linked DOORS objects are brought into SA -- other requirements/objects in DOORS that are attached to the requirement (linked to the SA artifact) are not brought over.



There were limitations to the previous SA-DOORS interface. Users in SA, for example, couldn’t see the fact that model artifacts had been linked to requirements in DOORS; reporting on this information was difficult. Requirements linked to SA model artifacts in DOORS can now easily be seen in System Architect, and reported on in System Architect (including making the Explorer diagram available for SA-DOORS integration). Users can also partition their SA artifacts into multiple modules to send to DOORS. A side benefit is that users will be able to trace System Architect artifacts to DOORS objects to TAU artifacts, creating traceable integration between enterprise architecture models and TAU development models.


How to Review:

Documentation on how to use the interface is included in the on-line help. Open the help book Utilities, System Architect – DOORS interface. Encyclopedias that have been used with the previous SA-DOORS interface must be converted for use with the SA-DOORS V2 interface. Instructions on how to do this are in the Conversion manual located in the manuals directory and in the readme.htm file.



b. New Licensing – FlexLM


System Architect now uses FlexLM for its licensing. Licenses are node locked to a user’s machine. Licenses are distributed on the network through the FlexLM manager tool, which replaces System Architect’s License Manager.  


FlexLM’s licensing tool enables System Architect administrators greater control over administering licenses on the network – knowing how many users and which users have attempted to use System Architect and been denied because licenses were maxed out, the time that this happened, and so forth.

How to Review:

The Installation manual and ancillary product sales information letters provide information on the new licensing.


Support Scalability


c. Oracle Repository


System Architect 10.3 provides users with a choice of databases to use as the underlying repository – SQL Server or Oracle (previously only SQL Server was provided as a choice). System Architect now enables you to create encyclopedias as schemas in Oracle 9i.



Users who own Oracle 9i and have Oracle expertise in their organization may now choose to use that DBMS as the underlying repository to System Architect information. This provides users with a choice of two robust ‘industrial strength’ database solutions to house their information.


How to Review:

In System Architect, select File, Open Encyclopedia and choose the New tab in the Open Encyclopedia dialog. Note that you may choose to create an Enterprise (becomes controllable by SA Catalog Manager’s access control) or Professional encyclopedias on Oracle 9i. Oracle is not provided with System Architect’s install; users must provide Oracle. The System Architect installation still provides MSDE (Microsoft Server Desktop Engine) as an option for users to install to each local installation of System Architect; information may be brought between SQL Server-based encyclopedias and Oracle-based encyclopedias using System Architect’s merge/extract.


Information on the Oracle-based repository is provided in the on-line help (System Architect – General help folder) and the Installation guide.  



d. Instance Level Access Control


Instance-Level Access Control enables a System Architect administrator to specify who gets access to what specific instances of definitions and diagrams. Previously, access control enabled administrators to specify access to types of diagrams, symbols, or definitions. Now, administrators may specify access to instances of types of diagrams, symbols, or definitions – for example, a particular Business Process diagrams versus Business Process diagrams as a whole. 



Users often need to restrict access to the information created in the repository to a limited number of individuals. Information contained in instances of definitions such as costs, salaries, and even specific business processes can be made to be read only or non-visible to all but certain users. It is important to note that this is instance-level access control, and not security – we do not consider the items under access control to be secure.


How to Review:

Instance-level access control is specified partly in SA Catalog Manager, and partly within System Architect itself. Information is provided in the SA Catalog Manager help file.



e. History Tables


The history table mechanism allows users to see the status of an individual property, for example a description and how it has changed over time. The user can also revert back to any one of the previous entries for a specific property in that timeline. This feature can be turned on or off in System Architect Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM), and available in upper right-hand corner of the System Architect definition dialog interface. 


Users may now track and reverse changes to individual values in properties. When coupled with Instance Level Access Control, users now have an additional level of granularity through which to maintain accurate access levels and audit trails for objects and their properties.


How to Review:

Information on how to use this feature is provided in the on-line help for System Architect (open the help group System Architect – General, Using System Architect, History).



Support Analysis and Decision Support


f. Analytics


Analytics functions in System Architect enable users to run metrics reports on information in the repository, and visually indicate results of such metrics on diagrams. There are three elements to analytics: Metamodel commands that enable you to specify indicators that get displayed next to symbols on diagrams (in a specific position around the border of the symbol), a definition type called Analytic, which enables you to control invocation of an analytic on a diagram or on the information in the repository as a whole, and the underlying VBA macro that you build. In essence, the Analytic definition type and metamodel commands provide a user interface and visualization capability to any VBA macro that you wish to build for any particular metric.

System Architect ships with a number of examples of metrics and visualizations. Example metrics include activity based costing, application portfolio cost, and resource utilization.



To date, System Architect has been very good at capturing information in its repository. Analytics is the beginning of improved support for doing metric-type analysis of the data.


How to Review:

Documentation is provided in the on-line help, under the help book System Architect – General, Analytics.



g. Explorer Diagram Improvements


The reporting user interface can now be launched from within an Explorer report definition.  The user interface will update the definitions with the contents of the report that is constructed through the reporting UI. The reporting UI understands the context from where it has been launched and will create the correct report accordingly


Explorer diagram has rapidly become a favorite diagram with users for impact and cause-effect analysis. The one major complaint by customers was that the Reporting System interface was disjoint from the Explorer diagram, causing unneeded steps to build and run an Explorer diagram report

How to Review:

Within the definition of an Explorer Relationship Report or an Explorer Object Report definition, you may click on an Edit Content button below the Content field to open the Reporting System user interface.



Enabling Communication, Analysis and Decision Support



h. Normalized Table Builder (or DB Flattener)

Making Information in the Repository More Accessible


Normalized Table Builder, also called DB Flattener, transforms a System Architect encyclopedia into a normalized relational database table structure that can be queried using standard structured query language (SQL). Normalized Table Builder provides an environment that the user can query using standard SQL with a response time that is not hindered by the parsing activity of the SA “memo” field.


The Normalized Table Builder allows users to create their own information interface directly against the System Architect repository using standard techniques such as SQL. This tool is aimed at those organizations that see the information store in System Architect as key to their organization and wish to build tools around it.

How to Review:

Normalized Table Builder is accessed via SAEM (System Architect Encyclopedia Manager). Documentation is provided in the on-line help of System Architect, under the help book System Architect – General, Querying Repository with 3rd Party Tools, Normalized Table Builder (DB Flattener). The same documentation is also provided in SAEM’s help.



i. System Architect OLEDB


System Architect now provides an OLE DB provider that gives you a virtual flattened set of System Architect tables that you will instantly recognize as they closely resemble the metamodel in System Architect. With the OLE DB provider, you can use third-party tools such as Crystal Reports or Excel to access the repository information and/or run SQL queries against it.


System Architect information can now be generated to a set of tables that are easily recognizable by any user opening them up in a third-party tool such as Excel or Crystal Reports.

How to Review:

Documentation is provided in the on-line help, under the help book System Architect – General, Querying Repository with 3rd Party Tools, OLE DB Interface.




Providing ‘How To’ Solutions


j. DB2 UDB V8 – DB Synchronization Support


DB2 UDB version 8 has been added to the DBMS’s supported by DB Synchronize. Users may now synchronize DB2 UDB version 8 databases with a physical model in System Architect; this includes generating schema and reverse engineering DB2 UDB v8. You may do this via a connection to the DBMS, or via a DDL file.  



Enables users to reverse engineer and generate schema for DB2 UDB, and maintain changes to models and the database design.


How to Review:

In the on-line help, select the book Data Modeling, DB Synchronize, Generate and Reverse, Properties of Supported Databases, DB2.


k. Oracle 10g and 9i – DB Synchronization Support for DDL Files


System Architect now supports generation, reversal, and synchronization of Oracle 10g and 9i to and from DDL files. System Architect previously supported these versions of Oracle through a live connection to the database only.  



Many users prefer to use DDL files for reversal and generation, versus connection to the live database.


How to Review:

In the on-line help, select the book Data Modeling, DB Synchronize, Generate and Reverse, Properties of Supported Databases, Oracle.




Providing Usability


l. Location of Guidebooks Controllable through .ini Setting


There is a new setting in System Architect’s SA2001.ini file that enables you to specify the directory in which System Architect will load a Guidebook from.


This enables you to build your own Guidebook, place it in any directory (including a directory on the network), and make it the default that gets opened in System Architect, rather than needing to replace the Guidebook in the <C>:\Program Files\Telelogic\System Architect Suite\System Architect\Guidebooks\Generic directory.


How to Review:

Select Tools, Session Options, and find Guidebook in the Entry list. You may provide the path and file name of the main page of the Guidebook you have created in the Value of Guidebook = field.


Supporting Visualization


m. Symbol Layering


This version of System Architect understands the concept of which symbols were drawn first and therefore whether they are to the front or back of other shapes. You may now change the order in which symbols appear, when they are layered on top of one another. This is a feature of most standard drawing packages and one which improves our usability considerably.



In large complex architectural drawings and models, it is important to be able to layer symbols on top of each other in order to simplify how they look and communicate more effectively.


How to Review:

On a System Architect diagram, you may leave automatic layering on so that System Architect controls layering based on which symbol it determines to be the ‘containing’ symbol, or turn on manual layering by selecting Format, Diagram Format, Symbol Display Layering, User Control. Once User Control is turned on, move one symbol on top of another symbol. Right-mouse click on one of the symbols, and choose Symbol Layering, and then select Move to the Back, Move Backwards, Move Forwards, or Move to the Front.





n. Branding


System Architect’s icons and various other product branding, company, and copyright information has been rebranded to fit within the Telelogic umbrella.


Users will experience a cohesive look to all Telelogic products.


II.      Bugs Fixed in V10.3


List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 10.3

If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.


 2530: Enable End Users to save customized menu.

 4463: Enable End Users to use the Add or Modify function to Add, Replace or Move the record in Model Objects OO State – Activities (OMT Process) within a UML State Diagram when existing Activity if it is spelled the same but with uppercase characters.

 2530: Enable End Users to save customized menu.

 4463: Enable End Users to use the Add or Modify function to Add, Replace or Move the record in Model Objects OO State – Activities (OMT Process) within a UML State Diagram when existing Activity if it is spelt the same but with uppercase characters;

 6889:  Change to the Word reports for Business Enterprise – under the tab Business Process, the selection Process Hierarchy was misnamed and actually generating Process Decomposition information, such as process threads and EBPs. Appropriate reports were renamed and the entire Business Enterprise Word report was rewritten using SA’s object model, versus the previous sawd2001.dll calls.

 4773/6970: Entity/Data Store synchronization references had been removed from INI file editor and Online Help System

15277: Enable Line Navigation feature for Explorer Diagrams

15875: SAShowWindowFrame(dwCmdShow As Long) dwCmdShow argument should

17350: Matrix editor focus was lost when editing a Matrix Cell definition.

17530: Multiple TMP files were created when running the Activity Model report.

17571: Enhancement request for Doc Blocks to be generated with diagram

17656: Fixed an issue wherein a deletion of a Use Case association was cancelled, but the definition of the Use Case association was deleted anyway.

17664: Rules check has been added to the menu permissions in SA Catalog Manager.

17681: Wording was changed on dialog buttons presented after deleting items from a Use Case or Class diagram: the button previously labeled “Delete” is now “Remove from Diagram”, and the button previously labeled “Purge” is now “Purge from Encyclopedia”.

17763: Word reports did not run correctly with Office 2003.

17786: Use Case Diagram Word Report made Class and sub-Class inherit each other, ie it would state classA inherits from classB and also that classB inherits from classA.

17930: Installation error caused SAEM not to be able to be run in V10.1; users got a message complaining that the MSWINSCK.OCX file was missing or invalid.

10328: Automatic Word report not using name of an actor for heading.

10495: Enacted functionality to satisfy numerous requests from clients to enable ordering of symbol layering (bring to front, bring forward, bring backward, bring to back).

12595: Carriage returns are ignored when generating report.

13050: Message when selecting Help from the Help menu – users would intermittently get an error message that stated “The requested help topic was not found.. Help topic code xxx”, where the number xxx varied. This was caused by two issues – when the user selected Help, Help, System Architect would incorrectly throw a call for help on the underlying menu button, which happened to be under the Help menu at that time – which is why the number varied. This incorrect call was corrected. In addition, some of the buttons on the System Architect menu didn’t have help pages assigned to them, which caused the ‘help topic not found’ message. This was also corrected.

13446: User couldn’t open or create an encyclopedia on a SQL Server with a different collation setting, because queries on it became case sensitive.

13707: Added ability to edit graphic comment without having to open definition – you may now edit graphic comments though an in-place edit.

16099: Unable to add new value via Choices to bottom of ListOf property – when populating a data store with multiple data elements, once the list box was full, additional values were difficult to add.

16329: CTRL + SHIFT + F1 on floating browser menu generates previous m

16336: Floating menu options in the browser now have MENU IDs assigned to them, so that they can be called from Guidebooks and controlled via Access Control. They will not be available to be called from VBA.

16647: Specifying a filter set in the browser was inadvertently being cascaded to the choices browser as well.

16703: Now include example definitions of Explorer Object/Relationship reports in new encyclopedias.

17082: Unable to see the X in cells for some of the relationships in the SV-5.

17121: Carriage Return/Line Feeds in text fields were not included in output of Report Generator.

17329: SV4 Functional Decomp to SV4 DFD utility prompted the user to provide a name for every SV-4 DFD diagram being auto-created, rather than just taking the name of the SV-4 Functional Decomp diagram. There is a new message that comes up allowing user to specify for System Architect to “Generate Remaining Diagram Names Automatically”.

17543: More descriptive error messages are now provided for Dictionary Update.

17547: "Find" functions do not work for Korean characters; for example, you can use “a*” to find sentences started with an ‘a’, but cannot do that with Korean.

17569: RDE was not handling '!' and '*' correctly; SQL using these characters was not being parsed.

17596: The Display {FORMAT String} USRPROPS command was not displaying listof values as a horizontal string versus a vertical list. The Format List option was intended for use with reference properties. A fix was made so that when it is used with a non-reference property, it is treated as though it were a Format String and a warning is issued to the user.

17641: In an Entity definition, it was determined that the heading “Name” over the attributes column was confusing users; it was renamed to 'Attribute Name'.

17647: An Oracle qualified, user-defined data type was not being recognized by RDE.

17648: When creating methods in a class, and dragging a formal parameter from the Choices list into a method’s parameter’s compartment, System Architect was linking the parameter dragged in with its original method, not the one it was dragged into.

17662: Reverse Data Engineer was incorrectly dividing a qualifier in two that had a length in bytes versus characters.

17673: In Korean operating system, SA Compare was returning incorrect encyclopedia file names.

17680: In matrix editors, Korean characters for column names were being truncated.

17703: In Report Generator, if a report name contained quotes, you were unable to create a usable duplicate report.

17711: Explorer report that contained command "WHERE "Leaf <-- Leaf" = T" did not work.

17713: When browsing for a UDL file in the windows file browser dialog box, double clicking on a folder shortcut file (.lnk) returned user to the Encyclopedia Open dialog box, inserting the .lnk file into the UDL file field, rather than navigating to the folder to which the shortcut pointed.

17765: Adding a split, branched, parallel ICOM input into an operational activity on a child OV-5 diagram was causing the Balance Parent function to get confused.

17787: SA Information Web Publisher was not storing the fact that “No Report” was assigned to a type default.

17793: Improved help to describe use of the Symbol Depictions.

17850: Enhancement Request to enable the Guidebook to be launched in a floating window so that it can be dragged out of the SA window like the Encyclopedia and Matrix Browser windows.

17878: Under certain circumstances, after assigning a large number of Operational Activity definitions to one System Function via SV-5 matrix, when reloading the matrix, all X’s disappeared in the matrix, even though all Operational Activity definitions are shown in the System Function definitions under SV-5 tab. Ability of XML reporting system to handle large number of values in one property was increased, capacity wise.

17938: Improvements were made to message routing on the BPMN diagram so that (1) Connections may now be made to vertical Pools only on the left and right sides, (2) Connections may be made to horizontal Pools only on the top and bottom sides, (3) Message Flows may now be connected to an Event only if its Trigger Type is "Message" or "Multiple" (previously Message Flows could be connected to an Event only if its Trigger Type was "Message"), and (4) if the diagram property Check Connections is set, any problems reported, besides identifying the flow in error, also provide an explanation of the problem.

