IBM Rational Logiscope 6.6 readme

IBM Corporation
02 June, 2009



This file contains last-minute product information and updates to Rational Logiscope 6.6

It is divided into the following sections:

For the latest news and information on Rational Logiscope, visit the Web site at

System requirements

To run Rational Logiscope 6.6 you need:

  • One of the following operating systems installed on your computer:
    • Intel Architecture 32 bit (IA32)
      • Microsoft Windows Vista
      • Microsoft Windows XP SP1, SP2
      • Linux
      RedHat Enterprise 4.0 or 5.0  (only ASCII characters are supported)
    • Sun Sparc
      • Solaris 9 or Solaris 10 (only ASCII characters are supported)

Run-time patches for all Solaris 9 systems


Reasons for patch



ANSI C++ <cmath> support lacks float and long double signatures

SunOS 5.9: Math Library (libm) patch

  • The minimum system requirements for IA32 Windows are:
    • Processor: Pentium 500 MHz (recommended: Pentium 1000 MHz)
    • RAM: 128 MB (recommended: 256 MB)
    • Virtual Memory: 512 MB (recommended: 1024 MB)
    • Disk Space (installation): 90 MB
  • The minimum system requirements for IA32 Linux are:
    • Processor: Pentium 500 MHz (recommended: Pentium 1000 MHz)
    • RAM: 256 MB (recommended: 512 MB)
    • Virtual Memory: 512 MB (recommended: 1024 MB)
    • Disk Space (installation): 300 MB

  • The minimum system requirements for Sun Sparc are:
    • RAM: 256 MB (recommended: 512 MB)
    • Swap file size: 512 MB (recommended: 1024 MB)
    • Disk Space (installation): 300 MB

For additional information on system requirements, including recommended configurations, visit the Rational Support Web site at:

At the time of writing, the third party products tested with Rational Logiscope 6.6 are:

  • Microsoft Visual .NET 2003 and Microsoft Visual .NET 2005 (for integration) (Windows only)
  • Internet Explorer 5.0 for HTML reports (Windows)
  • Netscape 4.08 or higher for HTML reports (Unix)
  • Microsoft Word 2000 for Logiscope Windoc (Windows)
  • Acrobat Reader (to be able to read online documentation in PDF format)
  • The supported PC Xserver is Hummingbird Exceed 6.2 and 7.1
  • Logiscope can be accessed via Citrix on a Windows 2003 server standard edition platform.
  • Eclipse versions 3.1 and 3.2 for the Logiscope Eclipse plug-in

Rational Logiscope 6.6 certification matrix

The following are the supported languages and dialects for Rational Logiscope 6.6:

  • C:
    ANSI 89 / ISO 90
    DIAB C
    GNU C
    GNU C D950
    GNU C Red Hat Linux 3,
    GNU C Red Hat Linux 4
    GNU C Red Hat Linux 5
    HP C
    IAR C
    Kernighan & Ritchie 78
    Microsoft C 1.5
    Microsoft Developer Studio 4
    Microsoft Developer Studio 5
    Microsoft Visual Studio 6 –VC98-
    Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 –VC7-
    Microtech Research C
    Microtech Research C ANSI
    SUN C
  • C++
    Borland C++ 3.0
    Borland C++ 5.0
    Digital C++ 6.0
    GNU 2.7
    HP C++
    IBM C++ 3.1
    Ilog 3.0
    Microsoft C++ 1.5
    Microsoft C++ 2.0
    Microsoft C++ 5.0
    Microsoft C++ 6.0
    Microsoft Foundations Classes
    ObjectStore 5
    Orbix 2
    Sun Sparc C++
  • Ada
    Ada 83
    Ada 95
  • Java
    Java JDK 2 compiler
    Java JDK 5 compiler

Installing Rational Logiscope 6.6

Please refer to the Rational Logiscope Installation Guide (instguid.pdf) provided with the product.

