Statemate version 4.6.1 Release Notes

IBM Corporation
6 Sep, 2010



This file contains last-minute product information and updates to Statemate 4.6.1

It is divided into the following sections:

For the latest news and information on Rational Statemate, visit the Web site at


For information about IBM Rational Statemate see the Rational Statemate Support overview web page.

System requirements

To run Statemate 4.6.1 you need:

Operating System

Required Software

Supported Compilers


Solaris 5.10


Sun Studio 12 Update 1
GNAT Ada gcc 2.8.1

sun4u sparc SUNW,A70
Approximately 500Mb free
disk space

Windows XP SP3
Windows 7

MKS XServer 8.5
MKS Platform
Components 9.4

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008

Intel® Core™2CPU, 2 GHz
Minimum 1 GB, recommended 2 GB RAM
Approximately 600Mb free
disk space

At the time of writing, the third party products tested with <productname> n.n are:


Compatible products

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or newer
  • CANoe V3.0
  • ClearCase V3.1.1
  • Continuous 4.5
  • DOORS 9.2 (Windows Systems)
  • dSPACE (models 1102 & 1103)
  • dSPACE ControlDesk 1.2 P2
  • FlexNet v
  • FrameMaker 7.0
  • PVCS Version Manager v6.7.00 (Build 894)
  • QNX V6.3.2
  • VxWorks: 5.4 (Tornado 2.0)
  • Word 2003
  • GNAT ADA version 2.8.1 (Solaris)


Installing Statemate 4.6.1

For information on installing, see the Statemate Administrator’s Guide and Statemate Installation Guide, found on the Rational Information Center

Download of electronic images

For download information, please view the Rational Statemate 4.6.1 Download page.

The installation packages are available for download at IBM Fix Central:
Select these filters:

  • Product Group: Rational
  • Product: IBM Rational Statemate
  • Installed version: 4.6.1

Fixed Defects in this release

For information about the APARs fixed in version 4.6.1 see the Fix List for Rational Statemate 4.6.1 page :

What's new in version 4.6.1

  • General Enhancements
    • Supported Platforms
      • Statemate for Windows enhanced to support Windows 7
      • Statemate for Unix enhanced to support Solaris 5.10
    • License Borrowing
      • Statemate was enhanced to support license borrowing, via the IBM Rational License Borrower
    • Documentation for chart file format
      • Description of the chart file format was added to the Statemate Configuration Management User's Guide
    • Supported Compilers Upgrade
      • The Statemate runtime libraries on Windows were upgraded to VisualStudio 2008.
      • The Statemate runtime libraries on Solaris were upgraded to  Sun Studio 12 Update 1.
  • Workflow Enhancements
    • "Where Referenced" function
      • The "Where Referenced" icon was added to the Charts tab of Statemate-main and to the properties form, to allow quick access to the properties of the referencing elements
    • Preserve elements Ids in chart-file
      • New Databank preference "Preserve elements Ids in chart-file" replaces the environment variable STM_PRESERVE_IDS_MODE, with default value 'No'. When set to 'Yes', element Id's are saved in the chart file after check-in, and restored during check-out.
    • Database diagnostics of joint cells in truth-tables
      • The Database diagnostics was enhanced to report mismatch of joint cells in truth-tables
    • Automatically update activity references
      • The tool was enhanced to automatically update activity references when renaming an Activity. This behavior is available when using the 'Rename' dialog from the properties form or from the Charts tab of the main view.
    • Support selection of all elements in the "Consists of" list
      • The properties dialog of information-flows was enhanced to support CTRL+A for selection of all elements in the "Consists of" list
    • Automatic update of Simulation and CheckModel profiles
      • A new check-box "Modify Profiles" was added to the "Rename" dialog of charts, to support automatic update of Simulation and CheckModel profiles with the new chart name

