Statemate version Release Notes

IBM Corporation
7 Dec, 2011



This file contains last-minute product information and updates to Statemate

It is divided into the following sections:

For the latest news and information on Rational Statemate, visit the Web site at


For information about IBM Rational Statemate see the Rational Statemate Support overview web page.

System requirements

To run Statemate you need:

Operating System

Required Software

Supported Compilers


Solaris 5.10


Sun Studio 12 Update 1
GNAT Ada gcc 2.8.1

sun4u sparc SUNW,A70
Approximately 500Mb free
disk space

Windows XP SP3
Windows 7

MKS XServer 8.5
MKS Platform
Components 9.4

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008

Intel® Core™2CPU, 2 GHz
Minimum 1 GB, recommended 2 GB RAM
Approximately 600Mb free
disk space


At the time of writing, the third party products tested with <productname> n.n are:


Compatible products

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or newer
  • CANoe V3.0
  • ClearCase V3.1.1
  • Continuous 4.5
  • DOORS 9.2, (Windows Systems)
  • dSPACE (models 1102 & 1103)
  • dSPACE ControlDesk 1.2 P2
  • FlexNet v
  • FrameMaker 7.0
  • PVCS Version Manager v6.7.00 (Build 894)
  • QNX V6.3.2
  • VxWorks: 5.4 (Tornado 2.0)
  • Word 2003
  • GNAT ADA version 2.8.1 (Solaris)


Installing Statemate

For information on installing, see the Statemate Administrator’s Guide and Statemate Installation Guide, found on the Rational Information Center.

Chart-file format and Workarea Compatibility with Statemate 4.6.1.x

Statemate was enhanced to support expressions in the Min/Max/Default-value property fields of Data-Items and User-Defined Types.

This enhancement is a semantic change, and there is no explicit change of the data-base version.


As there was no explicit change of the data-base version with Statemate, it shares the same database version as previous 4.6.1.x releases, and thus all 4.6.1.x versions can technically open the same work-areas (DB version 63).

The enhanced Min/Max/Default-value expressions are not handled properly by previous versions of Statemate, and should not be used with them.


The chart format version (databank file version) in Statemate has changed to 4.7 (from 4.6 with

Previous versions (prior to are not blocked, by default, from loading charts that were modified with, and include Min/Max/Default-value expressions.


When loading chart-files (import/check-out) saved in Statemate with a previous Statemate version the tool will report:

(I3611) Checking out chart/GDS files of format version higher than 4.6. Information from advanced versions maybe lost.

Choosing ‘Ignore’ to continue the operation, may cause issues if Min/Max/Default-value expressions are used.


In order to prohibit loading of chart-files saved in with prior versions of Statemate, set the environment variable STM_SUPPRESS_FORWARD_COMPATIBILITY when running the prior versions:


Download of electronic images

For download information, please view the Rational Statemate Download page.

The installation packages are available for download at IBM Fix Central.
Select these filters:

  • Product Group: Rational
  • Product: IBM Rational Statemate
  • Installed version: 4.6.1

Fixed Defects in this release

For information about the APARs fixed in version see the Fix List for Rational Statemate 4.6 page.


What's new in version

    • The tool was enhanced to support use of expressions in the Min/Max/Default-value property fields of Data-Items and User-Defined Types.
      The ADA code-generator does not support these enhanced expressions.
    • A new Check-model test was added to report Default Transitions with priority, which is not supported.
    • A new General preference "Display Data-flows in 'Where Referenced' results" was added to control whether "Where referenced" in the properties dialog will list also data-flows when activated.
    • A new Dataport function was added, to retrieve line-width of arrows and boxes:
      int stm_r_line_width(stm_id el_id, int *status).
  • Statemate Autosar Generator (SAG) Enhancements
    • New OSDT API’s
      • The following OSDT API’S were added under "Code Style => Model Data - Naming Style":
        User Defined Type Name() - To configure the name of User-Defined-Type model elements
        Enum Literal Name(enumTypeName) - To configure the name of Enum-Literal model elements

        Available in distribution with the OSI: AUTOSAR_RTE_310.
        Can be updated also from default OSI to other SAG / MicroC OSI's.


IBM Rational Software Support

For support information, please visit the Rational Support overview site.
You will find a one-sheet reference guide about how to best contact support in your geography.