17944: The HTML output for internally referenced documents (within the Files table of encyclopedia), generated to a Documents directory of the output, had absolute references and not relative references.

17950: After using HTML Generator to publish OV-2 diagram into Framework HTML report, and clicking the OV2 cell to bring the browser page, Need Lines would be presented with a + in front, but clicking the + did not display Need Lines, even though they existed in report.

17956: Explorer Object Report did not like Content containing report syntax with criteria LISTONLY property, for example, SELECT "Name" WHERE Class = Definition WHERE Type = "Event"
WHERE "Event Type <-- Event Type" = "Internal Actual".

17959: Unable to open Reference Documents when the reference document file was readonly.

17969: Certain user-defined pictures were being incorrectly published to websites via SA Info Web Publisher. Some were partially depicted; certain others were upside down.

17978: Unable to specify cross-reference relations in user-defined matrices for attributes that were primary keys. If an x was placed in a cell correlating Business Organizations vs Attributes, for example, upon reopening the matrix the x in the cell disappeared if the attribute was a primary key.

17994: Error messages were being produced if user connected to an Oracle 8 database but told SA’s RDE that it was Oracle 9. Fix was made to make SA smart enough to recognize the difference, ignore the Oracle 9 request and revert to Oracle 8.

18020: OV3 Matrix could not be generated if there were frozen objects in the encyclopedia, instead of generating them, opening them as readonly while generating.

18053: The "Customize this Guidebook" topic in the Generic Guidebook showed examples for accessing the help files with launchmain.exe instead of launchmenu.exe. The documentation was changed to indicate that LAUNCHMENU.EXE should be used.

18060: There was an error when running SA Compare on French Windows XP with French settings. The problem was that SA Compare looked at HKEY_USERS\.default\Control Panel\International\Locale, but the value for French is "00000C0C".

18065: Could not import users from Active Directory in German OS.

18066: SA Catalog Manager Installation help needed to be updated with information on permission settings for SQL Server – the fact that user must be given db_ddladmin, db_datareader and db_datawriter for the PopkinEnterpriseCatalog database to be allowed full access to the catalog and db_ddladmin, db_datareader, db_datawriter, and EXECUTE permissions for EntityExistsById, GetFileSize, GetNextId, LockEntityById for the encyclopedia database to be allowed full access to the encyclopedia.

18088: The property "Time Measure" on the Project Planning tab within the Operational Activity was missing the SECONDS value. There was Day, Hour, Minute, Week, Month, Quarter & Year.

18098: SA Info Web Pub (IWP) could not generate website automatically as tasked through Windows Scheduler. It would hang until user manually clicked on the IWP bar to make it active.

18110: PNG images generated by SA HTML Generator were smaller in V10.1 than in V9.1.40. If user changed settings in the HTML Generator to increase the width of the output, the picture would still have the same percentage of unused whitespace, it would just be bigger. The result was that scroll bars were provided in the output, forcing the end user to do a lot of scrolling around in the output.

XCR#5: SA Info Web Publisher report hung when launching via Windows Scheduled Tasks.

XCR#7: Hyperlinks for referenced definitions weren't generated in IWP.

XCR#11: Out of Global Memory when running SA Information Web Publisher under certain circumstances.

XCR#14: Runtime error '429' when running the C4ISR Reports under certain circumstances.

XCR#17: Changde method used for how IWP generates the list of definitions for the starting report.

XCR#20: Unable to mouse over a symbol and isolate the relationships in an SVG image.

XCR#21: SA crashed when resizing a Lane after transforming it from a Pool

XCR#22: On a user interface dialog, it said "File" where it should have said "Server".

XCR#25: SA abended after adding a swim lane to a Business Process diagram under certain circumstances.

ER# 31: UML Packages without stereotypes appeared in the browser with prefix cheverons.

XCR#32: User-defined symbols weren't generated in the IWP report output.

XCR#33: Text Alignment icons on the toolbar didn’t align with the symbol name.

XCR#34: Fixed faulty help about constraint between two tables in a physical data model diagram.

XCR#37: System Architect crashed when applying Instance Permissions change.

XCR#38: Added option to not show Sent to DOORS icon in browser.

XCR#39: There was an error when deleting a user matrix in Matrix Designer.

XCR#41: Discrepancies found when running the compare against a DDL file and PDM.

XCR#45: DB Reversal default lost with Alter Table PK and default constraints.

XCR# 46: Punctuation marks reversed in default values.

XCR# 49: SA crashed under certain circumstances when a diagram was opened while VBA macro was running -- VBA .hide was used with a Diagram Close Event.

XCR# 50: MaxDrawArea description needed updating.

XCR# 52: SQL Server 7 User Data Types were always NOT NULL in Schema Generator.

XCR# 53: SQL Server User Data Type Specification layout needed fixing.

XCR# 59: Associative Entity was changed to Weak Entity after adding a PK Attribute.

XCR# 64: Diagram names containing "&" did not work properly in SA Info Web Publisher.

XCR# 65: Under certain circumstances, double-clicking on a process symbol on a BPMN Process diagram caused System Architect to abend.

XCR# 66: Errors when trying view the diagrams tab in the HTML Generator – encyclopedia specific.

XCR# 72: IWP generated incorrect labels for SAUsrprops properties.

XCR# 75: Display Mode option was enabled on the toolbar when a symbol wasn't selected.

XCR# 77: SA was referred to as 'Main executable' on group startbar icon.

XCR# 80: SA hung while performing XML import (Model) under certain circumstances.

XCR# 87: Implementation of IDEF0 standard in System Architect (labeling of child boxes) was incorrect.

XCR# 93: SA 10.1.11 on Chinese OS – improper appearance of property GUI.

XCR# 121: SA crashed when right-clicking and selecting “Display Mode..” under certain circumstances.

XCR# 124: Carriage return character was missing when printing an internal report.

XCR# 131: Copying a view could alter the object user was copying from.

XCR# 133: Access Control Filters did not refresh correctly.

XCR# 149: Use Case steps were incorrectly keyed to Use Case definition.

XCR# 154: UML Tutorial lacked an important note.

XCR# 163: A URL of format http://<hostname/sharepoint> could be added as a reference doc.

XCR# 166: Removing the predefined properties from a property page cut other properties.






System Architect V10.1.11_2

Improvements and Fixes





System Architect V10.1.11_2 features the following bug fix:


BSS# 17930 – SAEM Installation: the MSWINSCK.OCX file was not being installed with SAEM. This caused users not to be able to run SAEM; they would get a message that said “MSWINSCK.OCX does not exist”.  Note: the Known Issues section of the Telelogic Support Center provides this ocx file with instructions on how to add and register it. (If you have previously installed SA V10.1, then you should follow the instructions in the Known Issues section rather than uninstalling/reinstalling System Architect to fix this bug with SAEM).



System Architect V10.1

Improvements and Fixes





System Architect V10.1 features the following improvements:


Data Modeling

·       DB Synchronize Support for Oracle 10G

·       Ability to Find Immediately Related Entities Via Menu Item


General Modeling and Drawing Improvements

·       Menu Structure Now Customizable (In Addition to Toolbars)

·       Symbol Name May Now Be Positioned Independent of Other Properties

·       New Option to Have Line Crossings that are Bridged

·       New Option to Turn On/Off Center-to-Center Line Routing

·       Added Ability to Scroll Diagrams Using Standard Windows Mouse Drivers

·       Improved Symbol Positioning when Dragging Multiple Symbols Around On Diagram

·       Increased Number of Diagrams that May be Open Simultaneously to 50

·       Drawing Area of a Diagram Increased to 640 X 640 inches

·       Added Functionality to Guidebooks


Enterprise Architecture

·       Explorer Diagram Improvements

·       Functionality Additions to Enterprise Direction Diagram

·       Group symbol Added to BPMN Business Process Diagram



·       Added Ability to Find Immediately Related Classes Via Menu Item


Publishing and Reporting

·       HTML Generator – HTML Output Now Has Hyperlinks to Referenced Documents


Metamodel Customizability Improvement

·       New keywords were added to the metamodel customizability language (SAPROPS and USRPROPS) to enable manual specification of analytic depictions.


SA Information Web Publisher

·       DoDAF ABM Templates Added for SA Information Web Publisher 


SA Catalog Manager

·       Improved User Interface for SA Catalog Manager 



·       Added Two New Options for generating SDXs in DoDAF ABM

·       Modified Functionality of Operational and System Nodes to Relieve Issues Caused by Memo Field Restriction  


Bug Fixes

·       System Architect V10.1 features a number of bug fixes, detailed after the new features section that follows.



Data Modeling


a. DB Synchronize for Oracle 10G



Increased the support that DB Synchronize provides for synchronizing physical data models with Oracle databases so that Oracle 10G is now supported, in addition to Oracle versions supported previously (Oracle 9i and 8).



Ability to synchronize physical data models with the latest Oracle release.


b. Immediately Related Entities Menu Item


Added Ability to Find Immediately Related Entities. A new menu item has been added to enable user to find those Entities immediately Related to a single selected Entity. It is an Edit menu entry and a right-hand button symbol menu entry called “Add Immediately Related Entities”.


Improved navigability on ER diagram.



General Modeling and Drawing Improvements


c. Menu Structure Now Customizable


In System Architect 10.1, the menus and toolbars have been almost completely released from their previous fixed format. This means that users are now able to customize menus, and their customizations will remain after restarting the product – this was not the case previously. The only exceptions to this are the Draw menu and Draw toolbar, where customization is only possible at the end of the default list of drawing tool items.



The goal of this change was to enable more tailored menu and toolbar configurations for specific user groups via SA Catalog Manager.


How to Review:

In general users should notice no significant changes to menus in this release of System Architect. All menu items and toolbars will remain where they were in previous versions.


Users will however be able to customize their menus toolbars (except the Draw toolbar) and have menu items remain where they are place, without the need to add macro code. Right-mouse click on any toolbar, and choose Customize. From the Customize menu, you may drag menu commands onto existing menus and toolbars, or remove menu entries. SA Catalog Manager also enables you to specify menu and toolbar commands that belong to certain roles.



d. Positioning of Symbol Name Independent of Other Properties



You may now position the name of a symbol independent of the positioning of the other property values of a symbol. This enables you to, for example, center the name of class symbols, while keeping their attributes and methods flush left. Other usability changes have been made to the Text Position dialog: the check boxes have been made 3-states; the radio buttons have been changed to allow all buttons in a group to be “off”. These check boxes and radio buttons should properly reflect the state states of the selected symbols when the dialog is raised. Only those characteristics that the user actually changes are changed in the selected symbols.



Enables more aesthetic flexibility in modeling. Some modeling notations, such as UML, suggest that certain symbols, such as Class symbol, have centered name while rest of properties in definition be flush left.


How to Review:

Select a symbol, and choose Format, Symbol Format, Text Position, or right-mouse click on a symbol and select Symbol Format, Text Position.



e. New Option to Have Straight Line Crossings that Are Bridged


Added functionality to have intersecting straight lines jump over each other where they cross. This functionality is available for straight lines that cross one another, and straight lines that intersect elliptically curved lines (no bridging is done where curved lines intersect curved lines).



More flexibility in presenting diagrams that are understandable.


How to Review:

This functionality is enabled by selecting Format, Diagram Format, Display Options, and in the Display Options dialog toggling on the new check box labeled “Bridge Intersecting Straight Lines”. If checked, bridges will be drawn at the intersecting point of straight lines.



f. New Option to Have Slanted Text on Lines


You may now specify that textual material associated with line symbols, such as their name, be slanted following the slope of the line. Two new check boxes have been added to the Text Position dialog. They are labeled:

·         “Orient line name with nearest line section” and

·         “Orient line text with nearest line section”.


They are only enabled if one or more lines are currently selected. When set, they require SA to slope the line name(s) and other line text with the nearest line section.


How to Review:

Select a line symbol, and choose Format, Symbol Format, Text Position, or right-mouse click on a line symbol an select Symbol Format, Text Position.



g. New Option to Turn On/Off Center-to-Center Line Routing


Added a checked menu option “Center-to-Center Routing” that allows users to turn on/off the center-to-center routing of single-section any-angle straight lines. This is a characteristic of the diagram instance and is saved with the diagram.


How to Review:

This functionality is activated for a diagram by selecting Format, Center-to-Center Routing, or by right-mouse clicking on the diagram workspace and selecting Center-to-Center Routing from the popup menu.



h. Added Ability to Scroll Diagrams Using Standard Windows Mouse Drivers


This fixed Wish #15099 (although wish asked for ability to scroll browser as well, and this has not been enabled; furthermore, it may not work in the diagram under all operating systems).


How to Review:

You may now use the scroll wheel in your mouse to scroll vertically up and down on a diagram workspace.



i. Improved Symbol Positioning when Moving Multiple Symbols On Diagram


If you press your SHIFT key down while moving a symbol or group of symbols on a diagram, the movement is restricted to either horizontal only or vertical only – depending on whether you have moved the mouse more horizontally or more vertically with respect to the mouse position at the start of the move. While the move is in progress, you can release the SHIFT key and then SA restores normal move operation. You can press the SHIFT key again while the move is still in progress and then restricted movement is restored – again relative to the mouse position at the start of the move.


(Note: This functionality does not apply or has little value to diagram types where movement is already restricted, such as hierarchical diagrams, diagrams with Pool and Lane symbols, and Sequence diagrams.)



Improved diagrammatic modeling capabilities. This enacted a client’s Enhancement Request (BSS #16174).




j. Increased Number of Diagrams that May be Open Simultaneously to 50


You may now have open up to and including 50 diagrams at a time. Previously, the limit was 12 diagrams.



Improved flexibility and scalability when modeling.



k. Drawing Area of a Diagram Increased to 640 X 640 inches


The maximum drawing area of a diagram was increased to 640 x 640 inches. Previously, the maximum drawing area for a diagram was 320 X 320.



Improved flexibility when modeling.



l. Added Functionality to Guidebooks:


New System Architect Guidebook functionality was added, as follows:


·       Added ability to launch ‘new’ dialog boxes for diagram and definitions:

<a href=”launchmenu.exe creatediag,34”>

<a href=”launchmenu.exe createdef,34”>

where 34 is the type number to be created.


·       Added ability to launch mini-browser:

<a href="LaunchMenu.exe minibrowser,My Title,<types>">

Types are pairs of parameters – either def or dgm followed by the type number, include as many pairs as you need.

For example:

<a href="LaunchMenu.exe minibrowser,My Title,def,15,dgm,1">


More flexibility when building user-specified Guidebooks.



Enterprise Architecture Improvements


m. Explorer Diagram


A number of improvements were made to the Explorer diagram based on client and consultant feedback. The most significant of these improvements are as follows:


Symbols on Explorer Diagram No Longer Reference Themselves as Immediate Relatives: Improvement was made to prevent symbols on the Explorer Diagram from themselves being represented on an Explorer Diagram through the use of the “Show immediate relatives” command. Previously, when you used the “Show Immediate Relatives” command on a symbol on the Explorer diagram representing a Diagram, Symbol, or Definition in the repository, the symbol on the Explorer diagram was itself represented again by a related Explorer symbol – representing that the Explorer symbol exists on the Explorer diagram


Symbol Properties for Explorer Diagram Symbols: The user can now right-click over a symbol and select "Edit Properties of Explorer Symbol", which permits the user to do just that. The symbol properties of Explorer symbols may now be defined and are displayable in the usual fashion utilizing the Display clause in the property file(s). Note: There are still no definition types associated with the Explorer symbols (Except the Collection.)


Delete Unrelated Objects: Added a new menu entry for the explorer diagram – “Delete Unrelated Objects” which removes node symbols not enjoying a relationship line. (This was a function requested by the consultants.) The new entry should appear on the Edit menu and the diagram right-click menu only if the current diagram is an Explorer diagram.



n. Enterprise Direction Functionality Additions


Added six new matrices to support interdependencies of definitions for Enterprise Direction diagram:

·       Strategy vs Business Goal,

·       Tactic vs Business Objective,

·       Business Rule vs Tactic,

·       Business Rule vs Objective,

·       Business Policy vs Strategy, and

·       Business Policy vs Goal.