Obtaining a license for Rational Logiscope 6.6

IBM Rational Logiscope uses FLEXnet for licensing. This means that you will need a FLEXnet license key to be able to use IBM Rational Logiscope. Depending on your type of license agreement, the license information may already have been delivered to you by e-mail. If you are a new user and this is your first license agreement, that is probably not the case.

During installation, it is assumed that you have the license information at hand, at least hostname and port number. You may add the license information later and do not need to install again.

What's new in version 6.6

IBM Rational Logiscope RuleChecker

  • RuleChecker supports rule checking for part of the MISRA C++:2008 coding standard, allowing organizations to comply with this industry standard.
  • RuleChecker supports rule checking of additional rules of the MISRA C:2004 coding standard.
  • RuleChecker now manages tool-based generated code (e.g. from IBM Rational Rhapsody), allowing to automatically skip or relax rule violations found in generated code.
  • RuleChecker now allows to report results from other Logiscope modules as standard rule violations:
    • Out of range metric values computed by QualityChecker
    • Code duplications found by CodeReducer


IBM Rational Logiscope QualityChecker

  • QualityChecker further improves the accuracy of the Quality evaluation model by integrating metrics from other Logiscope modules: e.g.
    • the number of rule violations found by RuleChecker
    • the volume of similar code estimated by CodeReducer


IBM Rational Logiscope CodeReducer

  • CodeReducer now enables to keep results from several search configurations.
  • CodeReducer introduces token highlighting in the display of similarity results.
  • CodeReducer now provides a new KPI: the compression ratio as the percentage of code that could be removed by factorizing the similar code found.
  • CodeReducer project creation is now simplified.
  • CodeReducer now contains additional filters on results.
  • CodeReducer now allows relaxing similarities found as for RuleChecker.

Known problems

The following are known issues at the time of release. Where applicable, remedies and workarounds are provided.

RuleChecker - QualityChecker - CodeReducer


Possible performance issues

Reduced performance may be observed in certain cases, this is related to the addition of new metrics and the call graph.

De-activating the new features will relieve the problem. This can be done by setting to OFF the callgraph and/or package contexts, and/or the Halstead metrics, in the Metrics.mst and ParserMetrics.cfg files that are in the installation directory under data/audit_java.

One Java 1.5 construct is not yet supported

The construct allowing to force the Java compiler to use a certain type when using a generic method call (not relying on the compiler’s type inference) isn’t implemented in this release.


Refrain when possible from using this construct in the code to be analyzed. Using the construct will cause a syntax error, but will not compromise the rest of the analysis.

Multiple reports of syntax errors

An error in a Java source file may result in many syntax errors being reported in the source file.

Only correct supported Java source code should be analyzed. Tracking the errors down with a compiler before submitting it to the Java analyzer should solve the problem.


#pragma once

#pragma once is not interpreted by the C preprocessor.


Possible performance issues

Reduced performance may be observed in certain cases, this is related to the addition of new MISRA C++ rules.

De-activating the new rules, or using only a subset will relieve the problem.

All languages

The size of the Tcl stack can be too small

In some cases the execution of some Tcl scripts can lead to a stack overflow.

The problem can be worked around by reducing the size of the project being analyzed.

Crashes on Linux systems

A few Logiscope crashes have been observed on the Linux platform either during or after a project build. The problem isn’t frequent and doesn’t entail any data loss.

CodeReducer Compression Ratio is truncated

The Compression ratio in CodeReducer is given as the truncated value of the displayed division: the estimated number of lines that could be factorized over the total number of lines of the application.

Special attention should be paid to the value when a 1% variation would be important for the project. A more accurate value can be calculated by performing the division displayed with more precision.

Potential Tcl problems with long paths

When long paths are used for the files of a project, there can be problems in the Tcl scripts used in Logiscope. In particular CodeReducer can fail to complete the analysis in this case.

