IBM Rational Software mosaic pattern

Course evaluation for course:

This information is being collected to improve our courses and will be kept confidential.

Preparation and Background:
I read the course description before enrolling.
I met the prerequisites for this course.
A colleague recommended the course.   
My primary job role:  
Years of experience in my current job role: 
The reasons that I took this course are:  

250 charactersmax.

Course Design and Materials:
The course objectives were clear to me.
The course met its stated learning objectives.
The course topics are directly relevant to my current job role.
The course topics were covered at the correct depth.
The course materials were well organized and clearly written.
The course materials assisted my learning.
The practice sessions and exercises assisted my learning.
The animated demonstrations (if any) and their explanations assisted my learning.
The lab exercises (if any) assisted my learning.
I completed all the modules in the course.
I can successfully apply what I have learned in this course.
The information that I expected to learn in this course, but did not:
250 characters max .
Technical Considerations:
System requirements and course setup instructions were clear and easy to follow.
I experienced little or no technical difficulties getting started with this course.
Navigation within the course was simple and effective.
Please describe any technical difficulties (if any) you had in completing this course.
250 characters max .
Overall Course Experience:
The course met my expectations.
This course held my interest.
I will recommend this course to others.
I would take another IBM Rational software course like this one in the future.
I understood the concepts taught in this course before receiving the training.
I understand the concepts taught in this course now (after receiving the training).
Your training experience with IBM Rational software is important to us. Please feel free to offer any additional comments or suggestions on any aspect of the course.
250 characters max .
Optional Student Contact Information:
May we contact you in 2-3 months to discuss how effectively you are applying the knowledge and skills that you acquired in this course?  
Would you be interested in participating in testing new training courses available from IBM Rational software?  
  This information is being collected to improve our courses and will be kept confidential.  
  Submit the course survey