Previously, users drew lines between the definition types above on an Enterprise Direction diagram to correlate them (what Tactic supported what Business Rule, for example). Drawing such lines could make the diagram extremely crowded, and further, this information was not included in the definition of the related items. Now, users may use these matrices to correlate these definition types. Correlation information becomes part of the definition of each related item so that it can be easily viewed and reported upon.


o. Group Symbol Added to BPMN Business Process Diagram


The Group symbol provides a visual mechanism to informally group elements of a process flow. Groups are often used to highlight certain sections of a diagram for documentation or analysis purposes only – the group of activities formed does not affect the Sequence Flow.



Groups are a popular way to add informal grouping information to a BPMN diagram. Groups can be drawn across Pools and Lanes; this makes them useful for identifying the activities of a distributed transaction. Groups were added to the BPMN 1.0 specification.


UML Improvements


p. UML Improvement – Immediately Related Classes Menu Item


Added the ability to add to a Class diagram, those Classes immediately Associated to a single selected Class. It is an Edit menu entry and a right-hand button symbol menu entry called “Add Immediately Associated Classes”.


Improved navigability on Class diagram.



HTML Generator Improvements


q. HTML Generator – HTML Output Now Has Hyperlinks to Referenced Documents


Links to external documents and URLs added into the Reference Documents property of any definition are now generated to the HTML output published by System Architect’s HTML Generator. If the Reference Document property contains references to documents stored in the encyclopedia’s Files table, those documents are copied out to a Documents subfolder in the HTML output, so they can be opened from the browser.


Website published from HTML Generator now includes all information input into models in System Architect, including any documents that are referenced in the models.



Metamodel Customizability (SAPROPS/USRPROPS) Additions


r. New Keywords to Support Manual Analytic Depictions


New keywords were added to the metamodel customizability language (SAPROPS and USRPROPS) to enable users to show images directly to the right, left, top, or bottom of symbols on a diagram. This functionality enables users to manually denote analytic information on a diagram.


Analytic Types are specified using a number of keywords and key clauses in a symbol's List Depictions clause. An Analytic type is noted by a keyword indicating the position (right, left, top, bottom) and must be followed by a file name (that provides the name and location of the graphic). The position determines the relative location of a graphic to the symbol for node symbols and to the name for line symbols. You may specify the size of the analytic depiction through either the Fixed or Percent of Symbol keywords.


Once you have specified the analytic depictions in usrprops.txt, and have entered appropriate values into the relevant symbols on a diagram, you may choose to show or hide analytic depictions on a diagram by right-mouse clicking on a diagram workspace and selecting Show/Hide Analytic Depictions or selecting View, Show/Hide Analytic Depictions.


As an example, you can annotate nodes on a UML deployment diagram with analytic depictions – for example, metafile images of traffic lights with either the green or red light turned on to provide visual information about whether the nodes are on-line or off-line. To do so, you could add the following code to usrprops.txt and import graphic images of traffic lights (redlight.wmf, yellowlight.wmf, and greenlight.wmf) into the Files table of the encyclopedia.


List "Traffic Lights" percent of symbol 50


Value "None"

Value "Red"       depictions {right images\redlight.wmf}

Value "Yellow"    depictions {right images\yellowlight.wmf}

Value "Green"     depictions {right images\greenlight.wmf}



SYMBOL "Node" In "Deployment"


PROPERTY "Analytic Traffic Light" {EDIT Text List "Traffic Lights" DEFAULT "None"






SA Information Web Publisher Improvements


s. Internal Reference Documents Output to Published Website


When publishing with SA Info Web Publisher, internal documents are now copied to a “documents” subdirectory of the output directory, and the html file reference is made into a relative path.



Users often want to store reference documents to their models, such as requirement specifications and other documents, within the repository itself (the encyclopedia’s Files table). In such cases, these documents should also be available in the published website of SA Information Web Publisher.


t. Improved Navigation and Display of Diagrams Output to SVG


SA Info Web Publisher. Add navigation features to diagrams.

  1. Double clicking on header will make it go away. Mouse over the area will bring it back.
  2. Shift+Click on a node symbol will zoom to the symbol.
  3. Shift+Click in white space will restore diagram to original view.
  4. Shift+Click on a line symbol will pan to a connecting node and flash the node.
  5. Mouse over a node will make all lines invisible except for the lines connected to the node.
  6. Mouse over white space will show all lines.

7.       Alt+Click on a node toggles whether the lines connected to the node are visible when the mouse is then moved over white space



Improved ability to navigate and view information on diagrams in published SVG output.


u. DoDAF ABM Report Templates Added to SA Information Web Publisher


Added reports and template for DoDAF ABM



Increased ability to publish DoDAF ABM workproducts.


SA Catalog Manager


v. SA Catalog Manager User Interface Improvements


Numerous changes were made to the user interface of SA Catalog Manager.



DoDAF ABM Improvements


w. Added Two New Methods for Generating SDX’s


Changed the manner in which SDX’s are generated in DoDAF ABM. The original method, which is believed to have conformed to specification, was deemed inadequate. Two new methods have been added.


The original method for generating SDX’s has been left in the code in case there is some need to revert to it. Since two new methods have been added, a total of three methods are available.


The original method is referred to as option 0. It can be “turned on” by adding this to the SA2001.ini file:


SDX Generation Logic=0

The first of the two new methods is referred to as option 1 and is a variant of the original method (option 0). It is identical except that it does not ignore uncles. If the uncles on a diagram perfectly represent the sibling System Functions on the parent diagram, this method should yield good results. This method is invoked by putting this in the SA2001.ini file:


SDX Generation Logic=1

Alternatively, this entry can be omitted since this is the default.

The second of the two methods is referred to as option 2. It is the method that matches flow names and creates an SDX for every instance of qualifying input System Function and qualifying output System Function that a flow has. This method is invoked by putting this in the SA2001.ini file:


SDX Generation Logic=2

Only the logic for deciding when to generate an SDX has been changed. In the original method, once it had “decided” to generate an SDX, it called a function that, given the Data Flow definition and the definitions of the from and to System Functions, took care of the SDX generation any other object generation required. The two new methods utilize the same function.


x. Modified Functionality of Operational Nodes and System Nodes to Relieve Issues Caused by Memo Length Restriction


A change was made to address problems caused by the 32K restriction on the size of a memo in certain object types where the properties are causing that limit to be reached. Two object types are causing, or are expected to cause, problems of this nature: Operational Node and System Node.

This issue was addressed by eliminating some properties, limiting of the size of others, and adding new properties to provide the functionality that the removed properties provided.


In an Operational Node definition:

  • The Operational Activities property, which consisted of a ListOf Operational Activity, was removed.        
  • The Activity Roles textual property was limited in size. The length was set to 20000. This property was invisible to the user.
  • A new property, “Activities without Roles”, was added. It is of type text, displayable, invisible, and length 20000.


In an Operational Activity definition:

·       The property “Node Roles” was set to a length 20000.

·        A new property, “Nodes without Roles”, was added. It is of type text, displayable, invisible, and length 20000


In a Role definition:

·       The property “Node Activity” was set to a length of 20000

In a System Node definition:

  • The System Functions property, which consisted of a ListOf System Function definitions, was eliminated
  • The Function Entities textual property was limited in size. The length was set to 20000.
  • A new property, “Functions without Entities”, was added. It is of type text, displayable, invisible and length 20000


In a System Function definition:

·       The property “Node Entities” was set to a length of 20000

·       A new property, “Nodes without Entities”, was added. It is of type text, displayable, invisible, and length 20000


In a System Entity definition:

·       The property “Node Functions” was set to a length of 20000


This fix should relieve the problem described while compromising little of the intended functionality.


Changes to Operational Nodes, Operational Activities, and Roles:

For an Operational Node, the “Activity Roles” property was an ‘invisible’ property – it existed and captured information, but users did not see it in the Operational Node definition dialog. Its values were created via a matrix and were not viewed in the symbol’s definition dialog but were displayed on the symbol. Consequently, its utility was questionable if it got very large.

In addition, its utility was further compromised with the removal of the Operational Activity property from an Operational Node definition, since it showed those Operational Activities that have associated Roles. Users normally determine which Operational Activities do not have associated Roles by visually comparing the property “Activity Roles” with the property “Operational Activities”.

To deal with this last problem, a new property has been added, “Activities without Roles”. The new property shows those objects that the user would otherwise have determined visually. Thus the “Activities without Roles” property in the Operational Node will show those Operational Activities that do not have associated Roles.

How It Works:

If a user specifies an intersection between an Operational Node and an Operational Activity in the Operational Node to Activity Matrix, and furthermore specifies one or more Roles within the intersecting MatrixCell definition of that node and activity, then they will be able to display the Activity + Role pairs in the Operational Node symbol on an OV-2 diagram.

To do this, they may right-mouse click on the Operational Node symbol on an OV-2 diagram, and choose Display Mode. In the Display Mode dialog, they may choose to display Activity Roles. On the Operational Node symbol itself, they will get a list of Role + Activity.


If a user specifies an intersection between an Operational Node and an Operational Activity in the Operational Node to Activity Matrix, but does not specify one or more Roles within the intersecting MatrixCell definition of that node and activity, then they will be able to display in the Operational Node symbol, all the Activities for the Node that do not have any Roles specified.

To do this, they may right-mouse click on the Operational Node symbol on an OV-2 diagram, and choose Display Mode. In the Display Mode dialog, they may choose to display Activities without Roles. On the Operational Node symbol itself, they will get a list of Activities.

Changes to System Nodes, System Functions, and System Entities:

For a System Node, the “Function Entities” property was an ‘invisible’ property – it existed and captured information, but users did not see it in the System Node dialog. Its values were created via a matrix and were not viewed in the symbol’s definition dialog but were displayed on the symbol. Consequently, its utility was questionable if it got very large.

In addition, its utility was further compromised with the removal of the System Function property from a System Node definition, since it showed those System Functions that have associated System Entities. Users normally determine which System Functions do not have associated System Entities by visually comparing the property “Function Entities” with the property “System Functions”.

To deal with this last problem, a new property, “Functions without Entities”, has been added to the System Node definition. It will show those System Functions that do not have associated System Entities.

Other Changes

Changes were made to Reports and Utilities to eliminate references to the properties being removed and any use of the relationships that will no longer be expressed because of the properties’ removal.

The former case appears to be restricted to the use of GetPropertyAsCollection (“Operational Activities”). Where such code refers to the Operational Node’s property “Operational Activities”, the code was changed to locate the Operational Activities that would have been in the collection by following the “used by” relationships from the Operational Node.


User-Specified Reports

Any reports that used any of the following relationships should be modified:

  • Operational Activities via “uses” relationships from an Operational Node
  • Operational Nodes via “used by” relationships from an Operational Activity
  • System Functions via “uses” relationships from a System Node
  • System Nodes via “used by” relationships from a System Function.

In all such cases, the complementary relationship (“used by” for “uses” and “uses” for “used by”) should be used instead.

Matrix Changes

Matrices were changed to remove the “Operational Activities” property in Operational Node from the following matrices:

·         C53 - "Operational Node To Operational Activity"

·         C54 - "Operational Node To Operational Activity (Leaf Only)”

·         C55 - "Operational Node To Operational Activity (Parent Only)"

·         C56 - "Operational Node To Operational Activity (External Only)"

In all four matrices, it is the column property that was removed.

In addition, references to the “System Functions” property in System Node were removed from the following matrices:

·         C57 - "System Node To System Function"

·         C58 - "System Node To System Function (Leaf Only)"

·         C59 - "System Node To System Function (Parent Only)"

·         C60 - "System Node To System Function (External Only)"

In all four matrices, it is the column property that is to be removed.

Reports Changes

Two reports were changed:

·       The "OV Traceability Report - OpNodes and their OpActivities" attempted to reach Operational Activities via the “uses” relationship from Operational Nodes

·       " SV Traceability Report - SysNodes and their SysFunctions" attempted to reach System Functions via the “uses” relationship from System Nodes. Both of these should be changed to use the “used by” relationship instead.



II. Bug Fixes


List of Client Issues Fixed for System Architect 10.1

If you would like more specific information on any of the issues below, please contact Telelogic’s Technical Support department.


