Rational DOORS Web Access version Fixes
IBM Corporation
29 March, 2010

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2007, 2010;
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

This file contains details of defects in IBM® Rational® DOORS® Web Access

It is divided into the following sections:

Data freshness
Document pane
Light edit
Rich text

For the latest news and information on Rational DOORS Web Access, visit the Rational Software Support site.


Defect Number Summary
32817 When a user logs in with a domain user ID with RDS enabled, the performance of Rational DOORS Web Access is no longer affected.

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Data freshness

Defect Number Summary
32475 Changes to the access of link modules made during a Rational DOORS session are now recognized during a Rational DOORS Web Access session.

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Defect Number Summary
33623 Columns in Rational DOORS that consist of a discussion or any other layout DXL with a column filter applied to it are now displayed in Rational DOORS Web Access.

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Document pane

Defect Number Summary
33368 On Internet Explorer 6, the pop-up menu no longer persists after the mouse has moved away from it.

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Defect Number Summary
33077, 33406 Rational DOORS Web Access now works with Rational Change for DOORS Interface.

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Light edit

Defect Number Summary
33800 The Edit menu is now displayed when you click the Down arrow in the document panel.

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Defect Number Summary
32194 Access rights set on the link module are now picked up by Rational DOORS Web Access.
33816 You can now use the file:// protocol in external links with Rational DOORS Web Access.

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Defect Number Summary
33783 You can now use Print View when communicating using HTTPS.

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Rich text

Defect Number Summary
33975 You can now open the parent folder when the name of an attribute or an attribute type contains a colon.

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Defect Number Summary
29200 Table cell width is now represented in Rational DOORS Web Access correctly.
33262 Large tables no longer cause performance problems.

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