Statemate version Release Notes

IBM Corporation
11 Apr, 2011



This file contains last-minute product information and updates to Statemate

It is divided into the following sections:

For the latest news and information on Rational Statemate, visit the Web site at


For information about IBM Rational Statemate see the Rational Statemate Support overview web page.

System requirements

To run Statemate you need:

Operating System

Required Software

Supported Compilers


Solaris 5.10


Sun Studio 12 Update 1
GNAT Ada gcc 2.8.1

sun4u sparc SUNW,A70
Approximately 500Mb free
disk space

Windows XP SP3
Windows 7

MKS XServer 8.5
MKS Platform
Components 9.4

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008

Intel® Core™2CPU, 2 GHz
Minimum 1 GB, recommended 2 GB RAM
Approximately 600Mb free
disk space


At the time of writing, the third party products tested with <productname> n.n are:


Compatible products

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or newer
  • CANoe V3.0
  • ClearCase V3.1.1
  • Continuous 4.5
  • DOORS 9.2 (Windows Systems)
  • dSPACE (models 1102 & 1103)
  • dSPACE ControlDesk 1.2 P2
  • FlexNet v
  • FrameMaker 7.0
  • PVCS Version Manager v6.7.00 (Build 894)
  • QNX V6.3.2
  • VxWorks: 5.4 (Tornado 2.0)
  • Word 2003
  • GNAT ADA version 2.8.1 (Solaris)


Installing Statemate

For information on installing, see the Statemate Administrator’s Guide and Statemate Installation Guide, found on the Rational Information Center

Download of electronic images

For download information, please view the Rational Statemate Download page.

The installation packages are available for download at IBM Fix Central:
Select these filters:

  • Product Group: Rational
  • Product: IBM Rational Statemate
  • Installed version: 4.6.1

Fixed Defects in this release

For information about the APARs fixed in version see the Fix List for Rational Statemate 4.6.1 page :

What's new in version

  • General Enhancements
    • Statemate was enhanced to support transition priorities on compound transitions.
    • The properties dialog of Information-flows was enhanced to support quick navigation to referenced elements. Double-click on an item in the "Consist of" list navigates to the properties of that item. The Properties preference "Open New Editor for References" determines whether this opens in a new properties dialog or the current one.
    • The tool was enhanced to allow opening of 2 or more external editors for element properties simultaneously.

  • MicroC Enhancements
    • Context Variables used in a Statechart shall be allocated only in the Statechart related functions in which they are actually used.

  • Statemate Autosar Generator (SAG) Enhancements
    • Use Design-Attributes to configure AUTOSAR features
      • SAG was enhanced to use the Design-Attribute “Its Port” of Data-Item, Condition or Event to determine the Port’s name. If the value of the Design-Attribute “Its Port” is empty or “none”, the Port name will be determined by the Flow-Line label.
      • SAG was enhanced to use the Design-Attributes “Data Exchange Method” and “Data Exchange Behavior” of Data-Item, Condition or Event to determine their communication type, regardless of the port’s setting in the SAG profile.
        This is enabled by selecting a new option, “By Design Attribute", for the “Data Exchange Method” and “Data Exchange Behavior” pop-up menus in the SAG profile.


    • Support Buffered/Direct access for Explicit/Implicit data on SWC interface and IRVs
      • SAG was enhanced to support all the following options (default value is marked with *):
        • CalPrm Access Mode

Buffered Access *                                 

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access

        • Explicit Read Access Mode

Buffered Access *

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access

        • Implicit Read Access Mode

Buffered Access *

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access

        • Explicit Write Access Mode

Buffered Access                                               

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access *

        • Implicit Write Access Mode

Buffered Access

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access *

        • Explicit IRV Access Mode

Buffered Access

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access *

        • Implicit IRV Access Mode

Buffered Access

Direct Using Get/Set API’s Access *

      • Internal-Behavior Design-Attributes shall be used to configure the SAG profile’s “Access Mode” policy. Possible values for the above Internal-Behavior Design-Attributes:
        • Buffered
        • Direct Using Get/Set API’s
        • By Design Attribute

When “By Design Attribute” is selected, SAG will refer the Design-Attribute “Double Buffered” in the following way:

          • When “Double Buffered” is set to “yes”, Buffered access will be used.
          • When “Double Buffered” is set to “no”, Direct Using Get/Set API’s access will be used.


    • RAM Optimized implementation regarding “Explicit Read” of data
      SAG was enhanced to declare local (auto) variables for Explicit-Access input-data and read the data via an RTE API at the beginning of the relevant functions, rather than allocating global data and calling the read RTE API in the beginning of the task’s execution.

The enhanced implementation is enabled by one of the following:

      • The Internal-Behavior Design-Attribute “Explicit Read Access Mode” is set to “Direct Using Get/Set API’s".
      • The Internal-Behavior Design-Attribute “Explicit Read Access Mode” is set to “By Design Attribute”, and the Design-Attribute “Double Buffered” for the corresponding Data-Item or Condition is set to “no".


IBM Rational Software Support

For support information, please visit the Rational Support overview site.
You will find a one-sheet reference guide about how to best contact support in your geography.