  4037 Issue when property contained the phrase "initial user required"

  4292 Issue when creating data elements using the [|] in statement

  4351 Wrong name on UML tool tip

  4476 The positioning of the insertion point on multiple line names

  5081 Data flows that appear intersected/cross over

  5209 Use of the report generator gets the first letter of input description not the full wording

  6778 Enhancement Request: No message indicates an undefined list operation has been conducted

  8551 Simmit Simulation not saved in property sets

  9109 Minor modification to the 'Export Definitions' User Interface

  9680 Property focus is not on data element box when adding new attribute on entity

11256 Enhancement Request: Creation of an usr_fmts.bas file

11741 Running simulation on an OV-6a diagram/definition type has not been enabled ' Resource Profile'

11751 This is not supported and the ASGRID clause will be ignored

11755 Duplicate properties for 'Technology' Definition within saprops

12107 C4ISR Report: SV7 By Diagram not working

12603 Enhancement Request: Preview of effect of deleting a definition

12748 Report file names that exceed 7 characters cannot be set

12939 The SAWordStyleHeadings in the INI does not address any changes

13153 IDEF3 Rules Improvement

13249 Korean Version: Changed the default Korean font from "Gullim" to "Gullimche"

13567 Possible internal error when convert PDM to ERD

13706 DB Synchronize: Trigger statement should end with forward slash

13768 Line Grid option disabled in Grid & Reduced View Settings

13886 Text Orientation Option for labels etc. in SA diagrams

14083 Add the Reference By utility directly to the Definition GUI

14169 OV/SV6 report does not relate Information Exchanges with System Data Exchanges properly

14202 Balance OV2 and OV5 Info Exchanges loops through the same diagram

14246 Enhancement Request: Implement header on the top of the pool or lane in BPM diagram

14264 Reverse phrase incorrectly positioned on diagram

14619 Date in Doc Block is Current -- Should be Last Saved

14676 Importing usrprops.txt file that is not named usrprops.txt

14741 User Interface: Issue when parent identifies child check box overlaps parent optional checkbox

14838 Japanese Version: Definitions loose Japanese characters when saving matrices as html

14873 Enhancement request: Suppress Model window when using or customizing Framework

14930 Korean Version: Invalid character found in text content

15099 Unable to scroll diagrams & browser using standard Windows mouse

15188 Unable to create a physical model with super-sub type entity relationship diagram

15284 BPMN Enhancement Request: Pool/Swim Lane names to be fixed in position when scrolling

15422 Expanding a symbol redraws attached straight line

15432 Matrix Editor Sort does not work properly

15514 There is no link to the SA Simulator Tutorial within the Main Help

15517 Column definitions doesn't inherit Attribute properties correctly

15636 Reverse engineering a DDL file into SA will show differences when there are none

15646 Creating an ERD from a PDM, relationships either missing or not displayed

15697 Incorrect menu displayed for diagram 

15704 AutoBalancing doesn't work properly

15709 Glossary text box shrinks to nothing on Activity dialog

15795 Reversing Oracle DDL file with more than 31 FK's

15822 Reversing Oracle DDL file loses constraints.

15843 No message received when importing usrprops.txt file

15844 UI: Import/Export radio buttons not well placed on Encyc File Mgr U

15872 HTML Generator: Running particular report on particular encyclopedia caused SA to append

15879 Unable to double click symbols in Pool if not colored (filled)

15902 HTML Generator: Unable to create/write file caused error on HTML Report generator using SVG

15907 Existing tab of Open UI does not recognize HANGUL characters

16063 Enhancement Request - Line Enhancement 

16080 UI: Poor error message on OO2ER action when diagram is read only

16108 UI: The Reporting System doesn't provide all definition types of a heterogeneous list

16128 Error message when adding alternate use case steps

16154 DODAF ABM: ICOM Navigator show same results on any diagram

16163 Unable to move multiple symbols in different swim lanes

16173 EncyBrowserTabs.xml Configuration is not shown in the browser

16174 Enhancement request: symbol positioning when dragging multiple symbols on diagram

16185 Hebrew characters not displayed correctly within the matrix labels 

16188 Balance Horizontal report provides incorrect results

16235 Enhancement Request: Viewing Parent Packages in Hierarchy format

16237 Unable to define class attribute types when selecting a package

16289 SA Info Web Pub enhancement request: Publish urls in HTML report & Internal document

16318 Word 2002: Activity Model reports text on top of diagrams

16357 Incorrect syntax within Help Files for Publishing properties

16365 HTML Generator: SVG format HTML does not show the same round line as diagram

16386 BPMN: Limiting a property so that users can only populate via choices

16405 Matrix Column headings do not scroll

16461 SA was not supported on dual monitor systems

16483 Sequence diagram object lifeline names are not always visible

16485 SA Info Web Pub: Diagram links not created in SA Info Web Pub with iRMA diagrams

16491 Enhancement Request: UML sequence diagrams made to automatically extend

16541 ALIGN menu was greyed out in IDEF0 diagrams

16599 Merge/Extract: "use more recent" not working when definition was rekeyed

16608 Unable to rename an existing CHAPTER via USRPROPS.TXT

16611 Enhancement request: Change the behaviour of reduce line segments

16634 Add Zoomable to iRMA Mode of Delivery

16640 Error message from SAEDIT when using portion marking

16642 Importing the xml breaks the Parent/Child relationship

16643 Entities and Attributes relationship is broken when importing an xml file

16782 Inability to transform symbols on Business Process diagrams

16811 FK Error: Id nnnn <AAAA> (Definition, Attribute) missing GUID

16818 Enhancement Request: Would like to remove the Reference Number from the Op Activity diagram

16823 Generating a Physical Data Model into a Project Data Model text and database Comments missing

16837 Custom XML BrowserTabs file overwritten when selecting Option 3

16852 SA v10.0.14 complained about the <time> set for Footers of the Page

16878 Meta Model for custom diagram generates an Org. Unit symbol

16901 Can't add 2 associations to a Data Object on a BPMN diagram

16961 UML: Unable to HIDE name of Decisions in a UML Activity diagram

16962 UML: Changing the order of Class Roles redraws Association symbol

17092 Framework: An error occurred while saving the framework. Access was denied.

17102 USER REQUIRED property prevents creation of Symbol

17113 Symbol style not imposed when setting symbol size on custom sym

17122 SA Info Web Pub: Cannot get output 5 levels down

17147 Unable to complete task when adding a duplicate method to a class

17151 Association End copy replaces existing definition

17155 SortItemsBy functionality requires extending

17216 SA hangs when running a reports which contains an ORDERBY Sequence

17227 Define Oracle Partition Group causes SA v10.0.22HF3 crash

17239 Matrix Editor: Modifying Operational Node to Operational Activity (Leaf Only) 

17245 Matrix Editor: Entries in the Deployed System at Location Matrix are Removed 

17271 Use Cases not generated from BPMN Processes with spaces

17277 Symbol Depictions button causes name to appear outside symbol

17283 Misleading message when opening diagram with no level numbers

17341 Format -> Align and Arrange Symbols menus grayed out in BPMN

17347 Unable to change the System Node to the default.

17351 Matrix Editor does not display the correct definition type 

17372 Security and Access Control documentation is misleading

17389 SA Catalog Manager: Disinheritence of WO role did not work as expected

17416 TOGAF Framework generates error in certain cells

17440 Enhancement request for Doc Block changes to date\time save

17467 SV-04 Data Flow Diagram "Assocative Properties" issue

17500 SA Word Interface: Changed the ordering of UOB's from descending to ascending

17534 'Apply' button - incorrect name returned

17570 Unable to set the symbol color fill using VBA.

17574 Misleading information in the Extensibility Guide

17603 SA Info Web Pub: Lists.xsl has erroneous header

17622 Font too big in Macro Project Window

17646 Symbol Depictions in Explorer diagram causes SA to append





System Architect V10

Improvements and Fixes





System Architect V10 features the following improvements:


  • Enterprise Explorer Diagram
  • Enterprise Direction Diagram
  • Access Control
  • TOGAF Enterprise (otherwise known as TOGAF 8) Support
  • SA Guidebook
  • BPEL Generation from BPMN Business Process Diagram
  • Reference External Documents Capability
  • Improved ER-to-UML Class Diagram Mapping
  • VBA Upgrade to Version 6.3 (formerly supported VBA 6.1)
  • Mass delete functionality available


System Architect V10 also offers the following new add-on options:


  • iRMA – Integrated Reference Model Architect
  • SA Information Web Publisher



a. Enterprise Explorer Diagram




The Enterprise Explorer diagram is a powerful tool for analytical exploration of the enterprise architecture. It is a spider type diagram that allows you to graphically explore the content of the current encyclopedia, and answer important questions about your models. The diagram displays objects (diagrams, symbols, and definitions) in the encyclopedia and the relationships between them. Relationships include all navigation paths (direct or indirect) of objects available through System Architect's reporting system, such as 'uses', 'contains', 'defines', 'parent', 'child', and so forth.


The Enterprise Explorer diagram enables users to dynamically explore the various paths of interrelationships as they present themselves on the diagram, and backtrack and follow other paths as desired. For example, you might drag a symbol representing a database onto a diagram, then automatically see all related applications, business processes, requirements, and so forth. Managers can use this diagram to visually see cause-effect relationships of models representing their business.


How to Review:


The Samples encyclopedia provided with System Architect comes with a couple of pre-built Enterprise Explorer diagrams. Open the Samples encyclopedia in System Architect, and look for the Explorer diagram type in the All Methods tab of the browser. Relationships between artifacts represented on the Enterprise Explorer diagram are created by dragging an Explorer Relationship Report definition onto the diagram. This definition type contains a Content property in which you may add code to report on any relationship type between artifacts. In the Samples encyclopedia, expand the Definitions list in the All Methods tab, and view the Explorer Relationship Reports pre-defined. Instructions on creating an Explorer diagram are provided in the System Architect – General section of the help, and also in the new SA Guidebook that opens with the product.




b. Enterprise Direction Diagram 



The Enterprise Direction diagram enables you to graphically model the relationship of high-level business-direction definitions. This enables you to graphically model the ‘why’ column of row 1 of the Zachman Framework.


The diagram, based on the work of The Business Rules Group (www.businessrulesgroup.org), enables graphical modeling of the following:




which breaks out into


which breaks out into


which breaks out into




which breaks out into


which breaks out into





which breaks out into

Business Rules




How to Review:

The Samples encyclopedia provided with System Architect comes with a pre-built Enterprise Direction diagram. Open the Samples encyclopedia in System Architect, and look for the Enterprise Direction diagram type in the All Methods tab of the browser.


Help on the Enterprise Direction diagram is also provided in the help, in the section Business Modeling, Modeling the Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Direction.


c. Access Control


New Access Control functionality provides users with access control of the information in System Architect encyclopedias. The details are as follows:

·         A Catalog Manager enables management of a catalog, which is a separate database that contains pointers to System Architect encyclopedias. The catalog contains the information necessary to give a user appropriate permissions to the encyclopedias that are referenced.

·         Access can be granted to an encyclopedia, or to a diagram type or definition type in an encyclopedia.

·         A user can be given a role, and that role can provide the user specified access. For example, a role can be created called Data Modeler, and the Data Modeler can be given access to Entity Relation diagrams and Physical Data Model diagrams.

·         A user can have more than one role (or belong to more than one group) for a given encyclopedia.

·         A role is assigned to a group or a user, and an encyclopedia. A triplet relationship is formed. 

·         Roles consist of permissions. Roles may also contain other roles in an ordered list specifying whether the permissions are to be added or subtracted from the set for the role.

·         Access can be full read-write access, or read-only access. If a user or group does not even have read-only access to diagram types or definition types, they will not see those types in the encyclopedia. Access can also be specified for menu entries.   

·         There is one catalog per SQL server instance and an encyclopedia may only exist in one catalog. A catalog may not refer to encyclopedias that are contained in other SQL server instances.

·         Standard roles are provided by System Architect.



How to Review:

The Installation Guide provides information on how to install Access Control.



d. TOGAF Enterprise Support



Telelogic has augmented its support for The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) in System Architect V10 to include support for TOGAF Enterprise, also called TOGAF 8.  TOGAF 8 uses the same underlying method for developing IT architectures presented in the previous version of the framework, TOGAF 7. However, while TOGAF 7 focuses on Technical Architectures, Version 8 talks to an overall Enterprise Architecture - the Business Architecture, Data Architecture, and Application Architecture, as well as the Technical Architecture.


How to Review:

System Architect’s support for TOGAF 8 includes the following:

·         New definition types and property sets supporting TOGAF 8 artifacts.

·         A TOGAF Enterprise Framework Editor.

·         SA Word Reports that automatically produce TOGAF Enterprise work products.  

·         TOGAF Enterprise matrices to support appropriate TOGAF work products.

·         A TOGAF Enterprise help file (in addition to the one already shipping for TOGAF 7)

To turn on TOGAF Enterprise:

1.       Select Tools, Customize Method Support, and in the System Architect Property Set dialog, toggle on TOGAF, and then reopen the encyclopedia.

2.       Select File, Edit Framework, and in the Framework Editor dialog, select TOGAF Enterprise, toggle on the Set as default framework choice, and click OK to close the dialog. Close any open Framework Browser and then select File, Show Framework. 



e. SA Guidebook 



The Guidebook is an action-oriented front end to System Architect, designed to make the most frequently used commands available to you directly while providing guidance on using these commands and navigating the tool. You may adjust the System Architect guidebook to meet your organization's needs, or build your own.


How to Review:

The Guidebook will open automatically as the first interface that you see when you start System Architect, if you have left default settings on when installing the product. You may turn the Guidebook on at any time by selecting File, Show Guidebook. The Guidebook itself provides instructions (link in lower left-hand corner) on how to tailor it to create your own Guidebook. 



f. BPEL Generation 



System Architect V10 supports generation of the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS, or BPEL for short) from a BPMN Business Process diagram. BPEL is an XML-based language for describing a business process in which all the tasks are implemented by Web Services. It is intended to be a description that can be executed by a BPEL engine.


How to Review:

You may generate BPEL from a BPMN Business Process diagram.

  1. Open a Business Process diagram.
  2. Select Dictionary, Generate BPEL.


Mapping of a BPMN Business Process diagram to BPEL is specified in the help, within the book Business Modeling, Modeling the Enterprise Architecture, BPEL Generation.



g. Reference External Documents Capability 



A new command has been added to USRPROPS to enable a listof property to be designated as one which can reference external documents. System Architect modelers are now able to specify external documents and urls to be associated with model definitions. While in a definition dialog in System Architect, you may browse and select external documents, or type in external hyperlinks, or browse the internal Files table of the encyclopedia’s database. You are also able to open an external or internally referenced document from an Open button in the listof property of the System Architect dialog.


How to Review:

The Reference External Document property has been applied to UML Use Cases in System Architect’s default metamodel. You may open any Use Case definition, and view the property Reference Documents on the first tab. You may specify an external document, spreadsheet, url, or other file in the Reference

Documents property of a Use Case.


  1. Click on Browse Externally to select a document in any directory on your computer or network.


  1. Click on Browse Internally to browse and select a file in the Files table of the encyclopedia's database. Note: If you open an internal document, it will actually be exported from the Files table and opened (in the default program set on your computer for that type of document). You receive a warning message that you must remember to import it back into the Files table of the database after saving it.


  1. Select the document or file in the Reference Documents list, and click on the Open button to open the document in the program that you have set as default on your computer.


The syntax for the Reference External Documents functionality is provided in the help, under System Architect – General, Extending With USRPROPS.  



h. Improved ER-to-UML Class Diagram Mapping 



Mapping of ER diagrams to UML Class diagrams has been improved. System Architect now automatically maps identifying and non-identifying relationships to UML associations between classes (previously, only non-specific relationships were mapped to UML associations). In addition, you have the option of mapping data modeling constructs to appropriate UML stereotypes (for primary keys, foreign keys, class stereotypes, and so forth), and directionality of entity relationships to appropriate navigability of UML associations.


How to Review:

Open an ER diagram and select Dictionary, Convert to Class Diagram. Documentation is provided in the UML Modeling section of the help, under the topic Object/Relational Integration.


i. Upgrade to VBA 6.3 



System Architect’s native support for VBA has been upgraded from Version 6.1 to Version 6.3. A side-effect of this change is that a number of VBA installation bugs have been fixed.


How to Review:

The effects of this change are transparent to the user. Existing VBA macros do not need to be converted.


V10 Add-On Options


j. iRMA 



Integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA) is a paid add-on capability to System Architect that is designed to enable the efficient and productive use of the OMB Reference Models in Enterprise Architectures (EA) across the Federal Government.


The audience for iRMA are companies and agencies that are:

  1. New to repository-enabled EA & the Reference Models,
  2. Are experienced with repository-enabled EA, but new to the Reference Models, or
  3. Are experienced with both, but want efficient Reference Model update support and utilities.


iRMA enables a fast and accurate import of the OMB Reference Model XML file to new SA definitions, automated Reference Model diagram creation, utilities for updating System/Application Reference Model data, and E300 formatted Reference Model tables and analysis reports.



iRMA enables more consistent implementations of the Reference Models, less department and agency staff time spent on integrating, capturing and updating the Reference Models, and more time spent on using the Reference Models for better EA analysis and decision-making


k. SA Information Web Publisher 



This new publishing add-on product to System Architect enables companies to quickly and efficiently build, deploy, and maintain content-rich websites based upon models and data held in the System Architect repository. SA Information Web Publisher provides design capabilities to the previously released SA Information Publisher tool, and supercedes that product. The design capabilities enable you to tailor and build your own SA Information Web Publisher generation templates.


SA Information Web Publisher enables you to produce a series of web pages containing highly customized analytical data on repository artifacts. SA Information Web Publisher connects these pages together in a highly navigable way to build a complete website with a user-friendly browser tree for quick navigation.



Enterprise architecture is a collaborative process that involves diverse groups, both internal and external along with technical and non-technical. You are able to present a web view of business processes and company infrastructure in a non-technical format that any senior manager would be interested to see without having a license of System Architect. Architecture information is not useful unless it can be tailored to the knowledge level of the people who need it to make decisions. System Architect is pushing the boundaries of enterprise architecture to give organizations the tools to make smarter strategic decisions and improve their communications.



l. Mass Delete of a Diagram or Definition Type



All diagrams or definitions of the same type can be deleted by selecting their type header in the browser, and pressing on your keyboard's Delete button, or right-mouse clicking on the type header, and selecting Delete from the pop-up menu. A dialog will open that enables you to select Yes to All, to delete all diagrams or definitions of that type. Previously, SA only allowed multiple delete of a maximum of 150 definitions from the browser. This new functionality was in response to Bug # 14546 (see below).



Ease of use in deleting items from repository.



II.      FIXES


System Architect 10.0 provides fixes to the following bugs:


·         2584 -- Added '-diagram' command line option not working

·         3292 -- Cannot create Functional Decomposition diagram for SSADM context

·         7079 -- The buttons on the diagram toolbar appear to be "sticky".

·         8037 -- Converting 7.5 VB methods that contain parameters that reference objects, will give 'Expected Closing Reached End' messages during conversion.

·         9079 -- No Items in Pick List For Self-Referencing Matrix.

·         9141 -- Native URL/Hyperlink support, now supported through new File Reference command in saprops.

·         10193 -- DFD Balancing Reports -- When running DFD balancing, messages appear that are less then friendly. For example, "Report Is Empty" should instead read "All Items Are Balanced" or some similar message.

·         10773 -- Two ‘Related EBPs’ properties stated for an ‘Application’.

·         10861 -- C4ISR Reports - OV3 & SV6. Given the current structure of the OV-3/SV-6 report, the interface is not intelligent enough to allow the addition of properties to the IER or SDE definitions.

·         12062 -- Report generator does not print to output file.

·         12153 -- SAWord Diagrams report - Compile error.

·         12597 -- Would like an option to have parent symbol on child diagram.

·         12871 -- Single word definitions appear at the ends of the axis within Matrices.

·         12988 -- Changed the data type for Description sent to DOORS

·         13030 -- 'Boolean' not appearing in C++ Package.

·         13066 -- Ability to see drop down lists in an ASGRID list.

·         13076 -- Spaces in definition name produce empty reports.

·         13209 -- C++ Code property truncated when Fwd Code Eng. C++ Code.

·         13291 -- In a new encyclopedia without any diagrams, the option for Word Reports was missing from the Reports menu.

·         13389 -- Rename a message/stimulus line by means of the Symbol Rename option on a sequence diagram and the name gets reset to its original position leaving part of the old name behind. This is more obvious if, after you have drawn such a line and named it, you reposition the line and then rename it by right-clicking and selecting Symbol Rename.

