§         Complex Data elements not defined by User-type

§         (C13014) Instance of 'as Function' generic chart defined as Task

§         New Dataport APIs

§         Add and Delete Elements From list

§         New Dataport & Documentor API

§         stm_r_self_hyper_key(id, status)


For information about IBM Rational Statemate see the Rational Statemate Support overview web page.

System requirements

For information about the hardware and software requirements for Rational Statemate, see the Statemate Installation Guide in the IBM Rational Information Center

At the time of writing, the third party products tested with <productname> n.n are:

Compatible products

Installation Instructions

For information on installing, see the Statemate Administrator’s Guide and Statemate Installation Guide, found on the Rational Information Center

Download of electronic images

For download information, please view the Rational Statemate Download page.

The installation packages are available for download at IBM Fix Central:
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Fixed Defects in this release

For information about the APARs fixed in version see the Fix List for Rational Statemate 4.6 page :

What's new in version



IBM Rational Software Support

For support information, please visit the Rational Support overview site.
You will find a one-sheet reference guide about how to best contact support in your geography.