Rational DOORS Web Access version 1.3 Known Problems
IBM Corporation
24 November, 2009

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2007, 2009;
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

This file contains details of known problems in IBM® Rational® DOORS® Web Access 1.3.

It is divided into the following sections:

Access Controls
Data freshness
Document pane
Section 508

For the latest news and information on Rational DOORS Web Access, visit the Rational Software Support site.

Access Controls

Defect Number Summary Workaround
30427 Changes to group access controls in Rational DOORS are refreshed by the Interop server approximately every 5 minutes, so changes to group access rights and membership may not be reflected in Rational DOORS Web Access clients immediately. None.

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Defect Number Summary Workaround
33397 If you start the browser, and then create a user in Rational DOORS, when that user tries to log in to Rational DOORS Web Access, an error message is displayed and the browser hangs. Do not start the browser until the user has been created in Rational DOORS.

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Data freshness

Defect Number Summary Workaround
32475 Changes to the access of link modules made during a Rational DOORS session are not recognized during a Rational DOORS Web Access session. Logging off of Rational DOORS Web Access and then back on again will display the correct access.
33476 If you change your role from editor to reviewer, and then try to launch the editor (a task that reviewer shouldn't be able to do) an inappropriate error message is displayed. Refresh the module.

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Defect Number Summary Workaround
29095 If you create a discussion or add a comment to a discussion, it will not be displayed in the Discussion column until you log off and log on again. Log off and log back on. The comments will be displayed.

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Document pane

Defect Number Summary Workaround
33368 On Internet Explorer 6, the pop-up option menu persists after the mouse has moved away from it. Click the blue arrow button to hide the menu.

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Defect Number Summary Workaround
30203 Connecting to two different Rational DOORS Web Access systems from one machine using two instances of Firefox does not work correctly. If you want to use Firefox, use the computer name for one session and the IP address for the other. The problem does not occur if you use Internet Explorer.

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Section 508

Defect Number Summary Workaround
31148 Rational DOORS Web Access pages are not viewable when viewed without style sheet support. None.
31171 The Rational DOORS Web Access Welcome page is not section 508 compliant. None.
31173 Rational DOORS Web Access pages are not viewable when viewed in greyscale mode. None.
31180 Some Rational DOORS Web Access buttons are not viewable when a high contrast display scheme is applied. None.

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