·         13392 -- INI Editor cannot create new entries in INI file if NTFS file rights are assigned to SA2001.INI.

·         13442 -- HTML Access Path links point to the same Attribute

·         13483 -- System Architect’s splash screen was made much smaller in size (memory wise) to cut down on the amount of data that needs to be transferred over a network and the time taken to refresh this complex image when using a terminal server to host System Architect to low bandwidth users.

·         13549 -- The symbol <<symbol name>> in <<diagram>> has a changed memo field.

·         13566 -- Unable to run SA2001 Sample.PPT VBA macro when using Office XP.

·         13594 -- Hyperlinks for definitions in SVG are incorrect.

·         13601 – Request to change the Verify and Repair utility to only run through once or provide a parameter in the init file to specify how many times to cycle.

·         13630 -- Section 508 Issue: compliance issue with HTML.

·         13643 -- Stereotype not synchronized across symbols when property set to

·         13661 -- If Diagram or Definition Type name contain /, the list will not generate properly using HTML Generator.

·         13662 HTM When using / in a diagram or definition name, / appears in its output using HTML Generator.

·         13700 -- Verify errors when adding a "SBData Flow to UserGroup" symbol

·         13743 -- Line symbols set to orthogonal not auto-routed neatly when connected symbol is moved.

·         13761 -- Unable to select table after hiding all of the relationship lines.

·         13783 -- HTML cannot generate slashes in names of Diagram or Definition.

·         13833 -- Product enhancement request Framework

·         13836 -- Display of Stereotype name not displayed well on customized Package symbol. If you customize a Package Symbol on a Class diagram so that it has a Stereotype property (as Class symbols do), the display of the Symbol name and Package name is not displayed well.

·         13855 -- Align command to have even spaces between icons

·         13901 -- MS Visual Basic Compile error: Can't find project or library when running SACAT.DOT.

·         13930 -- Reserved characters used in diagram/definition names

·         14017 -- Display according to stereotype in Sequence diagrams resizes Object.

·         14018 -- Adorn with Stereotype option does not work in Sequence diagrams

·         14019 -- Unable to display Objects in a Collaboration diagram according to the stereotype of the underlying class. You can only do this in Sequence diagram, not Collaboration.

·         14034 -- Moving a group of symbols inc. a recursive Dependency Link to a Class, detaches the Dependency Link.

·         14085 -- Unable to paste images into four diagram types: System Architecture,
System Area Map, System Context, and System/Subsystem Structure.

·         14087 -- Matrix only updating LISTOF in one definition.

·         14128 -- Run Time Error 62 – Input Past End Of File.

·         14177 -- Would like to see better Error Handling in Word Reports.

·         14194 -- HTML Framework Report does not show OV-6C and SV-10C diagram picture.

·         14203 – SA Information Web Publisher problem.

·         14208 -- Korean Language Problem in Matrix.

·         14209 -- Using reserved characters with Korean Language in Matrix brakes

·         14273 -- Selected objects within Framework Cells not all shown in minibrowser. Framework editor does not allow one to view Model based diagrams\definitions from the Data browser window.

·         14274 -- Used By Definitions no longer seen in HTML report

·         14292 -- Symbols are moved around after adding a lane to a pool in BPMN Business Process diagram.

·         14342 -- SA Matrix gives errors if optional fields are not filled.

·         14354 -- Enhancement Request: Should have standard BPMN Word Reports shipped with SA

·         14357 -- Word report error – “Open Definition failed SAIMF error”.

·         14478 -- Child diagrams with graphic parent symbol not created in output.

·         14480 – Enhancement Request: Stereotypes should be shown in the Browser for UML.

·         14495 -- Infer Relationships in the topic Using Multi-Dimensional Matrices.

·         14512 -- Matrix filters not working as expected when using a recursive definition.

·         14546 – Mass delete of diagram or definition types is now available, by selecting the diagram or definition type in the browser, and selecting Delete. Previously, SA only allowed multiple delete of a maximum of 150 definitions from the browser.

·         14576 -- Child indicator not generated on HTML image if symbol is at the very top of the page.

·         14614 -- User defined matrix takes nearly 10 minutes to load.

·         14664 -- Error received renaming Application definitions that have associated Technologies.

·         14669 -- Entity symbol is added outside of the diagram work area of an ER Model diagram when added to ER Subject Area diagram.

·         14687 -- Grid & Reduced View Settings not saved appropriately.

·         14728 -- SA crashes with 'Attempted malloc over 32K truncating' during Reverse Data Engineering.

·         14809 -- Incorrect output when sub reports are run via Info Web Publisher.

·         14298 -- SA not supporting attribute length in BizTalk schema.

·         14878 – “Foreign” misspelled in VBA message box.

·         14884 -- Strange Characters appear in Doc Block if Prefix Code is turned on for Function/Activity symbols.

·         14878 -- An error occurred in command_click. Error # 9 Index is out of range.

·         14907 -- BPMN Process definition not properly formatted when running matrices.

·         14916 -- CATM Apparent inability to disable execution of some macros.

·         14947 -- Simulation Simmit Role definitions are missing EBP key properties.

·         14958 -- Extracting an entire encyclopedia results in Arithmetic overflow.

·         14971 -- Memory not being released after opening diagrams and closing them.

·         14983 -- The Entity Diagram report does not identify Super-Sub relations.

·         14984 -- When selecting a whole set of permissions in other Catalog Manager instance and dropping those to other instance an error message is shown: ”Error while dropping objects”.

·         14985 – Catalog Manager Error on attaching first encyclopedia.

·         14988 -- Catalog Manager Error when creating a new role and adding diagram permissions for UML.

·         14989 -- Catalog Manager Error -- Most of the predefined roles are useless in a certain client’s environment.

·         14999 -- XML File selector allows parent dialog to close before closing.

·         15009 – Occasionally embedded symbol is not highlighted if selected with mouse pointer.

·         15011 -- Enhancement Request: User would like more control of the placement of nodes on Process Decomp diagram, i.e. the ability to move the nodes closer to each other, both vertically and horizontally.

·         15021 -- When creating web pages from web publisher, they appear ok in windows, but are getting corrupted on transfer to UNIX box.

·         15043 -- Problem with the 'Undo' operation.

·         15047 -- Classes incorrectly keyed when dragging between packages in the browser.

·         15070 -- Level numbers are incorrect after extracting to a new encyclopedia.

·         15080 -- Default xsl style sheet with spaces not saved from the Report Generator.

·         15114 – Running SA Information Web Publisher gives an error "Error on line 12.

·         15147 -- Crash moving swim lanes.

·         15181 -- Missing Oracle 8 data types and incorrect mapping from ERD to PDM.

·         15184  -- SA crashes when trying to rename a diagram.

·         15211 -- Entity loses attributes when duplicated.

·         15230 -- Not prompted to delete or purge when deleting an Entity symbol.

·         15254 -- Balance Children and Balance Parent cause SA hung.

·         15255 -- Matrix Editor causes System Architect to crash.

·         15258 -- Report Generator incorrectly reporting on super-sub relationship.

·         15263 -- CURRENT DIAGRAM option causes unselected definitions to appear.

·         15272 -- Unable to click on DEFINE after adding attribute to an entity.

·         15312 -- Run the customized RPT get database error message because of the keyword PARTIAL.

·         15327 -- Linked documents are not hyperlinks in IWP output.

·         15350 -- Generating HTML using client's images results in SA - GFXLIB2.d

·         15404 -- Validate old Process Chart Simulation model and get simple message box, no instructions.

·         15405 -- SA crashes with "invalid pointer" on clicking Preview.

·         15543 – Supporting Linked Documents (via new saprops command for Reference Documents) in SA Information Web Publisher output.

·         15545 -- When specific diagram is "home" page all child links should go to "Home Page”, but this was not working.

·         15597 -- Would like to add command line switches to Information Web Publisher -- User would like to use a command line switch to automatically run the report from SA Information Web Publisher. Would like to see it work similar to the sahtml.exe –e.

·         15657 -- Depictions with spaces in lists not shown.

·         15693 -- HTML Report Generator UDL File Name output is not business like.

·         15706 -- Inability to report on null property of an EDIT DATE type of spelling.

·         15732 -- Expanding size of symbol "Focus of Control" in customized diagram causes SA to crash.

·         15736 -- Add Collection refresh capability for entire encyclopedia or diagram.

·         15757 -- Enhancement request to turn off error reporting in SA Information Web Publisher.

·         15810 -- Ability to change the name 'System Architect' within a Doc Bloc.

·         15820 -- Enhancement - Change to matrix specification.

·         15864 -- Enhancement request: Need a Print To File option in SA. Client wants to produce a diagram in pdf. To do this he has to use a postscript printer and save the output from the print driver in a file rather than send it to the printer. Needs a Print to File option.

·         15943 -- GPF when expanding a Pool that contains a Lane.

·         15952 – SA Information Publisher help Icon (?) does not link to anything.

·         15953 – SA Information Publisher circular icons do not link/What are they for? Serves no purpose and was removed.

·         15981 -- Multiple Users of Catalog Manager not notified of read only behavior.

·         15982 -- Catalog Manager crashes.

·         16005 -- CR/LF in description not published in SA Information Web Publisher. If a description property of a definition contains "Enter" characters, or carriage return/line feeds, they are not published. The published output just has spaces instead.

·         16008 -- Would like to be able to generate Child Diagram links in the HTML Generator output.

·         16013 -- IWP should publish attributes in same order as entity.

·         16056 -- Inconsistent tool tips in BPMN. In a Business Process Diagram, if a pool and swim lane are configured to have a colored fill, then when the mouse is used to hover over processes and other symbols within the Pool/Swim Lane, the tool tip always gives the name of the pool, regardless of the symbol pointed to.

·         16062 -- Multi dimensional matrices do not appear.

·         16116 -- Importing XML file via the Visio Import macro causes SA to crash.

·         16130 -- Visio import macro causes SA to crash/hang.


System Architect 9.1.40

Improvements and Fixes





System Architect 9.1.40 introduces availability of the Activity-Based Methodology (ABM)© support for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF), as an add-on to the product. A number of bug fixes are also provided with this version, as described below. 



a. DoDAF – Activity Based Methodology (ABM 



Users may now purchase a new Option for System Architect which provides Activity Based Methodology (ABM)© support for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF). This add-on to System Architect provides necessary metamodel additions, automation, and help files to facilitate modeling for DoDAF using the Activity Based Methodology.


Note: Activity-Based Methodology (ABM)© is copyright © 2003 The MITRE Corporation



b. Merge/Extract and Enterprise Merge/Extract Performance Improvements



The speed at which information is merged into a System Architect encyclopedia, or extracted from it, using either the normal Merge/Extract facility or the Enterprise Merge/Extract facility, has been increased by up to a 50% improvement, depending on the data.



c. SA Information Publisher Performance Improvements



The speed at which SA Information Publisher generates websites of model information has been increased significantly.


d. SA Information Publisher Improvement – Ability to Publish USRPROPS Information



Users may now make SA Information Publisher automatically generate information that is in the encyclopedia in user-specified properties, which were added via USRPROPS.TXT. To enable this new functionality, improvements were made to System Architect’s USRPROPS language, and to its reporting system. 


Changes to USPROPS Metamodel Language:

Two new commands were added to the SAPROPS metamodel language so that users could decide whether or not to publish the values in properties that they had added to the encyclopedia metamodel via USRPROPS.TXT. One property is SHOW, which specifies whether the property is to be shown in the SA Information Publisher output, and the second property is ORDER, which specifies the order in which the property is shown in the published output.


Here is an example of the syntax:


PROPERTY "Some user property”




SHOW (YES|NO)    ‘ default is YES

ORDER nnnn    ‘ default is zero (do not sort)






·         SHOW NO prevents a property from being reported

  • ORDER 1 makes a property the first item to be output
  • ORDER 2 makes a property the second item to be output


Unsorted items are output at the end.


Changes to Reporting System:

A new SAUsrProps metric was added to the reporting system. This metric allows XML reports to report on all USRPROPS properties from diagrams, symbols, and definitions, without having to explicitly specify them. If a text report is chosen then the output is “N/A (Requires XML report)”



d. SA Compare Improvements



The following improvements were made to SA Compare:


  • Performance improvements were made to the web output portion of the compare.
  • A new option was added to display only different properties when the “diff only” radio button is selected. This option is used only when the following ini file setting is specified:

[SACompare] DifferentPropertyValuesOnly=Y





System Architect 9.1.23 provides the following bug fixes:


  • A property called “LaunchSA” was added to SaWizard.ini file. This property allows users to choose whether or not to launch System Architect after a silent install.
  • BSS# 14801 – A delay was added to the Start Up Wizard, which allows System Architect’s install to complete and release the handle to MSIEXEC.EXE before the MSDE setup is started.  Previously when running the silent install the install of MSDE would fail.
  • BSS# 14736 – In the HTML report dialog's Preferences tab, the way that a user can select all diagrams and definitions was altered, and the option to de-select all was added.
  • BSS# 14520 – An attribute whose name has an embedded parenthesis, and which has been propagated as a foreign key, will now display correctly on a diagram. Note that the propagation has always been correct – only the display was in error.
  • BSS# 14104 – In the past you could only drag a maximum of 16 methods in from Drag and Drop browser. You can now drag as many as you want in.
  • BSS# 14489 – Fixed a bug that prevented balance reports to work with SV-04 Data Flow diagram. Fixed by the use of type numbers instead of type names.
  • BSS# 14578 – Fixed bug that caused SA to abend after adding a definition with parenthesis in its name to a HeterogeneousListOf property.
  • BSS# 14597 – Fixed a bug that occurred after user enabled Suppress Super/Sub Rectangle – SA would crash when moving super-sub relationships.
  • BSS# 14179 – When working with Korean or Japanese, changed the browser tree's "defaultFont" setting in SABrowser.htm to Batang or Goshikku.
  • BSS# 14650 – Fixed a bug in SA Compare that caused out of memory problems. Changed the DefBlock processing to use malloc instead of GlobalAlloc. Windows allows 65,535 handles to GlobalAlloc memory. The ReadAllDefinitions function was exceding this.
  • BSS# 14604 – Fixed an error occurring while running a modifed DIAGRAMS.DCF file in Batch Documentation Facility.
  • BSS# 13404 – Fixed matrix problems with heterogeneous properties.
  • BSS# 14118 – Fixed Korean HTML publishing problem.
  • BSS# 14492 – Fixed a bug that caused SA to crash when adding swim lanes to a Pool definition.
  • BSS# 14255 – Fixed bug that prevented "UNIQUE IN" check for dups on all open diagrams, regardless of type.
  • BSS# 14277 – Fixed bug that made users unable to type text in the ListOf Initial User Required READONLY property.
  • BSS# 14282 – Fixed bug in Report Generator – Reports with large numbers of properties caused print display error.
  • BSS# 13451 – Fixed bug that caused horizontal resize to not shrink EBP symbol when text wrap changed.

·         BSS# 14289 – Fixed bug that caused arithmetic overflow error when converting expression to data type datetime. The error was given when Regional Settings were set to (UK) English and the client was accessing SQL Server 2000.

·         BSS# 14284 – Fixed bug that caused INIT_FROM_SYMBOL to not populate definition property as expected.



System Architect 9.1.23

Improvements and Fixes





System Architect 9.1.23 introduces two new paid add-ons to the product – SA Information Publisher and SA Compare. A number of bug fixes are also provided with this version, as described below. 



SA Information Publisher



Welcome to System Architect Information Publisher, a powerful reporting and publishing tool for use with System Architect encyclopedias. SA Information Publisher enables you to publish information in a System Architect encyclopedia, along with a comprehensive set of reports on that information, to a web server. This enables a wide audience to view the information via a web browser, and enables management to view the model information of the repository, reformatted and presented in a way that makes it easy to answer key questions about the business.

SA Information Publisher enables a user to select from a number of templates that have been prewritten to address all aspects of System Architect’s supported modeling notations, including Enterprise Architecture, Business Process modeling, UML, data modeling, and C4ISR Framework architecture. SA Information Publisher uses System Architect's SQL-like reporting system with a number of enhancements to allow complex traversals and tree-like probes (or nested complex queries) of the information in the repository. This information includes definitions, relationships, and pictorial information. 

