Rational DOORS Web Access version Fixes
IBM Corporation
28 June, 2010

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2007, 2010;
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

This file contains details of defects in IBM® Rational® DOORS® Web Access

It is divided into the following sections:

Delete object
Light edit
Rich text

For the latest news and information on Rational DOORS Web Access, visit the Rational Software Support site.


Defect Number Summary
34116 Changes to the time out value in festival.xml now work in Rational DOORS Web Access.

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Delete object

Defect Number Summary
34147 Your Rational DOORS Web Access session no longer hangs when you try to delete an object in a module that is in shareable edit.

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Defect Number Summary
34221 You can now perform structural edits when the module is "locked down" using Rational Change for DOORS Interface.

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Light edit

Defect Number Summary
34012 In Internet Explorer, carriage returns are no longer omitted when you are editing text in an attribute.
34017 Editing no longer fails in Internet Explorer 8 when Rational DOORS Web Access is in secure mode.
34235 Calendar control is now displayed correctly when editing a date attribute.

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Defect Number Summary
33956 The "Refreshing" status message in a module is now translated.
34112 The text in the enumeration editor is no longer truncated when the browser language is changed to French or German.

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Defect Number Summary
34191 Rational DOORS Web Access now resizes as the browser window is resized in Internet Explorer.

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Rich text

Defect Number Summary
32644 Attributes that were created by importing RTF into Rational DOORS no longer cause Rational DOORS Web Access to crash.

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