  • CheckModel and Simulation Enhancements
    • Priority settings on transitions
      • Statemate was enhanced to allow priority settings on transitions to targets in different hierarchy levels, as long as they do not violate Statechart semantics, i.e. transitions which according to the regular Transition Priority rule (following the Statechart hierarchy) have higher priority than others, cannot be assigned a lower user-defined priority
    •  (C1139) Transitions with priority settings which violate Statechart semantics
      • New CheckModel test was added to report situations where user-defined priorities contradict the Transition Priority rule by state hierarchy.
        This test replaces the "Prioritized Transitions which exit parent of source state” test
    • New CheckModel preference
      • A new Check-model preference "Optimize report of used/affected test results” was added.
        This preference replaces the environment variable “STM_AVOID_CONTAINING_TESTS”.
        The default value of this preference is “Yes”.
        When set to 'No', the results of Check-model tests regarding used/affected elements are not optimized, and thus performance is enhanced.
        As a result, some redundancy may occur in reports of complex elements. For instance, if the test results include ARR and ARR(2), both expressions may be listed, even though ARR already contains ARR(2).
    • Exact Minispec expression in Simulation Execution Log
      • The Simulation "Execution Log" feature was enhanced to specify the exact executed expression from mini-specs and static-reactions
  • MicroC Enhancements
    • MicroC CG optimization for ELSE transition
      • The MicroC code generator was enhanced to perform the "else" transition as the last one out of all transitions with a common LCA state, and to only check for "inState". i.e. without checking on the negation of all the other Transition triggers going out of the same source state
    • Generic Activity as function
      • The MicroC code generator was enhanced to support generation of a Generic Activity as function when the actual parameter of a generic instance is bound to an external symbol under the condition that all the instances of the generic are bound to the same element for that specific parameter.
    • Enumeration operations for enum UDT's
      • The MicroC code generator was enhanced to support enumeration operations for enum UDT's that use assignment in their definition:
        enum colors { red=10, blue=20, green=30}.
        The generated implementation of the following operators was modified:
        enum_succ – now uses macro: <UDT>_SUCC(val)
        enum_pred – now uses macro: <UDT>_PRED(val)
        enum_ordinal – now uses macro: <UDT>_ORDINAL(val)
        enum_value – now uses macro: <UDT>_VALUE(val)
    • RESET_DATA and RESET_ALL_ELEMENTS initialization code for generic data
      • Statemate MicroC Code generator was enhanced to generate the macros RESET_DATA and RESET_ALL_ELEMENTS initialization code for generic data as well.
    • New OSDT API’s
      • The following OSDT API’S are added to the OSI’s: mainloop_sc and mainloop_sc_ext, under “Code Style” > “File Header/Footer”:
        Profile H File Header(profileName, fileName, genDate, genTime, profileOptions, Project, Workarea, profileVersion)
        Profile H File Footer(profileName, fileName, genDate, genTime, profileOptions, Project, Workarea, profileVersion)
      • OSDT API’s are enhanced to enable placing constant data in separate memory segment:
        The OSDT API’s for configuring the data declaration begin and end sections are enhanced to tell whether the corresponding Data object is constant, using the isConstant key-word.
        The following API’s are enhanced:
                    8-bit Declaration Begin Section
                    8-bit Declaration End Section
                    16-bit Declaration Begin Section
                    16-bit Declaration end Section
                    32-bit Declaration Begin Section
                    32-bit Declaration End Section
                    Record Declaration Begin Section
                    Record Declaration End Section
                    Other Types Declaration Begin Section
                    Other Types Declaration End Section
                    8-bit Extern Declaration Begin Section
                    8-bit Extern Declaration End Section
                    16-bit Extern Declaration Begin Section
                    16-bit Extern Declaration End Section
                    32-bit Extern Declaration Begin Section
                    32-bit Extern Declaration End Section
                    Record Extern Declaration Begin Section
                    Record Extern Declaration End Section
                    Other Types Extern Declaration Begin Section
                    Other Types Extern Declaration End Section
  • Statemate Autosar Generator (SAG) Enhancements
    • Retrieve RTE Status for Explicit Read/Write
      • A new Design-Attribute “RTE Status Variable Name” was added to Data-Item, Condition and Event.
        The value of this Design-Attribute specifies the name of a variable that will be assigned with the return value of the Explicit Read/Write RTE API’s.
        Its default value is empty string.
        When the value is not empty, the generated code will assign the return value of the relevant RTE API to a variable with that name.
        It is the user’s responsibility to define such variable (Data-Item) in the model , with the correct settings, e.g.: Exact Type = Std_ReturnType.


IBM Rational Software Support

For support information, please visit the Rational Support overview site.
You will find a one-sheet reference guide about how to best contact support in your geography.