Once the user selects the template that he or she wishes to run, an SA Information Publisher Invocator generates a published, detailed report to an html template, which is depicted using XSL stylesheets. A number of cascading style sheets are shipped with SA Information Publisher so that users can change layout, colors, images, and logos.

SA Information Publisher may be tailored through Popkin's consulting services.



SA Compare



SA Compare is an encyclopedia comparator for System Architect V9.1 encyclopedias. SA Compare enables users to select two encyclopedias to compare. Both encyclopedias are used to generate XML files, the contents of which are compared, producing a single ‘compare’ XML file.


Users may select what gets compared based on diagram type or by definition type. For example, they can choose that all contents of both encyclopedias get compared, or only all diagrams (including symbols and positioning information of symbols on diagram), or only all definitions, or only all Use Case diagrams, or only all entity definitions, etc.  Diagrams, symbols, and definitions are compared based on their fully qualified name or by their GUID.


The outcome of the comparison is presented to the user in the form of a browser in a website, with colored ghost-buster symbols alerting the user to where differences exist. A Display Filter enables you to specify what gets displayed in the web output. You may filter by diagram type, definition type, or by property name. So for example, you may choose to display the access property of a class method in two encyclopedias, or all the properties of the class method.


SA Compare is an enabler of proper encyclopedia management



IV.      FIXES


System Architect 9.1.23 provides the following bug fixes:


·         Change properties in a given definition to be READONLY based a value of another field in a definition (13670).

·         SA V9.1.13 Hot Fix1 causes TOGAF Phase A & B to not work properly (13869).

·         Oracle Schema Generation – Incorrect space between CREATE UNIQUE INDEX and TABLESPACE (13705).

·         SA crashes when user attempts to create a duplicate definition (14005).

·         Report Generator omits "RelatedItems" element for the "Entity Name" property in the output XML (14020).

·         SA is creating duplicate Access Paths on Entity definitions (14013).

·         New Access Path is created but the relations between Access Path and Attribute is not brought to target encyclopedia by doing Merge/Extract (13513).

·         Extracting ERD to a new encyclopedia looses PK data from the Access Path (13991).

·         SA crashes when adding data element to Application Interface Definition (13863).

·         For SAEM: "Bookmark" error when importing large numbers of files into Files table with SAEM's File Manager utility (13629).

Improvements and Fixes





System Architect 9.1.18 features one major functionality improvement over previous versions – a new simulator engine available as an add-on to the product. It is called SA Simulator II and it is powered by Lanner’s WITNESS simulation tool. Telelogic continues to make available the previous simulator option (called simply SA Simulator).



SA Simulator II – Powered by WITNESS



System Architect now provides simulation of IDEF3 process models using Lanner’s WITNESS simulation tool as the engine. You may specify simulation parameters in an IDEF3 Process Flow diagram and child IDEF3 Process Flow subdiagrams, and then simulate the overall process model in a ‘lite’ version of Lanner’s WITNESS product called SAViewer. The SAViewer window provides graphical animation of the simulation, as well as reporting features and some user interaction capabilities (but not all those provided in the full version of WITNESS).


SA Simulator II provides the following key features:

·         You can simulate IDEF3 Process Flow diagrams and child IDEF3 Process Flow subdiagrams, so that an overall hierarchical process flow model can be simulated.

·         All simulation properties are specified within the System Architect user interface. The System Architect user interface has been upgraded to change the properties shown on dialogs in real-time based on selections that you make. For example, if you specify that a Unit of Behavior is of type Event, then the properties shown in the dialog change accordingly.

·         SA Simulator II provides ‘Dashboard’ reporting that provides summary statistics and graphs including Sigma ratings, profit calculations, and cycle times.  

·         Reports can be saved to MS Excel and compared to subsequent simulation runs.

·         An ‘Optimizer’ facility, available as an optional, paid add-on to SAViewer, enables you to automatically calculate optimum process parameters – so that you may answer questions such as ‘How many staff do I need to maximize profit’.

·         A ‘Virtual Reality’ (VR) facility, available as an optional, paid add-on to SAViewer, enables you to represent the process in ‘3D’.

·         You may port simulations to the full WITNESS product if you want to carry out more in-depth simulation. For example, user interaction is limited in the ‘lite’ version of WITNESS provided by SAViewer; there is no ability to amend the model design – it must be modified in SA.




Simulation is a powerful enabler of business process management. It can produce signicant cost savings by enabling you to predict the outcome of business process flows before you implement them in your organization. The new SA Simulator II offers advantages over System Architect’s previous simulator. It enables simulation of process flow diagrams and subdiagrams connected hierarchically through parent-child links (the older simulator does not), and provides simulation in one of the leading simulators on the market.


How to Review:

SA Simulator II is provided as an add-on option to System Architect. For more details, ask your Popkin sales representative.




V.      FIXES


System Architect 9.1.18 provides the following bug fixes:


  • Verbose logging can be turned on/off when merging encyclopedias. (10907)
  • Property values not always displayed correctly in grid or listof. (13251)
  • Selecting presentation menu option causes application error. (13454)
  • Inconsistent display of primary key attributes/columns. (12014)
  • When editing an operational activity definition that is associated with an operational node an application error occurs. (13475)
  • Internal error #726 occurs when dragging a definition into a heterogeneous listof property. (13330)
  • Access Violation saving information exchange definition. (13339)
  • Access Violation on adding an existing class name as a return type. (13337)
  • Application error when renaming entities in encyclopedia with large number of ERD's. (13582)
  • Unable to merge V8 encyclopedia. (13597)
  • Application error defining definition with sub heterogeneous oneof and listof. (13646)
  • Import OV-3 matrix returns error: ImportDefinitions Error. Number: 1004-Application-defined or object-defined error. (13245)
  • OV2 diagram not created. (12294)
  • Data element list is truncated in the browser. (13541)
  • The report generator causes an application error when trying to use the "or" statement under the Where clause when filtering by property. (13542)
  • A matrix with keyed by props on one dimension of the array, combined with a matrix cell definition and listofs in each dimension could truncate the key used in the matrix cell. (13230)
  • Excessive transaction log file logging when running encyclopedia verify. (13599)
  • A System Architect 9.0 encyclopedia could not be converted using SQL Server authentication. (13289)
  • Copying and pasting a lane symbol on a business process diagram could cause an application error. (13265)


System Architect 9.1.13

Improvements and Fixes





System Architect 9.1.13 features the following improvements:


Major New Items
  • BPMN diagram support
  • Heterogeneous Reference Properties – new capability within System Architect’s metamodel to specify more than one type of definition for a reference property
  • SA/HTML enhancements, including SVG for diagrams
  • IDEF0 Drawing Improvements (relevant to C4ISR clients)
  • TOGAF Support
  • Installation Improvements – including a new wizard to get users up and going.


Minor New Items
  • Browser Editor – enable user to edit browser tabs presented
  • Quick Recovery – in case of failure, user can recover the diagram they were last working on
  • Mouse-Over Highlighting
  • Ability to put icon in upper right-hand corner of symbol
  • New Symbol Depictions button.








System Architect will provide full support for the new Business Process Modeling Notation v0.9+ (BPMN) in V9.1. BPMN consists of a new process modeling diagram type, created to be the industry-standard business process modeling diagram type by the Business Process Modeling Initiative (BPMI.org), of which Telelogic is a member.



The Business Process Modeling Notation is a graphical modeling notation for both business and technical users. The BPMN diagram provides the user with the ability to model much more process details (especially concerning web services, etc) than existing business process modeling type diagrams (such as the Process Chart and IDEF3 Process Flow diagram). BPMN is geared around B2B, B2C, and web services. The diagram allows the user to model the activity of Processes, Events and Gateways and the Messages and Sequence Flows between them. Modeling objects may be shown embedded in Pools and Lanes. The BPMN diagram also allows collaboration between org units, roles, and applications. In System Architect, the BPMN diagram artifacts are ‘hooked up’ appropriately to other diagrams and definitions thru matrices, etc, just like the current Process Chart.






The BPMN diagram is capable of representing complex processes, more so than existing process flow diagram types on the market. It is particularly useful for modeling interactions in BPM especially in B2B and B2C, and web services situations, as well as modeling interactions within a firewall. It is methodology independent.


Telelogic endorses the BPMN process diagram as the diagram to use for process modeling, especially for modeling web services. Popkin will continue to support the IDEF3 diagram for IDEF users, the UML Activity diagram for users wishing to use UML, and the Process Chart.


How to Review:

Select Tools, Customize Method Support, Property Configuration, and in the Property Configuration dialog, toggle on BPMN, and reopen the encyclopedia. You should now be able to create a Business Process diagram.




2. Heterogeneous Reference Properties



A new functionality now available within System Architect is heterogeneous reference properties. This will allow a single property to refer to definitions of more than one type.


For example, you will see Heterogeneous ListOf functionality being invoked in a swimlane on a BPMN diagram – the swimlane will have a property into which different types of definitions, such as role, or org unit, or application, can be listed.



Heterogeneous ListOf will be extremely useful to the modeler, and is invoked in a number of methods in System Architect adding more flexibility in relating model elements. As mentioned above, it is used for BPMN support, and will also be applied to other methods going forward. Users can also invoke it for their own customizations to System Architect’s metamodel via USRPROPS.txt.


How to Review:

Create a swimlane on a BPMN Business Process diagram and look at its definition.



II. SA/HTML Publisher Enhancements


3. SA/HTML Publisher Enhancements



The following enhancements will be available in the SA/HTML Publisher area of the tool.


  • SA/HTML Publisher now includes SVG diagrams so that the diagrams presented in the HTML output report may be zoomed in/out and scrolled. This will be available as a choice – the user may opt to generate the diagrams as SVG, JPG images, or PNG images.
  • SA/HTML Publisher has been enhanced to speed up tree browsing of the output for very large encyclopedias.


Generation of diagrams to SVG format is a major new addition to the HTML publisher. This feature enables users to easily view and navigate large diagrams in the generated HTML output. Users will be able to see the full diagram, or zoom in for the details.


How to Review:

Generate HTML from an encyclopedia using the SA/HTML Generator. Go to the Advanced tab and select SVG as an output type for Diagram File Format.  In the generated HTML, you will be able to zoom in and zoom out of the pictures for diagrams by right and left mouse clicking, or by holding down your CTRL key to make your mouse a magnifying glass. Hold down your ALT key to turn your mouse into a hand that can move the diagram.



III. C4ISR Enhancements


4. IDEF0 Drawing Enhancements



Improvements have been made to make IDEF0 diagrams simpler to draw and manipulate. The major highlights of this functionality are as follows:


  • Automatic Geometry mode: A new  ‘Automatic Geometry’ mode is available. When the user sets this, System Architect automatically takes control of the placement of Activity and ICOM symbols on a diagram. System Architect keeps all Activity symbols on a diagonal and maintains the diagonal as the user inserts, deletes and moves the Activity symbols.
  • The placement and spacing of Function/Activities symbols on a diagram has been improved.


  • Squiggled lines are drawn to the middle of the nearest line segment rather than the nearest point on the nearest line segment


  • The routing of ICOM arrows on a diagram has been improved.


  • System Architect now automatically enables evenly spaced connections of ICOM arrows on a Function/Activity box side. Users may set this behavior on or off; by default it is on.


  • A user may now select an ICOM arrow and click a button on the toolbar to get a dialog/list showing him all start and end points (Function Activity symbols) of that line – including those on different diagrams. The user has the option of selecting one of the listed symbols, and System Architect will open the containing diagram to find the symbol.



Better diagramming ability and ease of use for this important IDEF0 modeling diagram.


How to Review:

Please refer to the Help for Business Modeling, IDEF.







Popkin now supports The Open Group’s Architecture Framework (TOFAF) version 7. When creating a new encyclopedia, you can now choose TOGAF from the configuration options of System Architect,



TOGAF is a framework and method for developing an IT architecture. By supporting TOGAF, System Architect provides the necessary views (via the Framework manager), definitions, and tools (matrices and reports) to enable users to model and build an IT architecture. IT architecture forms an integral part of any Enterprise Architecture by enabling the systems and technology infrastructure to align with the business. As an Enterprise Architecture company, Popkin is pleased to incorporate this framework.


How to Review:

Select Tools, Customize Method Support, Encyclopedia Configuration, and toggle on the TOGAF choice. Reopen the encyclopedia. You will have a number of new definition types, and two new diagram types -- Technical Architecture and Business Architecture – available to you. Please consult the help, which provides a book on TOGAF.


V. Installation


6. Installation Improvements



The installation package is changing in order to help the installation process for all three major categories of user: large installations, small installations, and evaluations. Whereas the prior installation was a single large package that handled multiple conditions and decision points, the new implementation now comprises a simple install Setup Wizard followed by a Start-Up Wizard to guide the user through the options of attaching encyclopedias to the user’s SQL Server or MSDE server.



System Architect V9 will now be very quick and simple for users to install and get up and running on.


How to Review:

You will use this upon installation of the tool.


VI. General Improvements



7. Browser Editor



The browser editor allows the user to configure the contents of System Architect's browser. Tabs may be added, changed, and removed and their details can be reconfigured.


For example:

  • A user may wish to add diagram types to the UML tab, such as an Org Chart or a Business Concept diagram
  • A user may wish to choose to turn on Business Enterprise Modeling as a method choice, but not show the Location or Technology tabs
  • A user may wish to re-label existing tabs
  • A user may wish to create their own tabs and specify what diagram types and definition types are available on the tab
  • A user may wish to specify that certain diagram types or definitions types are no longer shown on an existing tab



This new feature will provide users with tremendous flexibility in customizing the front-end of the tool to present only the information that they use when modeling.


Easy navigation of the repository is one of the important features that a modeling tool offers. This new feature enables users to customize the browser to meet their own navigational needs, allowing them more efficiency in accessing model artifacts. Users can also customize the tool to exactly match the categorization suggested by an industry standard method they are using, or a corporate method that has been established.


How to Review:

Right-mouse click on the browser and choose Configure tabs.


8. Diagram Restart/Recovery



Diagram restart/recovery allows the user to recover work in a diagram exactly where they left off in cases where their PC failed or their session was terminated for some other action while they were in the middle of working on a diagram. Full functionality is restored including ability to undo or redo previous actions. 



Prevents any loss of work due to hardware or software failure of a user’s PC.


How to Review:

If your PC fails or your System Architect session terminates you will get a message telling you that it will recover the Sequence diagram that you were working on. (The Focus of Control bug is being fixed before commercial delivery, by the way.)


9. Mouse-Over Highlighting



Mouse-over highlighting allows the user to easily track the manner in which objects are connected on diagrams. As the mouse moves over symbols, they are highlighted also the attached symbols may be highlighted as well if you require.



Ease of use in seeing and understanding information while navigating a diagram during modeling.


How to Review:

With a diagram open, select View, Mouse Over Highlighting. Select one of the three choices, then move your mouse around the open diagram. You can see the value of this feature with a very complicated and dense diagram.


10. Ability to Iconize Symbol in Upper Right-Hand Corner



Users now have the ability to display a symbol with an icon in upper right hand corner to denote what type of artifact it is.


Previously users could specify the look of a symbol based on the standard notation of its method, or by a user-defined picture (either metafile or bitmap). An example is a class of stereotype <<actor>>, which could be displayed by the normal rectangular box, or by a stick figure. Now users can specify that the artifact is displayed by standard notation, with the user-defined icon placed in its upper-right hand corner. So a class can be displayed by a rectangle with a small stick figure placed in its upper right-hand corner.



This provides the user with even greater flexibility in displaying information. This also adheres to the suggestion in the UML 2.0 specification of displaying a symbol in the upper right-hand corner.


How to Review:

Open a UML Deployment diagram, or UML Class diagram, or UML Component diagram, or other diagram that has stereotypes (or other property set up so that a symbol can be depicted by an icon). Select a symbol that has a stereotype value set for it, right-mouse click on the symbol, and choose Adorn by Stereotype. Example: create a new Component diagram, and draw a Web Page component. Right-mouse click on the symbol and notice that you now have two choices for display of the symbol – Adorn with Stereotype, Display as Component, and the third choices would be Display According to Stereotype (if the symbol is already shown as a block).


11. New Symbol Depictions Button


Referred to as the ‘Mona Lisa’ button, this new feature enables you to instantly change a technical-looking diagram into one that management or non-technical users can understand. Clicking the Symbol Depictions command on the main menu will depict all symbols on a diagram by the icon specified by their stereotype.  


