an empty icon image Interaction Overview Diagram

The purpose of the interaction overview diagram is to visualize the different options that exist for a given interaction.

Interaction overview diagrams provide a high-level view of the logical progression through a set of interactions. This can prove useful to verify the design has captured all the main flow elements defined in a use case.

The interaction overview diagram uses a combination of notation from activity and sequence diagrams. The diagram is most understandable when only sequence diagram interaction occurrences are used and the details are filtered out.

The flow of control nodes from activity diagrams are replaced with interaction fragments from sequence diagrams to provide the sequencing order.

The decision and control nodes, from activity diagrams, provide the branching flow through the interaction fragments, and back together for common sequences.

To support concurrent flows, use the fork and join nodes from the activity diagram.

A Unified modeling Language diagram example depicting the interaction options in a flight selection system