Rational DOORS Web Access version 1.3 Fixes
IBM Corporation
November 24th, 2009

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2007, 2009;
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

This file contains details of defects in IBM® Rational® DOORS® Web Access 1.3.

It is divided into the following sections:

Document pane

For the latest news and information on Rational DOORS Web Access, visit the Rational Software Support site.


Defect Number Summary
32475 The change password link is now disabled when configured with Corporate LDAP.

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Defect Number Summary
30928 A useful error message is now displayed when there is no relData directory.

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Document pane

Defect Number Summary
29950 You can now use F5 to refresh the document pane.
30588 Previously, if you navigated to a module and then hid the explorer pane, when you showed it again and then used the "expand explorer" option, the explorer pane expanded behind the center module pane. This has now been fixed.
30910 Rational DOORS Analyst Add On icons are now displayed correctly in Internet Explorer.

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Defect Number Summary
32263 There are no longer any problems with copying and pasting text from the PDF of the Installation Guide.
32807 The steps for configuring https in the Installation Guide are now correct.
33479 Information about double-clicking is included in the Online Help.

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Defect Number Summary
29030 When you log on to Rational DOORS Web Access for the first time, it is no longer slow to load into the browser. Also, there are no warning messages if you are running with Firefox.
32817 Performance as a domain user is no longer poorer than performance as the Administrator user.
32871, 32872, 33251, 33252, 33260 Previously, there were a number of performance issues, for example scrolling through modules, opening modules with a large number of links, and so on. These have now been fixed.

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Defect Number Summary
32690 Modules can now contain more than ten views.
32862 You can now display a module that includes a column containing OLE objects that was generated by the traceability wizard.

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