This provides the user with flexibility in expressing information on an entire diagram with the push of one button. You can quickly change a diagram expressing technical notation to one that expresses a non-technical view of information.


How to Review:

Open a UML Deployment diagram or other diagram that has stereotypes (or other property set up so that a symbol can be depicted by an icon). Click on the Symbol Depictions command to show the diagram in a different view. Un-toggle the Symbol Depictions button to show the diagram in its original view.




VI.      FIXES


  • Fixed issue with missing foreign keys when Reverse Engineering from DB2. (12432)
  • After deleting ICOM from parent, ICOM's that are branched out are left on the diagram by IDEF0 Balancing utility. (12022)
  • All HTML report output files are generated in lower case.  (12563)
  • Table name is now displayed for column definition on the HTML report. (10390)
  • Key information is now displayed for need line definition on HTML report. (11340)

·         Fixed an SQL Server database error “Invalid operator for data type” that could occur when merging pre-v9 encyclopedias to into SQL Server database. (13042)

·         IDL Import utility no longer writes temp file to WINNT or WINDOWS directory.   File is written to temp location in user profile location. (13062)

  • Fixed a problem with SA/Word Use Case Diagram Report not printing information in the Step Text field, which contains embedded spaces within the Use Case Step name field. (12989)
  • Fixed problem with Batch Doc reports not running. When running a Batch Doc report, SA may restart itself. (12422)
  • Now able to drag and drop a definition between two existing definitions in an ASGRID LISTOF property. (12752)
  • Fixed an error when OV-3 Report Created Duplicate Information Exchanges. This was caused by the creation of duplicate Information Exchange entries within need lines generated by the OV-2 diagram generator. (12746)
  • Moved the prompting for the diagram name to an earlier point in the processing for the OV5 – OV2 utility. (10872)
  • Now providing hyper links to definitions related to symbols via symbol reference properties. (12565)
  • Can now join multiple outputs and only have one label on one of the arrows. (9454)
  • Now possible to drag any line off the screen and 'auto-scroll' to desired location on the diagram. (10381)
  • The array return type “[ ]” is now displayed within a class symbol on a diagram. (12868)
  • Property 'ICOMDest' in report generator does not return any values. (12384)
  • Symbol “Embeds” relationship is now a part of XML output for diagrams. (12887)
  • The following properties were added to XML Export:  SaDgmCLevelNumber (Diagrams), SaSymCLevelNumber (Symbols), SADgmBIsHierarchy (Diagrams), SAPrpEditDefMajorType and SAPrpEditDefMinorType (Properties if the property is a reference property). (11927)
  • When branching an ICOM arrow to a Function/Activity on the same diagram, IDEF0 Balancing should prompt user to balance child diagram of that particular Function/Activity. (12020)
  • IDL import can now create definitions for all imported symbols.  There is a new ‘Auto Define’ checkbox on the Options Session dialog that allows the user to control whether or not the import utility will create definitions for symbols, the default is yes, and definitions will be created.

Note: the system will only create definitions for symbols if there is not an existing definition that would define the symbol.  The glossary entries will always overwrite any definitions created on behalf of an imported symbol.  The replace options will on be used for definitions that already existed in the encyclopedia prior to the import. (1509)

  • Fixed a problem with definition creates write locking an encyclopedia. (12805)
  • Enhancement: IDEF Activity numbering with decimals.   This is controlled with the IDEF0DottedLevelNumbers INI file setting. (12167)
  • Two new comparison operators "is NULL" and "is NOT NULL" have been added to the report generator. (12034)
  • SA now changes the relationship pairs (6/7) and (8/9) when the associative properties are modified on a line symbol. (12878)
  • Now able to draw an Object State line between an Action State and a Decision symbol in a UML Activity diagram. (13012)
  • Format file handling improvements:

·         The About box has also been fixed, the source of the current style settings will now be displayed properly in the FormatFile entry.  Note that the About box will now indicate if the source format file has been modified since it was loaded with an asterisk instead of an ‘M’ character.

·         Fixed the text for the FormatFile entry in the SA INI editor.

·         The Format File popup menu has been changed as follows:

·         Open – (was Import) always enabled

·         Save – enabled if a style sheet has been loaded and is dirty

·         Save As –(was Export) always enabled

·         Set Encyclopedia – always enabled

·         Reset – enabled if a style sheet has been loaded

·         Impose – enabled if symbols are selected


·         With the exception of the new command Set Encyclopedia the processing of each of these commands is described in detail in the original SA Users Guide.  The difference is that with a SQL encyclopedia the user can no longer store the AUTOEXEC.STY file in a directory, he must use the Set Encyclopedia command to update the encyclopedias default style settings.

·         Where:

·         The Open command will allow the user to open an existing DOS based format file.

·         The Save command will allow the user to save the current settings to the currently opened DOS based format file or to the AUTOEXEC.STY entry in the current Encyclopedias Files table if one exists.

·         The Save As command will allow the user to save the current settings to a DOS based format file.

·         The Set Encyclopedia command will save the current settings to the AUTOEXEC.STY entry in the encyclopedias Files table.

·         The Reset command will either revert to the built in style settings or if a FormatFile INI setting is present it will reload the file specified.

·         The Impose command will set the style settings of all selected symbols to the currently loaded values.

·         Fixed a bug that occurred when the user was asked if the current settings should be saved because they had been modified, if the user said No and then did not open another format file, the current settings were no longer considered modified and the user would not be prompted to save again.  This behavior has been corrected. (11991, 11992, 11993 and 12830)

  • ICOM Arrow level numbers for the Context and next level child diagrams are generated through report generator. (12161)
  • Fixed a problem when pressing the single or double quote causes the cursor to go to the beginning of the name when naming a symbol. (11157)
  • Fixed a C++ runtime error when closing SA without closing an open matrix editor session. (12327)
  • Modified oo2er to copy class attribute descriptions to entity attribute descriptions and visa versa. (11219)
  • Fixed a problem where upon a line reconnection, the underlying definition was not being re-keyed, but actually replaced by a new definition reflecting the key change (new ddID and GUID). Merge/Extract had no way of knowing about the change. (11705)
  • Duplicate diagram names no longer appear in the Parent Diagram Link drop down in 9.1.9. (12209)
  • Diagram types with () in list file are seen every time in the diagrams to generate list, and do generate. (12694)
  • Fixed a problem with PowerPoint sample macro not function properly with SQL Server encyclopedias. (11917)
  • Fixed a problem with auto-repositioning of names for mandatory sequence flows. (12219)
  • Note symbols not displaying graphic comments. (10502)
  • $$NONE$$ Keyword not working when entered in lowercase. (12801)
  • Fixed a problem where simulation fails with MODSIM errors.  Having a ‘Referent’ symbol on the diagram caused this problem. (11747)
  • Fixed a problem where large hierarchies were unable to show hidden sub-trees. (12824)
  • Fixed an “Internal Error #726” error when updating/removing/updating. (12855)
  • Now possible to ssuppress Default Symbols from a Diagram. The user can effect this by these changes that have been made to the property file(s) language:

·         A de-assign statement has been added thus:

DEASSIGN <symbol type name> [FROM] <diagram type name>

And a de-assign clause has been added thus:

SYMBOL <symbol type name>


DEASSIGN [FROM] <diagram type name>

}           (11740)

·         Added a new XML element, SAObjFullyQualifiedName to hold the fully qualified definition name. SAObjName has only ever contained the basic definition name, and if this is changed, the user cannot impose the choice not to show fully qualified names in the matrix. Verified that the qualified name was properly quoted and that selections and matrix contents were properly saved and reloaded regardless of whether fully qualified names were to be shown in the matrix. (12586)

  • The Level and LevelSort metrics have been increased to 128 characters. (12170)
  • Fixed invalid FK generation when language is German. Error could have happened in any language that represents the decimal symbol of numbers as a comma instead of a period. (12433)
  • When RDE DDL for DB2, all table spaces were forced into one database. Change was made to SG to generate the table space property with the database name qualifier, but only table spaces in the current database will cause a create table space statement to be generated. (10790)
  • Now possible to change depictions for symbols which already have depictions within saprops.cfg. (12803)
  • Fixed a problem where no Glossary definition type is shown in Report Generator.  Also removed the unused Popkin objects from the list that should not have been there. (12789)
  • System Component symbol no longer has “Transform Symbol” enabled. (12575)
  • Fixed a bug where need lines on OV-02 are shifted when moving one need line. (12569)
  • Fixed a problem when attempting to reuse formal parameters within existing methods. SA displays the error message "Unable to complete task".  (12425)
  • Fixed a problem when arranging the symbols hierarchically on an ERD causes SA to ABEND on diagram reopen. (12644)
  • Internal borders of metafile symbols. This was actually a WAD, but changes have been made to allow the user to control the internal rectangle in which text may be displayed by specifying the internal border of the symbol’s depiction as percentages of the symbol’s width and height. The property file syntax is:


BORDERS { left, top, right, bottom } MENU <file-name> }


DEPICTIONS { DIAGRAM images\slctsvpg.wmf BORDERS { 12, 15, 0, 0 }

MENU images\slctsvpg.bmp}

Specifies that a gap of 12% of the symbol’s width should be left clear on the left edge of the symbol, that a gap of 15% of the symbol’s height should be left clear on the top edge of the symbol, that no gap should be left clear on the right edge of the symbol and that no gap should be left clear on the bottom edge of the symbol. (12608)

  • Fixed an error when saving a matrix to an XLS file: “The file could not be saved in the format requested. Microsoft Office 2000 may not be installed.” (11730)
  • Re-keying dialog in the Merge/Extract dialog disregards preview mode.  In terms of previewing the re-key task, it is difficult to know exactly how many objects will be touched in the target encyclopedia. Therefore the best we can do is to report on our intent to re-key, listing the objects needing re-keying from the source encyclopedia point of view, and continue on with the actual M/E preview report. (12523)
  • Using extant super/sub symbols where possible and allowing the user control over whether super/sub rectangles are drawn.
  • The second has been implemented with the new Entity Relation diagram property “Suppress Super/Sub Rectangles”. (10541, 4064)
  • Deleting a Role from Simulation Properties dialogue is not removing the Role from the Symbols ListOf. (10753)
  • Error messages received when running OV5 to OV2 C4ISR utility. Also did the following:
  • Ensured that all new and original Excel column names are supported by the utilities.
  • Put all Excel column name checking early in the processing to avoid a waste of time.
  • Improved the progress bar for the OV5 to OV2 utility   (12618)
  • DB-SYNC SQL Server side by side. Errors when modifying tables, SA will not copy data to columns with the data type of timestamp. (12091)
  • Improvements made to #include statements in Usrprops.txt.

·         #include can now be nested 10 levels below userprops.  A warning message appears if this limit is exceeded.

·         #include is case insensitive.

·         A #include statement on a REM line will be ignored.

·         Included files that did not end with a new line had been causing problems.  (12201)

  • Fixed bug that corrupted the SA2001.tb file when moving the zoom icon. (12553)
  • Fixed a problem with FK Update not functioning as expected when Source XML Element property populated by adding default values to “DB2 Character Type” property. (12122)
  • Fixed a problem with class attributes not appearing in a custom LISTOF property. (12105)
  • Fixed the problem of a Use Case definition containing Pre/Post Condition definitions that are locked, the entire Use Case cannot be opened for editing.  Also fixed a general problem with ASGRID properties and locking. (12090)
  • After defining a new class attribute type and reusing it, no longer causes SA to prompt the user. (11947)
  • SA no longer truncates names with single quote marks at the end. (11582)

·         Fixed an error during SAHTML generation: “Too many selected symbols." SAHTML will now retry with a calculated smaller bitmap size so that the error does not occur. (12212)

  • Fixed a database error when attempting to merge a database to SQL Server encyclopedia: “Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'Files' with unique index 'Name’”. (12452)
  • Fixed the new SortItemsBy( ) function to correctly handle collection class=4, which is a collection of objects related to another object, such as symbols within a diagram.  (10412)
  • SAIDEF.Dot :  Fixed the Function/Activity report (Node report) to look for glossary text in the line symbol's definition. (10846)
  • SALogMod.Dot, SALogMod9.Dot :  Added "Description" to the list of properties that may be displayed for a given Attribute. (5583, 5584)
  • SAPhyMod.Dot, SAPhyMod9.Dot :  Added "Business Description" to the list of properties that may be displayed for a given table. (4814)
  • Applied fix to the drawing of metafiles.  This corrected the incorrect fixing of certain text records and this might have caused SA to behave erratically with certain metafiles. (11112)
  • ERD to PDM generation hangs when merging sub types to super and the sub entity has an index using columns that also exist in the super entity. (12110)

·         Fixed an ABEND on selecting the default filters on certain matrices. (11962)

  • Fixed an ABEND on importing a client's java file.  (11641)

·         Corrected memo field buffer usage causing SA to ABEND on diagram save. (11984, 11983, 11963)

  • Fixed a bug where selecting parent diagram only displays the current diagram.  (11659)
  • DB-SYNC DDL for Oracle, fixed parse errors in PL/SQL code. (12078)
  • DB-SYNC DDL for Oracle, Default for nullity property of a column now set to True. (12079)
  • Fixed a bug where the merge of 8.x encyclopedias to 9.0.19 failed with Dr. Watson error. (12000)
  • Modified the matrix save as functionality to check for a version of office higher than or equal to 2000. As a result it is now possible to save matrices to Office XP. (10417)
  • DB-SYNC SG for Oracle, if comments contain a single quotes they will be changed to two single quotes. (11201)
  • The Framework viewer was always told that user-defined diagrams contained swim lanes, even if they didn’t. The Framework now makes use of a different function to determine if swim lanes are assigned to a given diagram. This will prevent extraneous definitions from appearing in a cell’s filter dialog. (11216)
  • Fixed a bug where the Java code property of a method is not being exported through the XMI interface. (11414)
  • User Matrix definition creation not working in C4ISR Matrices. (11379)
  • Fixed an error in when generation OV-2 in C4ISR utilities: ”The maximum number of open diagrams has been reached. Save your work and close one of the open diagrams.” (11415)
  • Fixed a bug where OO transition name overwrote action expression. (11295)
  • Now possible to symbol transform Mandatory and Optional Sequence lines. (11285)
  • SA now retains the size and position of the Framework upon reopening. (11604)
  • Fixed a problem with insufficient number of Need Lines being generated in OV-2 generation. (11367)
  • Improved behavior of multiple copy printing. (11651)
  • Fixed a bug where diagram properties are sometimes lost when changing diagram name. (11462)
  • RDE DB2 OS/390 via ODBC: Duplicate constraints appeared after reversing. This was caused by spaces at the end of the constraint name.  Also fixed a case of truncating long names for SQL Server and getting spaces at the end of the new name. (11458)
  • RDE DB2 OS/390 V6 via DDL:  When creating names for partition definitions start with suffix “_1” for each new object, table space or index. (11661)
  • RDE DB2 OS/390 via DDL: Now handling objects named “NUM”, “LIMIT” and “OPTION”. (6861, 10788)
  • Added cancel button to error message on CSV import and option to have <CR><LF> or <LF> or <CR> on CSV output and accept any such combination on input. (11217, 11577)
  • Association Class Link definitions now handled correctly when XML export is run on Class diagrams.  (11607)
  • Fixed a problem when creating EBPs with parenthesis causes the following error: "name"(process thread definition)"EBPs" InvalidName(“ (11670)
  • Three fixes for DB-SYNC allow SG to generate check constraint with Alter Add statement.  Allow user to determine which FK’s are generated with Create Index statement by property on Constraint, and allow user to determine which unique indexes are generated as unique constraints by property on the index. (11786, 11787, 11804)
  • Several Word reports were rewritten and given new names; for example, SADiags5.dot now has a twin called SADiags9.dot. The new versions all use SA object model calls instead of using SAWd2001.dll calls.  (11733)
  • Fixed bugs causing synthesize PK’s from unique indexes to not work for DB2V3, V4, V5 and OS/390. (8237)
  • SA2001 hangs when creating new list for merge function.  (11849)
  • Added a new function to the SA2001 Object Model that allows a collection of diagrams, symbols, or definitions to be sorted by name or one of the other fields within the collection. The user must specify ascending or descending. The bug report asks us to allow for "primary" and "secondary" sort keys. This is not needed given an easy work-around: do one sort by secondary key, then a second sort by primary key.  (10412)

System Architect 8.8.18

Improvements and Fixes





System Architect 8.8.18 features the following improvements:


  • XMI Interface
·         Ability to Lock Encyclopedia During Foreign Key Propagation


  • Additional User Definitions for Extending Metamodel
    • Added 50 additional user definitions - “User 101” to “User 150”


  • Improved Functionality for Merge/Extract



XMI Interface

The System Architect XMI Interface supports exporting and importing of XMI from UML information contained within Class and Use Case diagrams in System Architect. System Architect’s XMI Interface enables import and export of XMI files.