Copying the project to be analyzed to a directory higher up in the file tree. Moving only the Logiscope project files (without moving the source files) may be sufficient to work around the issue.

Eclipse integration

JRE installation problem on Linux platforms

On some Linux platforms, it is possible that at plug-in startup the following message should be received:

            " : cannot open shared object file"

The problem can be corrected by adding to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable the directory where the file is located (it is part of the JRE or JDK used to run Eclipse).


File systems

File rights may cause some problems

On systems writing to NTFS disks, there might be problems when attempting to overwrite files that don’t have write permissions.

Check before saving that the files are write-accessible.

Interaction with Clearcase

Report problems can be observed

On systems where Clearcase is installed, there might be problems with report generation, such as different reports from one generation to the next.

Disable "Connect to the Source Control System at startup" in Tools/Options, General tab.

Fixed problems


4028074 - Diab dialect: sizeof with two args not supported
Logiscope C now supports the Diab dialect specific sizeof operator with two arguments

4023814, 3025254 - Issues with MISRA rules Misra_Rule97, MISRA19_11.
MISRA_19_11 now correctly ignores defined operators and takes into account command line options, .def files and included files.

6010030, 3026369, 3041577 - Invalid violation of MISRA rule 12_5
MISRA_12_5 now correctly detects mixing && and ||, and processes correctly #ifdef.

3025788 - unable to recognize / in c code
MISRA 12.5 is no longer confused by macros defined on several lines

3026371, 6022044 - Illegal violation of MISRA_19_11
MISRA_19_11 now correctly ignores defined operators and takes into account command line options, .def files and included files.

1059546 - Issue with MISRA_16_7 rule
MISRA Rule 16.7 now correctly processes expressions that modifies an offset of a parameter.

7023799 - MISRA_10_1 (Implicit conversions)
MISRA 10.1 now correctly computes the underlying type of integer constants

3038798 - Error with CodePres_15_PointerDeclaration Rule with multiplicative *
Rule CodePres_15_PointerDeclaration now correctly processes multiplicative signs on the same line as pointer declarations.

3038963 - Extra violations reported for MISRA_9_2
MISRA 9.2 no longer flags correct initilization of multi-dimensional arrays

3039084 - Missing and unexpected violation, reported for MISRA_10_1
MISRA 10.1 now correctly computes the underlying types of complex expressions

5024591 - Error: syntax error before '{' when building a C RuleChecker project
General syntax of gcc for variable number of parameters of a macro is now taken into account.

1059992 - Ada parsing message "Loading information from cache"
The Ada analyzer gives the line of the first syntax error found in a file. The error is now also reported when loading the file during the second analysis phase.


4028074 - Diab dialect: sizeof with two args not supported
Logiscope C now supports the Diab dialect specific sizeof operator with two arguments

2037996, 2040938 - The Ada lc_line metric doesn't count certain comments
Ada lc_line is now calculated as for C++ and Java, taking into account the comments at the beginning and the end of a file.

4012982 - Cyclomatic values are *** and 0.00 for some calculations
When there is no control graph, VG is now equal to 0 rather than ***.

3023228 - Number of Lines (ap_lines) displays "***"
The value of metrics is now correctly displayed.

5024588 - Error in the description of the Basic metric “cl_data_publ: Number of public att
There was an error in the description of the basic metric "cl_data_publ: Number of public attributes". This is now solved.


7021133 - TestChecker for Ada cannot handle arrays of Boolean
An option can be activated in Ada Testchecker to evaluate whether an expression is a boolean in MCDC instrumentation. This can avoid compilation errors due to the erroneous instrumentation of boolean array expressions.

To activate this option, the line:
    lappend larg –b
should be added in the Scripts/build/test_ada.tcl file in the installation directory, after this line:
    set larg [cmn_jac::getArgs $prj {-sep -a -d -t -T -i -l}]


Contacting Support

Please visit our support overview site at:
You will find a one-sheet reference guide about how to best contact support in your geography.



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