Enables users to exchange UML design information with other tools which support XMI, including IBM’s Rational Rose tool. The XMI output can be transformed to other languages, such as Java, by third-party tools. Third-party tools will soon be available to support this. 


How to Review

Select Tools, XMI, XMI Export. Click on the Help button in the dialog that appears. Run through the Test Cases in the help file to gain a familiarity of the XMI Interface.  




Ability to Lock Encyclopedia During FK Propagation

An option has been added to System Architect enabling you to specify that an encyclopedia get locked to all users while a foreign key propagation is being performed. The option is set through an sa2001.ini setting, FKExclusive. The default is not to lock an encyclopedia during foreign-key propagation, and so the setting of FKExclusive is ‘N’. If you set the value to ‘Y’, then foreign key propagation will keep the encyclopedia locked for writing to it (it will be readonly) the entire time that FK propagation runs.



Better management of FK propagation. Foreign key propagation walks relationships between entities in data models and adds/subtracts keys formed in entities by the type of relationship. Locking the encyclopedia during FK propagation enables users to disallow modelers from making changes to the models during propagation.  


How to Review

If you want to enact this behavior, you need open the sa2001.ini file outside of System Architect. It is located in your WINNT directory or equivalent. Open the file in any text editor and set the FKExclusive setting to ‘T’. Restart System Architect. 




Additional User Definitions for Extending Metamodel


Fifty additional user definitions have been added to System Architect’s metamodel, “User 101” through “User 150”.



Users are now allowed to add up to 150 new definition types to a System Architect encyclopedia metamodel.


How to Review

To learn about this feature in general, review System Architect’s help – specifically the book System Architect – General, Customizing System Architect, Extending with USRPROPS/SAPROPS, Definitions -- Creating and Modifying. 




Improved Functionality for Merge/Extract

System Architect’s merge/extract facility, which enables information to be exported or imported between encyclopedias, has been improved. Wherever any of the changes below has taken place to common items in either the ‘source’ or the ‘target’ encyclopedia, the appropriate changes are made in the “target” encyclopedia to allow the merge/extract to detect collisions properly and so prevent the generation of new items where they are not wanted:


  1. An item has been "renamed",
  2. An item keyed by one or both of its "ends" (i.e. Relation, Constraint, Association, Is Subclass, Is Instance Of, Object Link, Realizes, Extends, Includes, Use Case Generalization and Use Case Association) has had one or both ends moved, or
  3. A Class or a Use Case has been moved from one Package to another.


This new functionality is provided for Merge/Extract (NOT Enterprise Merge/Extract).



Improved ability to manage the complex changes that need to be accounted for when merging/extracting information between two encyclopedias.






·         Corrected the error that prevented custom image files (.wmf) from being displayed properly if they contained text. (11775, 11112, 10853)

·         Corrected the Visual Basic for Applications error that occurred when running the Diagram Report under Word 97. (11178)

·         When running the Use Case Diagram Report the order of the use case steps would be incorrect.  Use case steps are now ordered correctly. (11104)

·         When converting an entity relation diagram to a physical data model with the merging sub types to super option the application would stop responding if the sub entity had an index using columns that also existed in the super entity.  The entity relationship diagram can now be successfully converted. (12110)

·         Fixed the problem that could cause line segments, but not arrowheads, to become invisible when drawing lines. (11036, 12080)

·         Added a property to the constraint definition to allow the user to name the index generated for the foreign key constraint. For Oracle 8 and SQL Server 7 only. (11968)

·         Corrected the application error that occurred when attempting to reverse engineer large Oracle 8i packages or procedures via ODBC. (11951)

·         Added the ability for the encyclopedia merge/extract utility to handle definitions that have been renamed or rekeyed. (11705)

·         When reverse engineering Oracle DLL the default for nullity property of a column was not set to true. (12079)

·         Removed the Alter Add checkbox from a column definition for Oracle 8 and SQL Server 7. An Alter Add statement can now be generated using the database synchronize feature. (9500)

·         Added a property to the constraint definition to allow the user to determine which foreign keys get generated as an index. For Oracle 8 and SQL Server 7 only. (11787)

·         Added a property to the index definition to allow the user to determine which unique indexes get generated as unique constraints. For Oracle 8 and SQL Server 7 only. (11786)

·         When generating Oracle 8 DDL comments that contain a single quote will now be changed to two single quotes. (11201)

·         When using the database synchronize feature to compare to a DDL file you can now preview the ALTER DDL statements. (9912)

·         Corrected the error that caused duplicate constraint definitions to be created when reverse-engineering constraints that contained leading or trailing spaces. (11458)

·         Added the ability to generate check constraints with ALTER ADD statements. (11804)

·         Encyclopedia verify and repair will now delete all symbol entity records that are thought to be contained in a diagram according to the relationship table, but are missing from the diagrams dgx file. (11077)

·         Corrected the subscript out of range error that occurred when running an IDEF0 Diagram Report on a diagram with more than 10 function/activity symbols. (10841)

·         Fixed the problem that caused the Word Diagram Report to fail to obtain the diagram metafile if the encyclopedia folder contained a period. (4930)

·         Corrected the problem that prevented reverse engineering of DB2/UDB OS390 V6 table spaces. (10785)

·         Corrected the error that caused duplicate indexes to be created when reverse engineering DB2 OS390 DDL.  A create unique index statement with the same columns as a constraint will now replace the unnamed constraint. (10832)

·         Fixed the problem that prevented the Framework Editor from print previewing all cells.  (10478)

·         Added the ability to include class descriptions when converting a class diagram to an entity relation diagram. (10826)

·         Added the ability to include graphic comments when converting a class diagram to an entity relation diagram. (10827)

·         Fixed the incorrect display of ListOf property values when using DISPLAY {FORMAT String LEGEND "$$FORCE$$"}. (10848)

·         Auto size no longer needs to be turned on in order to see  <<uses>> and <<extends>> lines. (3452)

·         Fixed the error that could cause association multiplicity to not display correctly. (10932)

·         Improved the performance of class diagram load time. (10623)

·         Fixed the application error that would occur when copying and pasting classes with n-ary association to a new diagram. (10934)

·         Corrected the report generator error that caused reports to fail if the type field was selected for output. (4134, 5712, 9977)

·         Added the ability to suppress, from HTML report output, properties made INVISIBLE in usrprops.txt. (10908)

·         Corrected the encyclopedia conversion issue that prevented OMT process definitions from being properly converted (10957)

·         Fixed application error that could occur when opening certain user-defined matrices. (10658)

·         Fixed application error that could occur when balancing children on an IDEF0 diagram. (11027)

·         The IER importer now recognizes need lines with same names but different to/from nodes. (11043)

·         Improved the line routing logic for OV-2, SV-1, and SV-2 diagrams. (8453)

·         Removed the double-spaced lines in HTML definition output. (10453)

·         Fixed the problem that caused the "There has been an error starting the simulation object dll" error when attempting to simulate an IDEF3 process flow diagram. (10752)

·         Improved the performance of entity relation to physical data model conversion when running on Korean Windows. (10299)

·         Corrected the error that caused DB2 OS/390 V6 create table space statements to be truncated if more than 71 partitions were found. (11132)

·         Fixed the problem that caused incorrect foreign key propagation when using role names. (10929)

·         When converting a class diagram to an entity relation diagram the class multiplicity would be flipped.  Class multiplicity is now generated correctly. (11162)

·         Improved the placement of exclusive arc characters on entity relation diagrams. (9795)

·         Carriage returns are no longer lost when importing an XML document. (8911)

·         An attempt to change the data type of a class attribute from the list of primitive data types populates the property field, but is not retained after the class definition is saved.  The class definition is now saved correctly  (11082)

·         When creating a ListOf property that is displayed as an ASGRID the property itself does not retain the definition name within the grid.  The definition name is now displayed correctly in the grid. (11061)

·         Corrected the flickering name tool tip in HTML report output. (9036)

·         Fixed the problem that could cause a project data model to be checked out if it was updated. (11231)

·         Enterprise Merge/Extract did not freeze definitions checked in from a project level encyclopedia that is two levels removed from the original master.  The definitions are now frozen when checked in. (11145)

·         Corrected application error that could occur when separating overlapping symbols on a very large diagram.

·         Corrected application error that occurred during entity relation to physical data model conversion when the primary key notation in the entity description had @’s without key numbers. This could happen when class to entity relation diagram conversion created the entity.

·         Fixed the error, "There has been an error starting the simulation object DLL", that could occur when attempting to simulate OV-6 diagrams. (11222)

·         Dictionary update logging now includes details about the objects type and name. (11274)

·         Fixed the error that could cause the application to stop responding when converting an entity relation diagram to a physical data model using the merge sub types to super types option. (11275)

·         Corrected a performance problem with physical data model to entity relation diagram conversion.  Running logical to physical, deleting the logical diagram, and running physical to logical into the original model caused this. 

·         The multi.dat license file will now not be updated more frequently than once every two minutes. (11370)

·         Added an option to check and where possible fix incorrect connection material in diagrams.  The check is invoked by hitting <CTRL>-F3 when the diagram at issue is open and with focus. (11358)

·         Added the ability to transform mandatory and optional sequence lines. (3769, 7862, 11285)

·         Fixed the error that caused some need lines to be omitted when generating an OV-02 Op. Node Connectivity diagram from an OV-05 Activity Model. (11367)

·         Modified the Framework Editor user interface.  This includes improvements and corrections to: dialog layout, access keys, tab order, and message boxes.  The ability to preview the logo and wallpaper graphic image has been removed.

System Architect 9.0.19

Improvements and Fixes Since 8.8.13





System Architect V9 features the following major improvement:


  • New Underlying Repository Technology – SQL Server 2000 or MSDE


In addition, System Architect V9 provides the following additional functionality improvement:


·         DB SynchronizeÔ Now Supports SQL Server 2000



New Underlying Repository Technology - SQL Server 2000 or MSDE

This release of System Architect features new underlying repository technology for System Architect encyclopedias. Encyclopedias are now created as databases on SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft Server Desktop Engine (MSDE). 

Users will now be provided with greater scalability of System Architect encyclopedias, enabling more concurrent users to work on an encyclopedia at the same time, and provides better restart and recovery of an encyclopedia.

Readme.htm File Presents Workflow Changes

It is recommended that all existing users of System Architect review the Readme.htm file of System Architect for Workflow Changes pertinent to this new version of the software. 

More Information

More information on System Architect V9’s underlying encyclopedia technology is provided in the on-line help and the User Guide (located in ..\Manuals\UserGuide.pdf). The on-line tutorials provide instructions on how to create new encyclopedias.  



DB SynchronizeÔ for SQL Server 2000

DB SynchronizeÔ now supports SQL Server 2000 in addition to SQL Server 7 and Oracle 8 . DB Synchronize enables data modelers to manage the relationship between physical models and the database. It enables users to compare and synchronize all of the following:


Compare any of these:

To any of these:

Physical data model

Physical data model

Schema of Oracle 8 database

Oracle 8 DDL

Schema of a SQL Server 7 or 2000 database

SQL Server 7 or 2000 DDL

Schema of an Oracle 8 database

Physical data model

Schema of Oracle 8 database

Oracle 8 DDL

Oracle 8 DDL


Physical data model

Schema of Oracle 8 database

Oracle 8 DDL

Schema of a SQL Server 7 or 2000 database

Physical data model

Schema of a SQL Server 7 or 2000 database

SQL Server 7 or 2000 DDL

SQL Server 7 or 2000 DDL

Physical data model

Schema of a SQL Server 7 or 2000 database

SQL Server 7 or 2000 DDL


Enables users to effectively manage change to their models and the database. For example, assume you are comparing a System Architect physical data model to a database.  The model has two columns in one table that do not exist in the database; the database has a stored procedure that does not exist in the model.  Through DB SynchronizeÔ you can copy the columns to the database, and the stored procedure to the model. You may also compare two physical diagrams to one another, enabling you to manage changes to the design.

How to Review

Please refer to the on-line help, specifically the book titled Data Modeling, and within that, DB Synchronize. 




  • When print previewing a framework some of the cells might be missing.  Print preview now correctly displays all framework cells.  (10478)
  • Corrected the application error that occurred when pasting classes with n-ary associations into a new diagram.  (10934)
  • Fixed the error that caused Windows meta-files that contained text to be displayed or positioned incorrectly.  (10853)
  • Fixed the report generator problem that caused certain property names (e.g. – ‘identity’) to be confused with internal field names, resulting in incorrect report output.  (5712)
  • Corrected the UML conversion problem that caused OO state definitions to lose their list of activities.  The activities are now correctly converted to actions.  (10957)
  • When displaying ICOM codes in an IDEF0 diagram any line symbols pasted into the diagram would have their names displayed incorrectly.  The line symbols are now displayed correctly.  (10782)
  • Corrected the problem that caused entity symbols not to be displayed when the shadow symbol text option was activated.  (10186)
  • Diagram scroll bars can no longer be turned off.  They are now always activated.  (10100)
  • Improved the error checking done when loading a user-defined matrix.  Previously, errors that could cause user-defined matrices to fail to open were not properly reported on. (10658)
  • Corrected the application error that occurred when attempting to balance child diagrams on an IDEF0 diagram.  (11027)
  • Fixed the error that caused the IER importer to not recognize need lines with identical names but different to/from nodes.  (11043)
  • Improved the placement of exclusive arcs on relationship lines.  Previously, the exclusive arc would be placed too close to the entity symbol making it difficult to read.  (9795)
  • When attempting to run the simulator on a valid model an error,  “There has been an error running the simulation object DLL.”, would sometimes occur.  The model can now be simulated.  (10752)
  • Corrected the infinite loop that occurred when trying to rename a ‘System Entity’ definition.  (11087)
  • Improved the performance of converting an entity relation diagram to a physical data model, and vice versa, when running under Korean Windows.  (10299)
  • Fixed the problem that prevented more than 71 partitions from being created when generating DB2 DDL.  (11132)
  • Corrected the problem that caused an attribute to be erroneously added to an entity if a role name was added to a relationship and the name used was the same as an existing data element. (10929)
  • Corrected the error that prevented Enterprise Merge/Extract from freezing definitions checked in from a project encyclopedia two levels removed from the master encyclopedia.  (11145)
  • When converting a class diagram to an entity relationship diagram the cardinalities on the resultant entity relationship diagram would be inverted.  The cardinalities are now created properly.  (11162)
  • Corrected the error that caused an encyclopedia’s format file, autoexec.sty, to not be applied to user-defined symbols.  (11105)
  • When attempting to change the data type of a class attribute the change would not always be saved properly.  The new data type is now saved correctly.  (11082)
  • When creating a custom list property that is displayed as a grid the property would not retain the definition name in the grid.  The definition name is now saved correctly.  (11061)
  • Corrected the problem that caused the cursor to flicker when placed over truncated names in an HTML report.  (9036)
  • When performing a symbol rename it was not always clear how this would affect existing symbols and definitions.  A detailed explanation is now given on the symbol rename dialog.  (11110)
  • Corrected the error that prevented a symbol’s font size from being changed via the SYMFLD_FONTHEIGHT symbol field in VBA.  (11195)
  • When upgrading the properties file of an encyclopedia the configuration of the encyclopedia would be reset to the default settings.  The current encyclopedia configuration is now retained when upgrading.  (1161)
  • Corrected the problem that could cause a project data model definition from being erroneously checked out if the model was updated.  (11231)
  • Fixed the application error that could occur when separating overlapping symbols on a very large diagram.  (11276)
  • Corrected the error, ‘There has been an error starting the simulation object DLL’, that prevented the simulator from being run on a valid model.  (11222)
  • Corrected the error that prevented the drawing of inheritance lines on the class diagram in the sample encyclopedia.  (11277)
  • Fixed the application error that occurred when converting an entity relationship diagram to a physical data model using the ‘Merge sub-types to super-types’ option.  (11275)



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